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Miami Racers (Street Racing Life RP) [PG-15] (Not started, still accepting)


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[spoiler=Plot]Your either a Street Racer with a tricked out car, racing for money, Women, or Respect, An Undercover Cop posing as a Street Racer, to catch the Mobsters that spend there extra time racing, or A Mechanic, giving the Racers what they need to make a good car, for a hefty price of course.








Age(Older then 18 please):

Appearance(Picture Please):

Occupation(Don't have to be a Cop, Racer, or Mechanic, but at least make sense with the Street Racing World):

Car Appearance(Picture Please):

Bio(How you got connected with the Racing World):





[spoiler=My Application]

Username:~Solid Snake~

Name: Virgil "Cold" Torron

Sex: Male

Age: 25



Occupation: Street Racer

Car Appearance:


Bio: Virgil's older brother, Sam, was a Street racer, and would commonly take Virgil to watch the races. Virgil fell in love with Street Racing and joined up at the age of 19, he has been racing every since.






1. ~Solid Snake~--Virgil "Cold" Torron

2. Jadengt--Valon Yasu


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Username: Jadengt

Name: Valon Yasu

Sex: M

Age(Older then 18 please): 21

Appearance(Picture Please): Haseo.jpg

Occupation(Don't have to be a Cop, Racer, or Mechanic, but at least make sense with the Street Racing World): Racer

Car Appearance(Picture Please): DriftRed.jpg

Bio(How you got connected with the Racing World): His father was a cop and Valon heard about all the racers and decided to be one

(Can I add another character later on in the story?)

Crush: --

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