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Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Ultimate Heroes [Battle City 2 Started!! All members entered]


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OOC: For what? If its about the tourney all you need to do is this


Zack filled out the tournement registration form and returned it to the tournement offcial

Zack: "I'm all signed up. Now all thats left is to destroy every one in the tournement." Zack laughed maniacly

Tourney Official: "That kid needs to get laid badly."

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Rick, David, Mike, and Marcia filled out the registration form

Rick: "Looks like we're all signed up. (I wonder if thatguy will be there.)"

David: "That other dude that you dueled last night will probably be entered too."

Marcia: "Please don't over exert yourself Rick."

Mike: "I can't Believe I lost to Viza!!! : (" Mike has a flash back

Viza: "I summon Kuiyzvrion Desritus! And I activate Raigeki! And now Kuiyzvrion Desritus, attack!


Mike's LP: 2000>0



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Zenia: "I play one card face down and summon Seven Deadly Sins-Greed. And I activate his effect to activate your Foolish Burial on my Grave Return Demon. And His effect allow me to special summon him to the field. And I'll activate Dark Hole and chain my Spell Wall to it. Now I have Greed and my Grave Return Demon attack. And I place one card face down.


[spoiler=Zenia's Unknown cards]SevenDeadlySins-Greed.jpgGraveReturnDemon.jpgSpellWall.jpg



LP: Zenia: LP=800

LP: Sythe: LP=900

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Zenia: "I sacrifice both my monsters to summon King Demon Archfiend. And I use Monster Resurrection to bring my Grave Return Demon. Also,I discard the last 2 cards from my hand to increase the ATK of my King Demon Archfiend by 600. And I activate my face down. Heavy Storm. Now King Demon Archfiend , attacks your Lava Golem. And Grave Return Demon attacks directly. You did well."

[spoiler=Zenia's cards]KingDemonArchfiend.jpgMonsterResurrection.jpg



Sythe's LP: 1900>0


Zenia: "Here. You can use this card next duel."

[spoiler=Zenia handed Sythe this card.]SevenDeadlySins-Envy.jpg


OOC: Make a strong fusion monster with it.

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Zenia: "I sacrifice both my monsters to summon King Demon Archfiend. And I use Monster Resurrection to bring my Grave Return Demon. Also' date='I discard the last 2 cards from my hand to increase the ATK of my King Demon Archfiend by 600. And I activate my face down. Heavy Storm. Now King Demon Archfiend , attacks your Lava Golem. And Grave Return Demon attacks directly. You did well."

[spoiler=Zenia's cards']KingDemonArchfiend.jpgMonsterResurrection.jpg



Sythe's LP: 1900>0


Zenia: "Here. You can use this card next duel."

[spoiler=Zenia handed Sythe this card.]SevenDeadlySins-Envy.jpg


OOC: Make a strong fusion monster with it.



Lava Golem is on YOUR SIDE OF THE FIELD! And you take 1000 damage in your standby phases!

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OoC: Sorry for the absence.


Shadow saw Zenia dueling Sythe. "A duel' date=' huh?" Shadow mumbled, approaching them to see what was going on...



OOC: No prob.


Zenia walked past Shadow

Zenia: "Please don't challenge me to a duel. I just got finished with one. However, I look forward to dueling you in the tournemet."

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