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The "Your Face" Game

Plaguespreader Zombie

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Become a master of your facery' date=' just like I am.


Someone posts a diss, and then you reply with a "your face" comeback. Then Post another diss.


For example:


A: That's an ugly blouse.

B: You're face is ugly. Your mom smells like piss.

A: Your face smells like piss. You're fat.


etc. etc. The better the diss, the harder it is to you're face it. The proportion of the difficulty of the diss to the potency of the your face comeback is how epic your face is.


Anyways, first diss.


You need to shower more often.


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U'r face


TRollin makes u ugly


Your face makes me troll.


Your face makes me pyramid quote.


Your face IS a pyramid quote.


Your face is the pyramid quote.

Your face smells like his butt.




Your face is like your moms.


your face is your mom

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U'r face


TRollin makes u ugly


Your face makes me troll.


Your face makes me pyramid quote.


Your face IS a pyramid quote.


Your face is the pyramid quote.

Your face smells like his butt.




Your face is like your moms.


your face is your mom


your mom's face is like my dog's but.

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