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Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Tournament!(if in rong place plz move dnt lock!)

Yu-gi-oh Dude

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Hey this is the Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Tournament.



Entry Fee is 15 points.

No cheating or lying about whether you won or lost.

We will battle on the mats and on the mats only i will be there to guide you to where to go just let yourself be known when i get there.




Time you can battle:

Server you will battle on:





I will match you the belt closest to you so its not white vs black cuz then the black wins.


My account is Super Man 5(i no i made it when i was 7) for reference.




1st:3 rep and half the pot

2nd:2 rep and a quarter of the pot

3rd:1 rep and the other quarter of the pot





The first match will be on the first day of the next month and the contestants will be mailed the details.


The match ups will appear here.

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