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Tune Moderator and Level Mixer

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Tune Moderator

lv 4 Light


When this card is normal summoned roll a die, then Special Summon a monster in your graveyard with a level equal to the result from the die, if you cannot do this switch this card into deffence position.

ATK/500 DEF/2000


Level Mixer

lv 1 Earth


Once per turn, you can treat this monster as either a lv 2,3,4,5 or 6 until the End-Phase, this effect can also be activated in the graveyard.


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Level Mixer seems broken. This + Debris + D. Tribe = Trident dragion.


As for the other card' date=' well it seems [b']just as bad[/b] because either you get an instant Synchro or a Defender.


And find a better OCG model.


Overall: 7/10. -1 for each broken card and -1 for bad OCG.


Need I explain myself further?

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