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Hello, this is my first contest I have made, basically, you make up your own archetype and post several monsters that go in that archetype, as well as some supporters. The winner will get 70 points, 2 reps and the winning archetype cards will be in my new pack "Colossal Nightmare", which me and my friend Master of Ozboz 9012 are making. Good luck!:lol:

Runner Up prize is that the cards'll appear in my Fan-Fic of my own Yu-Gi-Oh! Series.

The ending date is 13 AUGUST 2009. The winner will be chosen then. :lol:

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Ok, 70 points, 2 reps and the archetype will appear in my pack, At the competition end i'll reveal the pack cover. By the way, not too strong, not to weak, the types have to be real (Dragon, Spellcaster etc.) and simply NO Divine-Beasts. :(

Is it ok now?

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I'm in.

Element Warrior Archtype



[spoiler=Animal Tamer Lore]Once per turn, if you have a Warrior-Type monster on your side of the field, you can control 1 face-up Beast-Warrior-Type monster on your opponent's side of the field until the End Phase of your turn. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by the attack of a non-Beast-Warrior-Type monster, decrease the attacking monsters ATK by




[spoiler=Samurai Lore]This card is unaffected by any Trap cards. If this card is successfully Summoned, you can add 1 Equip Spell card from your Deck to your hand. Increase this cards ATK by 300 for every Equip Spell card attached to it. Once per turn, you can Remove 1 Equip Spell card attached to this card to select and activate 1 of the following effects:

*Destroy 1 Equip Spell card on your opponents side of the field

*Draw 3 cards from your Deck. If 1 of them has "Element Warrior" in it's name, draw 1 more card.


[spoiler=Ninja Lore]This card is unaffected by any Trap cards or Equip Spell cards. When this card destroys a monster in battle, you can Special Summon 1 "Ninja-Token"(Warrior-Type/DARK/Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 450) to your side of the field. As long as this card is remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot Summon monsters whose total Level Stars equal 3 or less.



[spoiler=Lizard Knight Lore]This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of Trap cards. Increase this cards ATK by 200 for every card that has "Elemental Warrior" in its name. When this card is attacked and destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by battle with a non-Reptile-Type monster, equip this card to the attacking monster. The attacking monster cannot attack or Tributed. When the equipped monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, destroy this card.


[spoiler=Elf Archer Lore]This card is unaffected by any Effect monsters. When this card is remains face-up on your side of the field, during each of your Standby Phase, inflict 200 Direct Damage to your opponents Life Points. If this card delivers Direct Damage to your opponents Life Points, you can place 1 "Arrow Counter" on this card. when the Counter reaches 5, you can Special Summon 1 card that has "Element Warrior" on its name.


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Nice, now can you add some Spell and Trap cards to the "Element Warriors". Every archetype has supporting Spell and Trap cards.


Oh, now it's back.

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how much that I should make?


Just make 4 or 5 Spell and Trap cards.

May I use an archtype that I have posted elsewhere?


Yes' date=' you may.[hr']

How big should the archetype be?

6 cards? 8? 10? more?


Anything from 6 to 12.

How big should the archetype be?

6 cards? 8? 10? more?


As many as you like. :P But not too many. :(

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If you add an Ultra Rare monster card to your archetype, it may become the Cover Card of the pack. By the way, when I chose the winning archetype, I will change the Set ID to CONI. (CONI stands of Colossal Nightmare.) Please enter :):):):):)

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Entry Reseved


here is my cards:








This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by having exactly 2 Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard and 1 Warrior-type monster in the field. When this card is Special Summoned by its own effect, select 3 Spell or Trap cards your opponent controls, the selected cards cannot be activated while this card is face-up in the field. During your next Standby Phase, destroy this card.[/align]






This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by having exactly 2 Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard and 1 Warrior-type monster in the field. When this card is Special Summoned by its own effect, select 3 monster cards your opponent controls, increase your life points by halve ATK points of the selected cards. During your next Standby Phase, destroy this card.[/align]






This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by having exactly 2 Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard and 1 Warrior-type monster in the field. When this card is Special Summoned by its own effect, your opponent cannot conduct his/her Battle Phase while this card is face-up on the field. During your next End Phase, Destroy this card.[/align]






This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by having exactly 3 Spellcaster-Type monster in your Graveyard and 2 Warrior-type monster in the field. When this card is Special Summoned by its own effect, Special Summon a a number of Spellcaster-Type monster from your Graveyard equal to the total number of "Beat Angel" monsters you control. During your next Standby phase, destroy this card.[/align]






Each time a "Beat Angel" monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can pay 1000 of your Life Points to add 1 "Beat Angel" monster from your Deck or from your Graveyard to your Hand.[/align]





1 Tuner + "Beat Angel Escalayer" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Synchro Summon. When this card is Special Summoned by its own effect, Special Summon 3 "Beat Angel" Monsters from your Graveyard (ignoring the Summoning condintions). If you activate this effect, this card cannot declare an attack this turn. During your End Phase, destroy this card.[/align]


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Here are mine.

[spoiler=Monsters]336618.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Set or Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by discarding 2 cards from your hand and Releasing 1 monster in your control. Once per turn, you can look at 6 cards from the top of your deck, and reveal them. Then if any of them are 'Scrapyard Monster' cards, activate the corresponding effect. @1 or 2-Special Summon 1 of the reavealed 'Scrapyard Monster' cards. @3, 4, or 5-Add all the reavealed cards to your hand. If activating this effect makes you have more than 8 cards in your hand, discard 3 cards. @6-You win the Duel if you have less Life Points than your opponent.





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Can i just post a link to the thread where i originally posted the archetype?


Can't you just post them again' date=' I mean you can show me the link if you want but...:?[hr']

when you start judging the cards?


At the end date (September 1st)

Here is a link then to my old thread which contains the archtype.




Nice. :)





You can see more of the cards (as well as the second archetype mentioned in the support cards) here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-141630.html


Great! ThaT's the way to go!

Here are mine.

[spoiler=Monsters]336618.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Set or Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by discarding 2 cards from your hand and Releasing 1 monster in your control. Once per turn' date=' you can look at 6 cards from the top of your deck, and reveal them. Then if any of them are 'Scrapyard Monster' cards, activate the corresponding effect. @1 or 2-Special Summon 1 of the reavealed 'Scrapyard Monster' cards. @3, 4, or 5-Add all the reavealed cards to your hand. If activating this effect makes you have more than 8 cards in your hand, discard 3 cards. @6-You win the Duel if you have less Life Points than your opponent.






Hmm, a bit weird but they're good.

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So there's no entry fee? 'cause I'm not seeing one.

Regardless, I want in please.



This card can only be played in Face-Up Defense Position. When your opponent attacks this card, switch its Attack and Defense during the Damage Step only.


Once per turn, you may select one of the following effects:

- If "Swordsmistress Iyate" is on your field, increase this cards Attack by 350 points.

- If more than one card with "Swordsmistress" in its name is on your side of the field, select on card on the field and return it to the owners hand.

- If this is the only card on the field, it cannot be destroyed as a result of battle.


This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:

-When this card is attacked while in Attack Mode, increase the Attack of the card by 700 points during the Damage Step only.


When this card is on your side of the field, during the Battle Phase only, decrease the Attack of every monster on your opponents side of the field by 200 for every monster with "Swordsmistress" in its name. This effect can only be used if there is another card with "Swordsmistress" in its name on your side of the field.


This card can be Special Summoned from your hand when "Swordmistress Mato" is in your hand or on your field. When this card and "Swordsmistress Mato" is on your side of the field, this card can attack your opponents Life Points directly.


When this card attacks a monster in Face-Down Defense Position, send it to the grave and negate whatever effect it has. Each time you do this, your opponent gains 300 Life Points.


FLIP: Select one Face Down Spell or Trap on your opponents field. If it is a Trap, remove it from play, and inflict 200 Points of Damage to your opponent. If it is a Spell, send it to your opponents hand, and they must shuffle their deck.


This card can be Special Summoned from your hand when "Swordmistress Kato" is in your hand or on your field. When this card and "Swordsmistress Kato" is on your side of the field, this card may attack twice per turn.


Once per turn during you Second Main Phase, you may flip this card in face-down Defense Position. Also, this card is treated as 2 monsters when Tribute Summoning a monster with "Swordsmiststress" in its name.


If "Swordsmistress Kushinada" is on your side of the field, you may flip it in Face-Down Defense Position during your End Phase.

If "Swordsmistress Kushinada" is not on your side of the field, you may Special Summon this card to your field from your hand.


Yes, I realize, no spells or traps. Is that bad?

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No, entry fee is 0. It's ok if you don't use Spell and Traps, it would be good if you did but you can do whatever you want.

Hey, I have a YCM first, a glimpse at the cardlist of my new "Colossal Nightmare" pack, remember, the winning archetype will get put in this pack. Good luck!!! :):):):):)



CONI-EN001: Mini Knight

CONI-EN002: Infinity Beast – Titanic Golem

CONI-EN003: Infinity Beast – Demon Assassinator ®

CONI-EN004: Infinity Beast – Scarlet Dragon (UR)

CONI-EN005: Infinity Beast – Earth Core

CONI-EN006: Infinity Beast – Lord of the Underworld (SCR)

CONI-EN007: Infinity Beast – Lord of the Overworld (SCR)

CONI-EN008: Poras

CONI-EN009: Giant Red

CONI-EN010: Giant Yellow

CONI-EN011: Giant Blue

CONI-EN012: Giant Green

CONI-EN013: ClonerMan

CONI-EN014: Alien Slime

CONI-EN015: “Alien monster”

CONI-EN016: “Alien monster”

CONI-EN017: “Alien monster”

CONI-EN018: “Alien monster”


CONI-EN0??: “Winning Archetype Cards”


CONI-EN0??: Blackwing – Golara the Multi Winged Knight

CONI-EN0??: “Blackwing Monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Blackwing Monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Blackwing Monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Blackwing Monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Alien Synchro”

CONI-EN0??: “Nitro monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Nitro monster”


CONI-EN037: Bigshield Knight

CONI-EN038: Bigsword Knight

CONI-EN039: Infinity Beast – Rainbow Warrior (UR)

CONI-EN040: Ancient Dragon Rider


CONI-EN046: Gun’s on you


CONI-EN081: Alligator’s Sword

CONI-EN082: Berfomet

CONI-EN083: Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast

CONI-EN084: Crystal Skull

CONI-EN085: Ashoka Pillar

CONI-EN086: Cabrera Stone

CONI-EN087: Triangle-O

CONI-EN088: Alpha the Magnet Warrior

CONI-EN089: Beta the Magnet Warrior

CONI-EN090: Gamma the Magnet Warrior

CONI-EN091: Valkyrion the Magna Warrior

CONI-EN092: Silent Magician LV4

CONI-EN093: Silent Magician LV8

CONI-EN094: Ushi Oni

CONI-EN095: Giant Ushi Oni

CONI-EN096: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

CONI-EN097: “Blue-Eyes monster”

CONI-EN098: “Kuriboh archetype monster”

CONI-EN099: Totem Pole

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No' date=' entry fee is 0. It's ok if you don't use Spell and Traps, it would be good if you did but you can do whatever you want.[hr']

Hey, I have a YCM first, a glimpse at the cardlist of my new "Colossal Nightmare" pack, remember, the winning archetype will get put in this pack. Good luck!!! :):):):):)



CONI-EN001: Mini Knight

CONI-EN002: Infinity Beast – Titanic Golem

CONI-EN003: Infinity Beast – Demon Assassinator ®

CONI-EN004: Infinity Beast – Scarlet Dragon (UR)

CONI-EN005: Infinity Beast – Earth Core

CONI-EN006: Infinity Beast – Lord of the Underworld (SCR)

CONI-EN007: Infinity Beast – Lord of the Overworld (SCR)

CONI-EN008: Poras

CONI-EN009: Giant Red

CONI-EN010: Giant Yellow

CONI-EN011: Giant Blue

CONI-EN012: Giant Green

CONI-EN013: ClonerMan

CONI-EN014: Alien Slime

CONI-EN015: “Alien monster”

CONI-EN016: “Alien monster”

CONI-EN017: “Alien monster”

CONI-EN018: “Alien monster”


CONI-EN0??: “Winning Archetype Cards”


CONI-EN0??: Blackwing – Golara the Multi Winged Knight

CONI-EN0??: “Blackwing Monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Blackwing Monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Blackwing Monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Blackwing Monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Alien Synchro”

CONI-EN0??: “Nitro monster”

CONI-EN0??: “Nitro monster”


CONI-EN037: Bigshield Knight

CONI-EN038: Bigsword Knight

CONI-EN039: Infinity Beast – Rainbow Warrior (UR)

CONI-EN040: Ancient Dragon Rider


CONI-EN046: Gun’s on you


CONI-EN081: Alligator’s Sword

CONI-EN082: Berfomet

CONI-EN083: Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast

CONI-EN084: Crystal Skull

CONI-EN085: Ashoka Pillar

CONI-EN086: Cabrera Stone

CONI-EN087: Triangle-O

CONI-EN088: Alpha the Magnet Warrior

CONI-EN089: Beta the Magnet Warrior

CONI-EN090: Gamma the Magnet Warrior

CONI-EN091: Valkyrion the Magna Warrior

CONI-EN092: Silent Magician LV4

CONI-EN093: Silent Magician LV8

CONI-EN094: Ushi Oni

CONI-EN095: Giant Ushi Oni

CONI-EN096: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

CONI-EN097: “Blue-Eyes monster”

CONI-EN098: “Kuriboh archetype monster”

CONI-EN099: Totem Pole


That's a lot of cards :P

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Yep, and I'll make most of them. The lucky minner would have made a few, and 17 of them have either only been released in OCG or in Video Games. I will update the card list every Friday from now on. :P So if you want to see the card list updated, just check every Friday. The last update list will be on August 24th. On the closing date, expect the cover AND the entire 100 card list. Remember, EVERY Friday!!! ;)

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