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The world(Not started, accepting, original battle system)


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The world has become ignorant to time and year, though it is a happy world in which many developed countries participate in an unkown sport which consists of fighting styles and cards and a type of attack using spirit known as an ' V-aura', the annual tournament for Evita is about to open, though fighters are unaware of the true events surrounding the tournament


How the game works

Each fighter has a certain style and weapons to use for their style, they also have a deck of five cards which can help boost their performance in the fight, these are played by placing it on the designated area on the fighters weapon
for instance, a healing card could be used to regain health, or a weightless card to make the fighter lighter or their weapon lighter



Appearance(pic or description):
Style(can be imaginary):
Weapon(again, imaginary):
Reason for joining the tournament:
Relation to other characters (Can be N/A)
Cards( just a basic name so we can guess what they do)


My Apps

Appearance(pic or description):Long red hair just coming to his shoulders, usually tied up so that he has a fringe, bangs and a ponytail, 5,9, blue/green eyes, Long samurai trousers, red and green with odd patterns around the waist and ankles
Style(can be imaginary):Runner on the hill( a speedy attack based style that focuses on staying in one place)
Weapon(again, imaginary):Daybreak (A very light sword)
Reason for joining the tournament: Ruki plans to follow in his brother and cousins footsteps by winning this tournament and eventually the world
Bio:Ruki was always considered a decent fighter amongst his peers, though around others he was judged and quickly thrown away by them due to his use of 'dead' style
Personality:stubborn but can be helpful and wise
Relation to other characters: None
V-aura:Oresama (Wings which boost Ruki's speed and allow him to use his flight
Cards:V-aura Gain, Recover C,Defense Boost,Attack Boost,V-aura gain


Grammar please, as long as it's nutn lik d15
No God-modding
Please send me an app or post one if you want to join
Try to post regularily and make them at least 10 words long


Thats it for now

it's fine if anyone wants to be villian

I do plan to make one or two as soon as people begin to join

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