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Burning Rubber... Literally!!!

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except from your hand when you control 2 or more face-up Zombie-Type monsters. When this card is Special Summoned' date=' return all other monsters on the field to their respective owner's Decks. This card's ATK is the number of Zombie-Type monsters returned to the Deck by this card's effect x 1000.



Don't see much use for this card, except as a Level 8 Beatstick. That's all it really is I suppose. Max ATK is OVER 9000!!! if both players have a field full of Zombie's.





BTW: Art kicks @$$.

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If this worked with Zombie World it would make for quite an interesting finisher in a Zombie Deck. However it doesn't so....yeah...there's a definite use gone. The best use I can actually see for this is in a Zombie Mirror Match, otherwise I'm really not sure how you use this at all.

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except from your hand when you control 2 or more face-up Zombie-Type monsters. When this card is Special Summoned' date=' return all other monsters on the field to their respective owner's Decks. This card's ATK is the number of Zombie-Type monsters returned to the Deck by this card's effect x 1000.



Don't see much use for this card, except as a Level 8 Beatstick. That's all it really is I suppose. Max ATK is OVER 9000!!! if both players have a field full of Zombie's.





BTW: Art kicks @$$.


Not really. You need a monster space to put this card on, so there can only be 9 other monsters on the field, so this card's ATK only goes up to 9000.

Maybe this could be used for Zombie World. Wait a minute...


If this worked with Zombie World it would make for quite an interesting finisher in a Zombie Deck. However it doesn't so....yeah...there's a definite use gone. The best use I can actually see for this is in a Zombie Mirror Match' date=' otherwise I'm really not sure how you use this at all.



...apparently it can't be. Oh well, at least:

• It comes into play with at least 2000 ATK usually.

• It's Trade In food.

• It's great for Zombie Mirror Matches.

• It clears the field of monsters allowing for a direct attack.


I would main-deck if I had a Zombie deck just to try it out.


@JG, maybe they have to be Zombies in the deck, where Zombie World doesn't reach them.

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Reason why it doesn't work with Zombie World was something I researched before, it returns the monsters to the deck...it's attack is calculated and resolved once they return to the deck...where they are no longer zombies, so it will clear the field however it will not gain any attack additions for what it bounced back that was not originally a zombie.

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This is actually rather good as it sets up for the win' date=' expecially with the rumored next banlist and 3 trunades, this could put Zombies over the top. Drop a trunade, drop this and ram them for game.



That was in the back of my mind when I posted this, but with ZW not working with this, it might not be that good in the end.

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Zombie Rescue Monk World?……



Tool of the system.


*tilts head* umm... lol...?



Not only can you use zombie recursion on Rescue Cat, but Monk can dump extra Terraformings and stuff. Get out Zombie World, sumon Cat, tribute for 2 Airbellums, return all monsters, revive Cat w/ Zombie stuff, sync it up.

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