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The "Top This!" Game


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  • a tank that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank that shoots bulletsturn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank that shoots bulletsturn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank that shoots bullets.....

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a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning into a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets...

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An army of tanks lead by monkeys that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning into a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets that turn into chuck norris who kicks something thus turning it into a tank lead by monkeys that shoots bullets...

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An army of robot zombie vampire werewolf mermaid cyborg witches, who use a spell to make an army of robot zombie vampire werewolf mermaid cyborg chuck norrises, which they then use to roundhouse kick themselves into the future where they proclaim themselves overlords of the entire human race.

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