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Digimon Battle Arena

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Random Arena Match TamerKing Fanmie V.s. Arena Leader Brokenheart15

The match will take place in the Eastern Arena


Suijinmon.jpg V.S.19xbtj.jpg


The Tamer King will get the First Attack

ThunderRocmon Attacks Suijnmon with 111 points of Damage

Sujinmon Attacks ThunderRocmon with 164 poits of Damage


ThunderRocmon has 161 Hp left

Sujinmon has 208 Hp left


The Arena Leader gets the 2nd Attack

Sujinmon Attacks ThunderRocmon With Sujin Cannons dealing 331 points of Damage


The Match Has ended Sujinmon has won and is now lv.2 Tamer King Fanmie has Given BrokenHeart15 300 bits and One Free digimon Pass Plz state that you are using that pass before you buy a digimon

Dragoone was supposed to forward that message to you commanderkari ill send it 2 you now

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i will figth your metal seadramon, but still i get some problems while calculating a battle, so i think we will need to wait




Fanmie, i can put a little example of how a wild sistem (i used to make this with pokemon years ago) would work


Wild Areas

[spoiler= Ice Cavern ]

The air is so cold, you must have some good wears and hot cloth to enter, or you could get frozen

Effect of place: If no Beast/Water Type, froze the first round of a figth

Digimon that can be found here,

1- Marineangemon

2- Bla Bla bla



NOTE: This area still not offciial so its just a example, please do not try to enter cuz you only will get a FACEPALM...



Wadda think?=

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LOL i hope its my lil ChaosGallantmon Crimson Mode but, i think is just mi mind *Crys* i need to go now for my second job, i will be back like in 3-4 hours and make 4 you the places effects and that sort of things, ^^ still im making my manga comic book (OMG I NEED A TITLE AND THEME) now i made a new character, D'one (as you could imagine) is a teenager with several problems on its house, its on its revelion stage of the teenage (IM passing by it rigth now, i wanna show my hurt, my think, everything). i hope that in th school lemme sell it ^^

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When I gets to lv.40 you can chose to give it the x-virus basically it gains a little bit more stat increase since tipicAly the digimon with the x- virus es are stronger


you won me the post' date=' i knew that *cry* still i would like that my cute cuddly pet could evolve to its burst mode, but it would be op ed, with the moon saber would cut data in pices[hr']

fanmie, i will make a fast some areas 4 ya, based on the digimon world DATA SQUAD



Rage cavern

Are you calmed? no? Then yo shouldnt try to enter here, in the rage cavern you get a bit of double edge knife by hit

Area effect: If deal more than 200[Number can be changed] DMG, recieve 10% of your ATK from DMG

Digimon: Muchmon (the mice) Nunemon, Psychomon (The rare colored gabumon)...


Ayanato Forest

So much mist, i cant see so much, maybe... my accuracy is not as well as it was in other areas

Effect of the area: Throw a coin before calculating a round, (before each attack) if heads the Attack continues well, if tails the attack fail, - 10% of MP usage

Digimon: Tapirmon, Mammothmon, ....


Thunder Ruins

High levels, high problems, high altitude¡

Effect of the area: The EXP gained here is doubled. The lvl of the monsters here is x2 the level of the attackant digimon [EX. my miragegaogamon attack a airdramon, lvl 5 x 2 = Airdramon level is 10]

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Random Match Dragoone V.s. Darkhorse21





Dragoone will get the first attack

Mirgaoga attacks Metalseadramon with 184 points of damage

MetalSeadramon Attacks Mirgaoga with 119 points of damage


mirgaoga has 238 Hp left

MetalSeadramon has 133 Hp left


MetalSeadramon gets the 2nd atack

MetalSeadramon Attacks Mirgaoga with Taitanic Takedown dealing,184 points of damage X3


the Match is Over MetalSeadramon has won MetalSeadramon is now lv.3

Both contestants have recived 500 bits

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