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Battle of the Mechs(started) ACCEPTING {PG-13} [co-owned by :.Untouched.:]

Star Child

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ooc: ya, we probably should.



I hid behind 1 of the crates stored in the warehouse being raided, "this is #5814, come in #'s 8365(rucario) & 0666(blacx). Repeat this is #5814, come in #'s 8365 and 0666. This is a code red, regroup. I repeat, a code red, we must regroup immediatly."

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Username: Blue Eyes Pop

RP Name: Samuel Jynx

Apperance: [spoiler=Apperance]11374585415302ex.jpg


Organization: 4W

Group Code #: 7586

Mech Suit: [spoiler=Mech]mech3lf.jpg


Mech Ability: Nano-Bot Armour; As soon as the Mech is damaged, Nano-Bots will instantly start working, reparing the armour. The Nano-Bots cannot fix limbs that have been blasted/cut/what-ever off, but can repair armour, wires and most other systems.

Mech Weapons: Electrified Axe, Laser Cannon x2 (hidden in shoulders)

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Sam was in his Mech (obviously) leaning back against a cliff on Mars. A light wind brought up dust around his mettalic protection.

"Picking up transmission. Play transmission?" came the female computerised voice of Samuel's mech.

"Play." he replied lazily.

"This is #5814, come in #'s 8365 & 0666. Repeat this is #5814, come in #'s 8365 and 0666. This is a code red, regroup. I repeat, a code red, we must regroup immediatly."


Samuel sighed loudly. The message wasn't addresed to him, but if a team mate was indanger...

"Mech, start leg functions, first and secondry battle systems, jets and command 69823-B6!" he called out, various mettalic pipes and arms wrapping around him; securing him in place. His manual control panel flipped out infront of him, the joy-stick movement controls flipping upwards.

The Mech stood up as Sam controlled it. A few plates of armour on the back slid away and the uncovered jet moved into position, flames bursting from it, sending Samuel into the air, towards the area the transmission had originated from.

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I saw Sam's mech in the air above the warehouse, "what's #7586 doing in his mech? And why is he even here?" I turned the radio on, "come in #7586, this is a secluded recon raid on the enemy, why are you here? If you insist on helping you must leave your mech and bring your weopon, and remember, stealth is your friend."

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I ran through the warehouse and was suddenly shot by a sniper, "agh!" My body flew back and I croutched and walked over to hide behind a barrel, "Damn that guy, where is he?" I pocked my head up and looked around, then felt a gun to my head and the chuckling came. I raised my arms and dropped my weopons, "what do you want?" I waited and received no answer, "so your just 1 of those mindless killing weopons they've created, huh?" I turned around and was right about the man behind me, "this is going to hurt you a lot more that it's going to hurt me", I punched at him and fainted. Hours later I woke up in a testing room, hooked up to a bunch of wires and saw my team and the 2 others there too. I fainted again as they worked on our bodies.

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ooc: use the advanced cluase. meaning: post atleast 4 sentences, describing what's going on, and leaving a spot for somebody to make a post that can relate to it better.



His hand hit my face and my eyes clenched, I awakened to see that my arms were coated in a metalic exoskeleton, along with the others. The scientists seem to be working at the same pace, and are now on our legs, "what the hell are you people doing?" The scientist could not hear me and continued operating on my legs, attaching wires and metal. My pupils grew small as I remembered hearing about this, I took another look at my harms and hands and noticed that this was my mech suit being attached. They had somehow found all of our mech suits and started attaching them to us. The scientist operating on me stopped and said, "that's right. We couldn't get your atomic mech on, so we scrapped it for junk parts." The comment that was just made made me furious so I tried to lift my arms to smack his head off, but they were specially chained down. He looked at the moniter, "everything's alright, we didn't do anything to your atomic mech, we just wanted to see your reaction. It's actually right outside, waiting for you." The ratings on the moniter went higher for each of us and we passed out again. I re-awoke and noticed that the entire mech was onto my body, "but how is this possible?" The rest of the team also had their mech on their body's and the scientist said that all of our abilities have been enhanced and that these suits will provide us with weopons, ammo, and armor.

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