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Oi, YCM, What's Good to play nowadays?

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Topic needs more Skill Drain.


As for the convo between shadow and Tickle Me Emo' date=' no non-staged convo could be that good, so yeah. I'm skeptical.



What do you mean? I really hated him. He just apologized and we worked sheet out but its not staged. If its staged Ill mail you my CCV

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Staged! Dude. If that was staged, I'll mail You My Wii, games and all. We really did have a conflict in the past. Now I've finally worked up the nerve to apologize and resolve the issues we had.


now then, this topic is about helping bring Me get up to speed with today's meta, so... is there anythign else I should know?

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i got something to say about the meta... they suck.

[spoiler=for the lightsworn users]

i have created an anti-lightsworn deck! i will not post the deck(to avoid copycats) but i built it around my favorite archtype(you know the one) with support and combos that would even bring JD to its knees.



so yeah heres some advice... never use metas or you'll be a clone. trust me if you can beat 1 LS you beat em all and i want to play someones deck that is original so i could actually have some fun.

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Here Shadow37Ninja you wanna know what to be scared about?


[spoiler=US National Championship game 3]Ferber got ready to open Duel 3.


He started with a Set card to each zone. Kohanim had “Test Tiger,” “Rescue Cat,” “Gladiator Beast Samnite,” “Gladiator Beast Retiari,” “Gladiator Beast War Chariot,” and “Mirror Force.” He Normal Summoned Samnite, attacked into “Gravekeeper's Guard,” and the Gladiator Beast was bounced back to his hand. He Set “Mirror Force” and Chariot and lost both to “Heavy Storm” next turn!


“I’ve got game unless you’ve got Gorz” announced Ferber. He Normal Summoned “Summoner Monk,” discarded to Special Summon “Rescue Cat,” sent it to the Graveyard for two copies of “X-Saber Airbellum” and Synchro Summoned two copies of “Dark Strike Fighter”! Each Fighter made a direct attack, and Ferber finished the tournament by Tributing each for their own effect: the classic One-Turn KO for 8000 damage!


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Sure' date=' what's scary nowadays?



[spoiler=US National Championship game 3]Ferber got ready to open Duel 3.


He started with a Set card to each zone. Kohanim had “Test Tiger' date='” “Rescue Cat,” “Gladiator Beast Samnite,” “Gladiator Beast Retiari,” “Gladiator Beast War Chariot,” and “Mirror Force.” He Normal Summoned Samnite, attacked into “Gravekeeper's Guard,” and the Gladiator Beast was bounced back to his hand. He Set “Mirror Force” and Chariot and lost both to “Heavy Storm” next turn!


“I’ve got game unless you’ve got Gorz” announced Ferber. He Normal Summoned “Summoner Monk,” discarded to Special Summon “Rescue Cat,” sent it to the Graveyard for two copies of “X-Saber Airbellum” and Synchro Summoned two copies of “Dark Strike Fighter”! Each Fighter made a direct attack, and Ferber finished the tournament by Tributing each for their own effect: the classic One-Turn KO for 8000 damage!




plox read again

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