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Battle of the Mechs(started) ACCEPTING {PG-13} [co-owned by :.Untouched.:]

Star Child

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Hello and welcome to my RP!



Plot: This is the year 4000. There are 10 Atomic Mech Suits made and plenty of normals. 4 atomics are owned by Organization 4W and 4 owned by Organization Z1. There are 2 more Atomic Mech's that were bestowed upon the forces of Light(the leader of Organization Z1) and Darkness(the leader of Organization 4W) and hidden, no longer in control of either group. The 2 groups are famous for there bitter rivalry and are searching for the hidden mechs. The earth is no longer around because of war and hatred and now civilazation will begin anew on Mars. Everybody uses a mech suit every second of their life for oxygen and gravity regulation. Will you help bring the peace with Organization Z1 or help destroy the light and bring the end of Mars with Organization 4W?

[spoiler=rules] No flaming

Keep swearing at PG-13 for max

No spamming

All other rules apply




RP Name:


Group Code #(4 numbers 1-9):

Mech Suit(pic):

Mech Ability:


You can have only 1 character

You can have only 1 character


My App:

Username: Anime-Manga Lover

RP Name: John Ara

Organization: 4W(leader)

Group Code #: 5814

Mech Suit: mechsuit2.jpg

Atomic Mech Suit: atomicmechsuit.jpg

Mech ability: Lightning


Username: Anime-Manga Lover

RP Name: Rjoury Bosa

Organization: Z1(co-leader)

Group Code #: 2753

Mech Suit: mechsuit.jpg

Atomic Mech Suit: atomicmechsuit2.jpg

Mech ability: Extra Strength



3 Atomic Mech's open to 4W and 3 Atomic's for Z1

3 Atomic Mech's open to 4W and 3 Atomic's for Z1


[spoiler=Z1] [spoiler=Anime-Manga Lover] Username: Anime-Manga Lover

RP Name: Rjoury Bosa

Organization: Z1(co-leader)

Group Code #: 2753

Mech Suit: mechsuit.jpg

Atomic Mech Suit: atomicmechsuit2.jpg

Mech ability: Extra Strength



Username :.Untouched.:

Name Lordgenome

Age Unknown (Apperenctly Over 1000 Years Old)

Gender Male



Organization Z1(leader)

Group Code #0001

Mech Suit





Mech Ability

Quick Kill


Username: Aethercide

RP Name: Vanz Scheider[spoiler=Mech Suit Pilot] herocity1.jpg



Group Code #(4 numbers 1-9):#0002

Mech Suit(pic):[spoiler=Mech Suit] GUNDAMFURY.jpg


Mech Ability:Flying' date=' left arm is a shield, but with a blade at the tip.





RP Name:Somnus De Dugale


Group Code #(4 numbers 1-9):4098

Mech Suit(pic):http://media.photobucket.com/image/steampunk%20mech/mongoosi/Steampunk_Mech_I_by_likaspapaya.jpg?o=2

Mech Ability:Right arm can stretch and crush enemies.




[spoiler=4W][spoiler=Anime-Manga Lover] Username: Anime-Manga Lover

RP Name: John Ara

Organization: 4W(leader)

Group Code #: 5814

Mech Suit: mechsuit2.jpg

Atomic Mech Suit: atomicmechsuit.jpg

Mech ability: Lightning




Username: Rucario

RP Name: Akatsuki Namihana

Organization: 4W

Group Code #(4 numbers 1-9): 8365

Mech Suit(pic):


Mech Ability: Extra Speed



Username: Blacx

RP Name: Zadan

Organization: 4W

Group Code #(4 numbers 1-9): 0666

Mech Suit(pic): red_mech.jpg

Mech Ability: Flight

[spoiler=Blue Eyes Pop]

Username: Blue Eyes Pop

RP Name: Samuel Jynx

Apperance: [spoiler=Apperance]11374585415302ex.jpg


Organization: 4W

Group Code #: 7586

Mech Suit: [spoiler=Mech]mech3lf.jpg


Mech Ability: Nano-Bot Armour; As soon as the Mech is damaged' date=' Nano-Bots will instantly start working, reparing the armour. The Nano-Bots cannot fix limbs that have been blasted/cut/what-ever off, but can repair armour, wires and most other systems.

Mech Weapons: Electrified Axe, Laser Cannon x2 (hidden in shoulders)





Please Note: This is partly a war

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[spoiler=Z1] [spoiler=[b]:.Untouched.:[/b]] Username: Anime-Manga Lover

RP Name: Rjoury Bosa

Organization: Z1(co-leader)

Group Code #: 2753

Mech Suit: mechsuit2.jpg

Atomic Mech Suit: atomicmechsuit.jpg

Mech ability: Extra Strength




Username :.Untouched.:

Name Lordgenome

Age Unknown (Apperenctly Over 1000 Years Old)

Gender Male



Organization Z1(leader)

Group Code #0000

Mech Suit





Mech Ability

Quick Kill


((Ahem >.>))

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