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Look Ma...I'm Just like Hell kaizer...Befor He Went All Emo...

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So yeah lets talk about his key card


Cyber Dragon:



If there is a monster on your opponent's side of the field and

there are no monsters on your side of the field, you can Special

Summon this card from your hand.


Where does he belong on the list 1, 2 or maybe even 3?



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I don't why everyone is so scared of it. Monarchs haven't been top tier since Perfect Circle, and 1 or 2 more Cyber Dragons won't help them that much.


With the rewarding bad plays thing, if we banned every card which activated when you are at a disadvantage, then the first player to gain an advantage would automatically win :/


It's only Synchro Food, and that is the only reason it should stay limited.

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0, really. The fact that it has a laughable Special Summoning effect and 2100 ATK makes it so that it's rather skillless to use, and pretty much promotes bad play. That's my take on it.

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what if he had 1000 attack would he be not broken anymore?




All of your posts in here make it sound like you've never heard of this.


Anyways, I don't see the issue with leaving it where it is. It may be a free SS, but how often does it serve a good purpose in decks? Most decks can't find room for him, and thus he is a minor problem.

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