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Oi, YCM, What's Good to play nowadays?

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Allright, I guess I should explain:


I haven't played, or payed any attention to this game since....February. The other day, I noticed a box of Raging Battle in the store and thought "Wasn't this supposed to come out in like, late 09?". It got me thinking... So now i ask:


What's good to play now,

How badly did the March Banlist mess everything up,

and What card should be feared until the end of time?

(I remember last year, it was Dark Armed Dragon, GB Gyzarus and JD)


Okays, Go and reeducate Me on the ways of teh Yugiohs.

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I'd guess I should so some poking around in the decks section then?


Unless anyone would like to explain to me the jist of how "Salvo DAD" and "Cat synchro" Work...


I'll tell you how "Synchro Cat" works.


You normal summon a summoner monk. Activate the effect of Summoner Monk to discard a spell in your hand to SS another Summoner Monk from your deck. Then you activate the effect of the new Summoner Monk to discard another spell and SS rescue cat from your deck. You then activate the effect of Rescue Cat to tribute Rescue Cat and SS 2 of X-Saber Airbellum. X-saber airbellum is a tuner, so you use 1 airbellum and 1 summoner monk to special summon 1 Dark Strike Fighter, or an Arcanite Magician. And then do the same with the other monk and airbellum.

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Oh joy a scrub like you is returning to the game... god I wish I was I wasnt moving, my lolocals woulda gotten a bit easier.


But here, I hate you but I aint gonna be a dick and bring our IRL problems onto a forum, thats for you to do. So here I will explain the decks you should worry about.


Blackwings - They swarm using their own effect, keep advantage using Black Whirlwind, and have Kalut, their own Honest. They have arguably the best tuner, Gale and have a semi-easy 4 card OTK - Sirocco/Shura, Bora, Gale, DAD. Cold Wave makes this easier, and Heavy Storm + Whirlwind makes this easier but riskier. Basically you Coldwave, then summon Sirocco/Shura then special summon Bora and Gale with their respective effects, synchro them for Dark Strike tribute off Shura/Sirocco, summon DAD, blow up your monsters, attack for a lot and tribute both for game. Recommended side deck: Oppression, Compusary/PWWB. DO NOT USE SKILL DRAIN, IT HURTS MORE THAN HELPS AGAINST THIS DECK.


Lightsworns - You should still remember them, they didnt get more support besides DFS.


Gladiators - You know what just find Behind The Mask, hes got a link in his sig on how to fight them.


Kitty Synchro - This deck is based on using GK spys to search out other lv 4s such as guard, Summoner Monk, and of course, Kitty. Kitty summons 2 Airbellums that can synch with 2 lv4s into 2 DFS which, if you have no monsters and are under 1 of the 3 cold waves in this deck, you just lost.

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1) I'd try to resolve our problems, but You obviously don't want to.


2) Don't insult Me, I was just as good a player as You, I just didn't have My parents money to spend on cards every week to make a half baked meta deck that would just end up being taken apart for something else two weeks later.


3)Thank You for Your explanations, though I will question the others if they're correct.


4) I never said I was coming back to play. I was basically saying that I've become interested in what's current and good.

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1) I'd try to resolve our problems' date=' but You obviously don't want to.


2) Don't insult Me, I was just as good a player as You, I just didn't have My parents money to spend on cards every week to make a half baked meta deck that would just end up being taken apart for something else two weeks later.


3)Thank You for Your explanations, though I will question the others if they're correct.


4) I never said I was coming back to play. I was basically saying that I've become interested in what's current and good.



1) You wanna resolve our problems? Unblock me on aim then, I never blocked you.


2) No your not. You might have been before you quit, but Ive gotten better, and, well ring-rust sinks in when you dont play for a while.


3) I play both Blackwings and Kitty so yes they are.

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YCM is full of srs buisness.







I never found syncro kat or gb difficult to defeat at all tbh.


Kitty isnt hard if you can keep advantage' date=' however it OTKs soooooooo fast and it can come outta nowhere cause of all the gamewinning topdecks.


GBs arent hard to beat either.





BW are fairly easy.


LS are teh painz in meh ass.

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YCM is full of srs buisness.







I never found syncro kat or gb difficult to defeat at all tbh.


Kitty isnt hard if you can keep advantage' date=' however it OTKs soooooooo fast and it can come outta nowhere cause of all the gamewinning topdecks.


GBs arent hard to beat either.





BW are fairly easy.


LS are teh painz in meh ass.


Which is why I used to side in 2 Mind Crush, to go funk YOU HONEST!

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YCM is full of srs buisness.







I never found syncro kat or gb difficult to defeat at all tbh.


Kitty isnt hard if you can keep advantage' date=' however it OTKs soooooooo fast and it can come outta nowhere cause of all the gamewinning topdecks.


GBs arent hard to beat either.





BW are fairly easy.


LS are teh painz in meh ass.


Which is why I used to side in 2 Mind Crush, to go f*** YOU HONEST!


I hate it when they honest my REDRUM. >.>


I <333 when they summon JD and ur liek lolsolemn

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1) I'd try to resolve our problems' date=' but You obviously don't want to.


2) Don't insult Me, I [b']was[/b] just as good a player as You, I just didn't have My parents money to spend on cards every week to make a half baked meta deck that would just end up being taken apart for something else two weeks later.


3)Thank You for Your explanations, though I will question the others if they're correct.


4) I never said I was coming back to play. I was basically saying that I've become interested in what's current and good.


1) You wanna resolve our problems? Unblock me on aim then, I never blocked you.


2) No your not. You might have been before you quit, but Ive gotten better, and, well ring-rust sinks in when you dont play for a while.


3) I play both Blackwings and Kitty so yes they are.


Bold is the key word in that sentence.

Sure, I just unblocked You a minute ago, and I'll be ready to chat in a minute.

I guess I can take Your word for it, remembering that You were a good player...


As I remember, game winning topdecks suck, if Your the guy losing.

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1) I'd try to resolve our problems' date=' but You obviously don't want to.


2) Don't insult Me, I [b']was[/b] just as good a player as You, I just didn't have My parents money to spend on cards every week to make a half baked meta deck that would just end up being taken apart for something else two weeks later.


3)Thank You for Your explanations, though I will question the others if they're correct.


4) I never said I was coming back to play. I was basically saying that I've become interested in what's current and good.


1) You wanna resolve our problems? Unblock me on aim then, I never blocked you.


2) No your not. You might have been before you quit, but Ive gotten better, and, well ring-rust sinks in when you dont play for a while.


3) I play both Blackwings and Kitty so yes they are.


Bold is the key word in that sentence.

Sure, I just unblocked You a minute ago, and I'll be ready to chat in a minute.

I guess I can take Your word for it, remembering that You were a good player...


As I remember, game winning topdecks suck, if Your the guy losing.


You just defined Kitty Synchro.

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1) I'd try to resolve our problems' date=' but You obviously don't want to.


2) Don't insult Me, I [b']was[/b] just as good a player as You, I just didn't have My parents money to spend on cards every week to make a half baked meta deck that would just end up being taken apart for something else two weeks later.


3)Thank You for Your explanations, though I will question the others if they're correct.


4) I never said I was coming back to play. I was basically saying that I've become interested in what's current and good.


1) You wanna resolve our problems? Unblock me on aim then, I never blocked you.


2) No your not. You might have been before you quit, but Ive gotten better, and, well ring-rust sinks in when you dont play for a while.


3) I play both Blackwings and Kitty so yes they are.


Bold is the key word in that sentence.

Sure, I just unblocked You a minute ago, and I'll be ready to chat in a minute.

I guess I can take Your word for it, remembering that You were a good player...

As I remember, game winning topdecks suck, if Your the guy losing.


ty for stating the obvious.

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