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Synchro Monster Contest *Reps Rewarded**5 Spots Left**HURRY IF U WANT IN!**

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This my first contest, so plz join



1- No Spamming

2- No Flaming

3- No Cursing

4- No Whinning

5- No coping other's cards.

6- Needs to be original.

7- 1 Synchro Effect Monster(any Type and any Attribute), and 1 support Spell and 1 support Trap.

8- P.M me your cards.

9- most importtent rule! HAVE FUN!

Might add more rules later depending on how many ppl enter.




[spoiler= Judging]

1- Me of course

2- Squires5000


Need more judges, ill pay 5 points for there hiring fee.




[spoiler=Prizes and Entry]

Entry Fee (got to have one guys) 8 points

1st Place/ +2 reps & 20 points

2nd Place/ +1 rep & 10 points

Everyone else gets 1 point for joining.




[spoiler= Contestants]

1-blue dragon48





Ill add more if needed to.




[spoiler= End Date]

Ill post one when i get 5 contestans in.




[spoiler=Contestants Cards]

[spoiler=blue dragon48]






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  • 4 weeks later...

Entry reserved. Points sent. Here are my cards:


1 Ice Synchron + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can return all WATER monsters from your Graveyard to your Deck, then put 1 Ice Counter on 1 card on the field for each card you returned. When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can destroy 1 card on the field that has at least 2 Ice Counters. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 WATER monster from your Deck with the same Level that the number Ice Counter on the field.




Activate only when you control an face-up "Ice" monster. Once per turn, you can pay 500 Life Points to put 1 Ice Counter on 1 face-up card on the field. Each time an Ice Counter is put into a card by the effect of an "Ice" monster, inflicts 700 damage to your opponent. When this card is destroyed by an opponent's Card effect, you can remove from play 3 "Ice" monsters from your hand or Graveyard to put 1 Ice Counter in all monsters on the field.


[spoiler=Support 2]


You can destroy 1 face-up "Ice" card you control to activate this card from your hand during your opponent's Battle Phase. When a "Ice" monster is destroyed by battle, return that monster and 1 Spell or Trap Card with Ice Counters on the field to the owner's Deck. Once per turn, you can move 1 Ice Counter on the field to another card. If you do, the owner of that card gains 500 Life Points. During each End Phase, remove 1 Ice Counter on the field. If you cannot, destroy this card.


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