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Five Savior Synchros

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Yes, but when he duels Yusuke without the use of Darkness, it's pretty much confirmed that Red-Eyes Black Dragon was his own Deck. All Darkness did was make him evil.


I trust you caught my suggestion for Savior Black Dragon's name? It really makes him fit into the archetype, since they're based on having "Red-Eyes" in the name.


Dark Wings of the Messiah should be Blackwing - Savior Wing.

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Savior Bomb is a similar to End of the Storm but at most can do 900 damage, and it's a +0.


Plus One is okay, but it should be "draw 1 card." The puns are that you Special Summon a Level 1 monster and draw 1 card. That and you can only activate when you've Special Summoned a Level 1 monster. So there are really three puns.


Salvation Anchor would be better as a Continuous Spell Card, actually. Just make it so that it affects all Saviors.


Salvation of the Peasants sounds a lot more awesome than Savior of the Small.

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