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Insert Wizard of OZ reference here.


Tornado Stabilizer




If you control a "Tornado" Spell Card, this card cannot be destroyed by effects or by battle. You can choose to activate the effect of "Tornado" Continuous Spell Cards.


Tornado Swordsman




When this card is Normal Summoned, return 1 card to the owner's hand.


Tornado Sorcerer




When this card is Special Summoned, your opponent discards two random cards.


Tornado Destructor




If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.


Tornado Caller




You can discard this card from your hand to add a "Tornado" Continuous Spell or Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. If this card is used for the Synchro Summon of a WIND monster, increase its Level by 2.


Tornado Spirit - Cyclos


Winged Beast/Synchro


1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner WIND monsters

This card can only be Special Summoned by Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned, return all face-down Spell and Trap Cards to the owner's hands. When this card returns to the Extra Deck, your opponent discards their entire hand and draws cards equal to the amount discarded. If this card would be sent to the Graveyard, it is returned to the Extra Deck instead. When this effect is activated, you cannot Synchro Summon "Tornado Spirit - Cyclos" until the second Standby Phase after activation.



Tornado God - Ouranos


Winged Beast/Synchro


1 WIND Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, return all non-WIND monsters and face-down cards to the owner's hands. If you control a "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card, this card cannot be targeted by effects. When this card attacks a monster, return it to the owner's hand, and deal damage equal to half its DEF. If this card is removed from the field, return it to the Extra Deck instead, and you cannot Synchro Summon "Tornado God - Ouranos" until your 2nd Standby Phase after activation.

Tornado Manipulator




When a card(s) is returned to the hand, Deck, or Extra Deck by the effect of a "Tornado" card, change the battle position of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.


Tornado Revivalist




If this card is sent to the Graveyard by the effect of a "Tornado" card, you can Special Summon it during the End Phase.


Tornado F1 - The Strongest Breeze

Continuous Spell

Only 1 "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card can exist on the field at a time. Once per turn, return 1 card your opponent controls to the owner's hand. If you cannot, return this card to your hand, and you cannot activate a "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card until your next Main Phase 1.


Tornado F2 - The Weakest Gale

Only 1 "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card can exist on the field at a time. Once per turn, return 1 card your opponent controls to the owner's hand and destroy 1 other card on the field. If you cannot, return this card to your hand, and you cannot activate a "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card until your next Main Phase 1.


Tornado F3 - The Howling Winds

Continuous Spell

Only 1 "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card can exist on the field at a time. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, return 2 cards your opponent controls to the owner's hand and destroy another card on the field.

If you cannot, return this card to your hand, and you cannot activate a "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card until your next Main Phase 1.


Tornado F4 - The Monsoon of Death

Continuous Spell

Only 1 "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card can exist on the field at a time. The only time during your Main Phase that

you cannot activate this card is if your Spell and Trap Card Zones are unuseable. Once per turn, destroy 2 other cards on the field. If you cannot, return this card to your hand, and you cannot activate a "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card until your next Main Phase 1.


Tornado F5 - Worldshredder

Continuous Spell

This card can only be activated by the effect of "God of the Cyclone - Ouranos". Only 1 "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card can exist on the field at a time. Once per turn, select and activate 1 of the following effects:

~ Tribute a "Tornado" monster you control to return all monsters your opponent controls to the owner's hand.

~ Tribute 2 "Tornado" monsters you control to destroy all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent conrols.

If you cannot activate either of these effects, return this card to your hand, and you cannot activate a "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card

until your next Main Phase 1.


Gale Whip

Normal Spell

You can only activate this card if you control a WIND monster. Discard a WIND monster in your hand to the Graveyard to destroy a Spell or Trap Card on the field.


Buffeting Blast

Normal Spell

You can only activate this card if you control a WIND monster. Remove a WIND monster in your Graveyard from play to return 1 other card on the field to the owner's hand.


Mental Tornado

Quickplay Spell

You can only activate this card if you control a "Tornado" monster. Select and activate 1 of the following effects:

~ Take control of 1 opponent's monster until the End Phase. While you control that monster, it cannot change its battle position.

~ Change the battle position of 1 monster on the field. Your opponent discards a card from their hand.


Whirlwind Bind

Continuous Trap

You can only activate this card if you control a "Tornado" Spell Card. Negate the effects of cards that activate when or by discarding from the hand(including itself).


Eye of the Tornado

Normal Trap

You can only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack while you control a "Tornado" Continuous Spell Card.

Your opponent's monsters cannot attack this turn.


Will update once I get access to Internet again.

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