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Zombie Synhcro Contest!!!! FINISHED CONTEST:


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heres the card

il post u the points soon


heres the card

il post u the points soon



the card info:

(1 plaguespreader zombie+1 or more non=tuner zombie type monsters)

when this monster is destroyed it can be re-summoned at the end phase.

you must discard 1 card to activate this effect

.at the end phase you can special summon up to 2 "darknight zombie" tokens

.sacrifice 2 "darknight zombie"tokens to special summon A zombie type monster(you can only activate this effect during your turn)

hope u like it!

sent u the points

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Card Lore:

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters.

While this card is in defence position it cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. Once per turn as long as this card remains face-up on the field you can special summon 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard.

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ok i'll use this card instead its freshly made



1 Tuner + 1 or more Zombie-Type monsters.

Once per turn, send 1 Zombie-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard except the card sent to the Graveyard by this effect. A monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack or be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon until the 2nd End Phase after this effect is activated.

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ok i'll use this card instead its freshly made



1 Tuner + 1 or more Zombie-Type monsters.

Once per turn' date=' send 1 Zombie-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard except the card sent to the Graveyard by this effect. A monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack or be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon until the 2nd End Phase after this effect is activated.





contest ends august 10th still 3 more spots, plz enter, and judges start pming me your results

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ok contest ends saturday, yes this saturday, so all contesttants should prob check in to see what the judging is, and if there is anymore who want to join they should enter, all judges plz pm me your results so far.


and also plz pm me if i should host another contest

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I'll join.




[spoiler=Lore]1 Zombie Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner Zombie monsters

When Synchro Summoned successfully, put 1 Zombie Counter on this card (Max 3). Each time a Zombie-Type monster is Special Summoned, add 1 Zombie Counter to this card. By removing 1 Zombie Counter and this card, you can Special Summon a Level 8 or lower Zombie-Type with 2000 or less ATK. By removing 3 Zombie Counters, this monster can attack directly. If it does, its attack is halved and you skip your next Battle Phase.


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yeah you are i just havent got to iot yet



cmc1234 My Scores



Pic= 7 /10 its overused

OCG= 9 /10

Effect= 9/10

Originality= 7/10

Overall Look= 8/10



SlashByte(sent me card though pm)


Pic= 9 /10

OCG= 8 /10 some spelling errors

Effect= 7/10 good effect, sorta balanced

Originality= 6/10

Overall Look= 8/10




Pic= 9 /10

OCG= 9 /10

Effect= 6.5/10

Originality= 7/10

Overall Look= 9/10




Pic= 7.5 /10

OCG= 7 /10

Effect= 8/10

Originality= 6/10

Overall Look= 8/10




Pic= 4/10 its verey bad and offensive

OCG= 4 /10 spelled some things wrong as well with ocg

Effect= 6/10

Originality= 8/10

Overall Look= 7/10




Pic= 2/10 its verey bad and blurry

OCG= 5 /10 verey off, need to capitilize

Effect= 5/10 you will have to many cards on your field

Originality= 2/10 its a zombie from a movie, not original

Overall Look= 3/10 no bg and is missing some verey basic things




Pic= 9.5/10 it kinds doesnt suit a zombie card

OCG= 10/10

Effect= 8/10

Originality= 8/10

Overall Look= 9/10




Pic= 6.5/10 overused idea of a pic, more like a feind

OCG= 7/10

Effect= 8/10

Originality= 6/10

Overall Look= 8/10



Zelda hero 1


Pic= 9/10 good zombie dragon

OCG= 6/10

Effect= 6/10 its like a bunch of effects in 1 card

Originality= 6/10 meh, its not anything new, iv seen the effect before

Overall Look= 9/10 the pic goes a long way




Andy P


Pic= 6.5/10 its blurry, and an all black bg

OCG= 5/10 no sacrifice, its Tribute, also others but that stuck out

Effect= 6/10

Originality= 6/10

Overall Look= 7.5/10






Pic= 6/10 um it's a card that belongs in pop culture

OCG= 7/10

Effect= 7.5/10

Originality= 5/10 iv seen that effect many times

Overall Look= 8/10 pic goes a long way




Death Seeker- Delano


Pic= 8/10 the image is a but blurry

OCG= 8/10

Effect= 9.5/10 verey usefull, and balanced

Originality= 7/10

Overall Look= 7.5/10






Pic= 4/10 bad pic, no bg, written on the bottem, overused idea

OCG= 7/10 capitulation errors as well as ocg

Effect= 8/10

Originality= 6/10 that effect is used alot, the pic isnt original either

Overall Look= 6/10 pic brings you down






Pic= 4/10

OCG= 7.5/10

Effect= 8/10 balanced

Originality= 6/10 i see alot of Spell couneters on effects before

Overall Look= 6/10 that pic brings you down




i want tmdude and enkoman, and Death Seeker-Delano to make a new card and the better 1 will get 2nd place, the second best will get 3rd, the last best will get 4th

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Ok here is my second card hope ya like it.


[spoiler=Effect]"1 Zombie-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters."

While this card is face-up on the field it is treated as a Warrior-Type monster. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can remove from play in your Graveyard 1 level 2 or lower Zombie-Type monster, if you do your opponent randomly discards 1 card from their hand.


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Ok here is my second card hope ya like it.


[spoiler=Effect]"1 Zombie-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters."

While this card is face-up on the field it is treated as a Warrior-Type monster. Once per turn' date=' during your Main Phase, you can remove from play in your Graveyard 1 level 2 or lower Zombie-Type monster, if you do your opponent randomly discards 1 card from their hand.




ok now we just need enkoman or whatever his name is

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thanks XD for the w/e his name his


anyway my 2nd card



1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters.

[spoiler=effect]While this card is face-up on the field all Zombie-Type monsters cannot be targeted by monster effects or the effects of Spell cards. Once per turn, discard 1 Zombie-Type from your hand to destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field. When you use this effect this card cannot attack until the End Phase. During your End Phase if this is the only Zombie-Type monster on your side of the field discard 1 Zombie-Type monster from your hand or destroy this card.


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here we go


"Plaguespreader Zombie" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is the only monster you control, you can remove this card from play to Special Summon as many Zombie-Type monsters from your hand or Graveyard as possible. Your opponent gains 500 Life Points for all Level 5 or higher monsters Special Summoned by this effect. During the End Phase, destroy all cards Summoned by this effect and send this card back to your Extra Deck.

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Pic= 8/10

OCG= 7.5 /10

Effect= 8/10 seems blanced but its like a bunch of effects cramed into 1

Originality= 8/10

Overall Look= 8.5/10



Death Seeker- Delano


Pic= 7.5/10 the image suits a machine-type monster

OCG= 8/10

Effect= 8/10

Originality= 7/10

Overall Look= 7.5/10





Pic= 8/10 its been used before

OCG= 9 /10

Effect= 9/10

Originality= 7/10

Overall Look= 7.5/10



i need tmdude and enkoman to make 1 more card to see who wins 2nd and 3rd Death Seeker you get 4th

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uhh, here we go again.



1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can remove from play all monsters that were Special Summoned during the current Duel from both player's fields and Graveyards, except Zombie-Type monsters.

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