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Non-stop Riddle game....


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1. There is no prosercution for the wrong answer( you cant get -rep)

2. You can only post one answer at a time


4. Have fun

5. The more Riddles you get right from me the more I rep you


Ill start off....


One day a bee accidently killed an hornet, but before the hornet died it killed a fly. That same fly ate a peice of hambuger at a picnic before it was killed. Who was killed first?

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This thing lacks feet but have hands..always make a sound, but its never heard. Tells you whats happening but never speaks. What is it?


this is old, it's a clock.

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Correct +rep goes to snake_boy and suzuka for solving jekins' riddle

If you get these right....ill +rep you tomorrow..I've gave out all teh rep I can today


1.A laddr with 14 steps and 4 inches in between each is ona boat in the water. 3 steps are under the water. If teh water rises 6 inches how many steps would be under water?


2.A man completed in a race. He came in first but was the last one to start running. HOw is this possible?


3.If you were runnin a race, and you passed the guy in 2nd place, waht place would you been in now?


4.An young lady woke up one morning and noticed something in her pocket, she put her hand in her pocket and felt something that had an head and a tail. Why wasnt she terrified?

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For some reason I cant give out anymore +rep


Here are teh ppl that had these question right

1.Nobody got this right...THe answer would still be 3. Becuase teh boat floats


3.Max Darkness,suzuka_masuki


Here is a extremely Hard one...dont cheat either..no googling or searching for the answer.


An officer wishing to arrange his men in a solid square found during his first arrangement, that he had 39 men left over. He began started increasing the number of men on the sides by one, but found that 50 additional men would be needed to complete a new square. How many men did the officer have?

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  'qw12as34 said:

Here is a extremely Hard one...dont cheat either..no googling or searching for the answer.


An officer wishing to arrange his men in a solid square found during his first arrangement' date=' that he had 39 men left over. He began started increasing the number of men on the sides by one, but found that 50 additional men would be needed to complete a new square. How many men did the officer have?




He has 1975 men, arranged initially in a 44 x 44 square (1936 men used, 39 left over). He then increases it to a 45 x 45 square, but he needs 2025 men (50 more than he has).


That was enjoyable. :)



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