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Tropic Paradise Fighters | PG-16 [ -DR- ]


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Spawn's Eyes started glowing his body began flowing with Electricity, "I challenge you, and if you do not prove worthy I shall banish you to Hell," He Roared.


Ivy walked down stairs to see the show of Testosterone. She then walked over to the group, "What did he do this time," she said pointing to Spawn

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Ivy walked down stairs to see the show of Testosterone. She then walked over to the group' date=' "What did he do this time," she said pointing to Spawn


"This Beast walked into me, when I was in plain sight, and just goes beserk... I think Matsu would enjoy a fight with you... Shame he's not here" The Old Mans Nerve pinch failed "Foolish man... That won't work on me" Sakaki said as Sango came back "Sakaki, I found out room, Lets go!" She said "Yes... Lets" Sakaki said agreeingly "That Beast... He got on my Nerves in an instant, I'll enjoy taking him out!"

((Well I GTG, I need some sleep... And have work in about 2 Hours... Laterz))


As the Duo entered their Room, Sakaki went into one of the Bedrooms, took her Broadsword off his back and placed it against the wall, then he lay on the bed, his eyes closed "Maybe... Maybe I could get Matsu down here... He has been after a Vacation... And a good fight; No... He'd just get bored against Beast like that, And Zelkova would probably Turn Down my request, seeing Moon Tree's been under a lot of pressure Lately... Oh well, I might as well get some rest" He quickly drifted off to sleep. "Sakaki, you Hun...gry? Never mind, I see your already asleep" Sango said chuckling to herself as she sat in one of the Chairs located in the room, soon following Sakaki to dreamland, Sakaki was reliving the Toughest Fight is his Dream; Sango was dreaming about food.

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Gimoni got out of the room.


Gimoni: Stop the fighting. Old man?

Old man: Ah, yes. Welcome Gimoni.

Gimoni: Mishiza and I have been here.....

Old man: Mishiza? I didn't know she would be here.

Mishiza: I am. I'm glad to be here.

Old man: Gimoni, take care of my granddaughter.


Gimoni: I will, but she does a nice job of that herself.


Mishiza smiles.



Old man: Now, please follow me to the restaurant.

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Sakaki was reliving his first fight with Matsu "Ah yes... The fight to get Matsu with Moon Tree"


****In the Dream****


Sakaki countered Matsu's attack with the flat of his Broadsword "Matsu! Your Chaotic Killing shall end today!" Sakaki yelled, pushing Matsu's Broadsword back, Sakaki had been tired out from the 5 Other Chaotic Killers he had to fight "C'mon! Giving up Already!?" Matsu yelled, holding his Broadsword on his Shoulder "N-NEVER! We of Moon Tree live to stop your Deeds!" Sakaki replied.



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((Well I GTG' date=' I need some sleep... And have work in about 2 Hours... Laterz))


As the Duo entered their Room, [b']Sakaki went into one of the Bedrooms, took her Broadsword off his back and placed it against the wall, then he lay on the bed, his eyes closed [/b]"Maybe... Maybe I could get Matsu down here... He has been after a Vacation... And a good fight; No... He'd just get bored against Beast like that, And Zelkova would probably Turn Down my request, seeing Moon Tree's been under a lot of pressure Lately... Oh well, I might as well get some rest" He quickly drifted off to sleep. "Sakaki, you Hun...gry? Never mind, I see your already asleep" Sango said chuckling to herself as she sat in one of the Chairs located in the room, soon following Sakaki to dreamland, Sakaki was reliving the Toughest Fight is his Dream; Sango was dreaming about food.

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Ivy ate lightly, she sighed," I wonder if when we get to fight," she was bored.


Spawn closed his eyes, "I need no food," he said to himself.


--Flash Back--


"You will Die demon," Astoroth roared. Spawn picked him up and through his head through the ground, "No you will," Spawn retorted. Spawn walked along the long narrow path. As he reached the end a chest shone. "Ah..."

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"You should have met Matsu back in her Chaotic Killer Days... He would Challenge anyone, Killing the Un-worth... Sparing the best so he could take them on again... Then Finishing them off the next time they met" Sango Commented taking a seat next to Ivy "I could introduce him to you when this is over... " she offered. with a welcoming Smile.




Sakaki shot upright, he was wide awake, sitting up straight "... What!? I... I need some air to clear my mind" he said putting his Broadsword on his back and exiting the room, heading to the Hotel Lobby, slightly hoping he could have a talk with the old man.

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((Aww... I wanted you to send Spawn to where Sakaki is... then I could fight!))


Sakaki reached the Emerald Waterfall "Simply Beautiful... Nature works is Mysterious ways... But the End Result if Perfection" he said, sitting down and getting into a Glasic Meditaton Position... His stress began to flow away.

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