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This AWESOME banner was made by a great person named 'Halo Ring'


Welcome to the race!!!






Hello there and welcome to the "Dragon's Lair' contest.Here,since your new,read this ' I need help!! ' book.It'll help you ALOT!!

[spoiler=**OPENS BOOK**]

[spoiler=Page 1:Introduction]

You have to make monsters on what round it is.I'll tell you what attribute/stars/type/pic and you do the rest.You have 'Power Cards'.The more Power Cards you have,the more chance you win!!




[spoiler=Page 2:Rules]

All YCM rules apply

No one can have the same pic on a card

Don't use effect from a real yu gi oh monster

Don't use cards made by other people

you can have a limit of 5 cards per stage




[spoiler=Page 3:Stages ]

[spoiler=Stage 1:The Cave]

As you start the contest,you see a furry shadow on the wall.It was the Cave Monster.It was the last one left in the world.It needed a friend.A lot of friends


Make any Beast-Type monster(s),you do the rest.You can have a limit of 5 monsters in this stage.



[spoiler=SEMI FINALS!!]

You see the dragon's lair,only a few Meters away!!!!. But something blocks it,it's 'THE GOLDEN SHIELD'.The only way to break that is to use a special Warrior Hammer.And you found it stuck on a stone!! You looked through your power cards to get your strongest monster to get the sword out,but QUICK because the others are catching up!!!!


Make any lv. 10 monster and Give an Equip card that has Warrior Hammer in it's name!!!








[spoiler=Entry Ticket]

Driver Name: (not username)

Driving type: (look at driving types,choose a type)

Price:10 points




[spoiler=Driving Types]

This means that you choose an attribute for the monsters you'll be using. Example:

If i use a Flame Motorcycle i'll only use Fire-Type monsters


Rock Car (earth Type monsters)

Flame Motorcycle (fire type monsters)

Cloud (wind type monsters)

Lightning Rollerskates(Light type monsters)

Surfboard(Water-Type monsters)

Black Horse(Dark-Type monsters)





[spoiler=Gold You can have from the Dragon's lair (Prizes) ]

1st place:100 points,FREE shop 3 item gift card and the Golden Dragon Cup

2nd place:50 points and 2 mystery prizes!

3rd place:30 points and mystery prize!



[spoiler=What the Gold Cup looks like ]









[spoiler=[b]Drivers,not much left so,SEMI-FINAL ROUND!!![/b]]

Green---Posted Cards

Red-----DIDN'T Post Cards

[spoiler= [color=#FF4500]Yu Gi Oh Dude[/color] ]

Name:Ferno Hakso

Driving Type:Flame Motorcycle

[spoiler= Power Cards]






[spoiler=[color=#32CD32]Halo Ring[/color]]

Name - ShadowX

Driving Type - Lightning Rollerskates

[spoiler=Power Cards]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play all cards in your Graveyard. When this card is Successfully Summoned, send your Deck to the Graveyard. This card gains 200 ATK for every card in your Graveyard (Max. 4400). While this card is Face-Up on the field, you cannot draw a card during your Draw Phase. This card cannot be destroyed by Trap Cards. Once per turn, remove from play 2 cards in your Graveyard to activate 1 of the following effects: - Increase the ATK of all other Monster's you control by 600 until the End Phase. - Increase your Life Points by 1200. - Place 1 "Chaos Counter" on this card. A Monster with a "Chaos Counter" on it cannot be destroyed by the effect of a Spell Card. During the 2nd Standby Phase this effect was activated, destroy all "Chaos Counters" on this card.

[spoiler=SEMI FINALS]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play all cards in your Graveyard. When this card is Successfully Summoned, send your Deck to the Graveyard. This card gains 200 ATK for every card in your Graveyard (Max. 3400). While this card is Face-Up on the field, you cannot draw a card during your Draw Phase. This card cannot be destroyed by Trap Cards. Once per turn, remove from play 2 cards in your Graveyard to activate 1 of the following effects: - Increase the ATK of all other Monster's you control by 600 until the End Phase. - Increase your Life Points by 1200. - Place 1 "Chaos Counter" on this card. A Monster with a "Chaos Counter" on it cannot be destroyed by the effect of a Spell Card. During the 2nd Standby Phase this effect was activated, destroy all "Chaos Counters" on this card. Once per turn, you can equip this card to a monster OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this effect, that monster gains 1300 ATK. When the equipped monster destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, remove from play 1 card on the field.


This card can only be equipped to "Skull, Necro of Michinga Grave". During each of your Standby Phases you either lose 2000 Life Points or discard 4 cards. If you cannot, this card and the equipped monster are removed from play. While this card is equipped to a monster, it gains 100 ATK for every monster in your Graveyard. If the equipped monster has 5000 or more ATK, you can tribute it to inflict damage to your Opponent equal to the amount of Life Points you have.








Driver Name: Luis Nagisa

Driving Type: Cloud

[spoiler=Power Cards]






[spoiler= [color=#32CD32](CC)[/color] ]

Driver Name:The Great Unknown

Driving Type:Dark Horse

[spoiler=Power Cards]


[spoiler=SEMI FINALS]










Driver Name: Namo

Driving type: Black Horse

[spoiler=Power Cards]













[spoiler=Dragon Slayers (judges)]



3.Exa Raiun




Another great contest is the HUGE Dinosaur card contest!!!!!!

Oh,and also,don't forget to pay 10 Dragon Coins (points) before you enter!!


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