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The OCG man

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The severe OCG mistakes that some noobs do just breaks my heart.


I think someone (would be better if it's a mod) should post and sticky an OCG discussion corner to CC, in which people can ask if their spelling is correct and stuff, and getting fixed by other people.


I was gonna do it, but then I thought that it might be locked if I didn't suggest it here before.


Supporters (5)


Asuka Reishim


Max C.


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Well' date=' there are some that want to learn. I know a few.

And there are non-noob card makers that still make OCG errors.


They need help too.



They could post a note that says "READ BEFORE MAKING CARDS OR GET BANNED" that gives a link from the card maker to the OCG thread.

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Guest JoshIcy

I do not promote OCG as a do all, end all of cardmaking.

Which seems to be the case. I'd sooner delete such thread, than let it be stickied.


Nor will it be allowed in RC, and will be locked on-sight.

Realistic or not, this is the created card game. Let ideas take the forefront.


Ooh, and there is another thread by Jovi. Helps to check the rules thread.

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Its a shame when Good pics are put to waste by n00bs that cant use OCG.

And thus my "PM on Registration" suggestion comes into play...


I agree that a helpful OCG thread is needed. I'd use it. I haven't made cards in months. My OCG is probably terrible... =/



I agree. There should be a PM on this as soon as they join.

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Guest JoshIcy

Its a shame when Good pics are put to waste by n00bs that cant use OCG.


I guess that makes me a n00b. <_<"


Why does it?


Because I don't "know" OCG at all. And never will, nor want to.

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Its a shame when Good pics are put to waste by n00bs that cant use OCG.


I guess that makes me a n00b. <_<"


Why does it?


Because I don't "know" OCG at all. And never will' date=' nor want to.


Well, Icy, I once saw a card of yours a few months ago, in a 1on1 against Soi Fon, and it was epic, and the OCG wasn't that bad.

You know OCG, dude.

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