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Pokemon Thunder and Lighting verions

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You play as either a male or female character frlgemtr136.pngfrlgemtr055.png The original character's names were Jesse and Setto.(jesse is not jesse from team rocket.) YOu can name them anything YOu want. At the beginning of the game you have to save professor monteral (a female professor who loves art) frlgemtr147.pngfrom an attacking pikachu dpmfb025.png

All u Pokemon fans should know the starters so tell me which one u want.

When u defeat the pikachu a shady guy comes out frlgemtr109.png and says "why did you do that to my poor pikachu! You will pay for that!!!" at the end of the fight he tells u who he is and what team he is from "team Dark fire" a team wanting to mask the world in darkness the rest of the story deals with u saveing the pokemon from their control by defeating them and their boss Regule frlgemtr000.png

and the darkrai he has under his control.will u save the world!?! tell me the name of your charecter and what starter pokemon u would choose

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