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The End (started, accepting via pm)

Blackstone Dresden

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"Oops. Sorry. I'm not used to this." Brandon said as he wrapped whats left of the medical tape on the sprained ankle. He looked around and saw a peice of a scooter. He broke the handle part part off and unscrewed the wheel. "I guess this will do for now. Everything else tis too rusted and burned to use."

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"I'm from Texas" Ilana told him "But if you like you can take me to my ex's house" She said taking a mostly unburnt piece of paper out of her pocket "It can't be too far from here"


OOC: sorry about that internet died on me, anyone still here?


OOC2: Still no, the last fully normal humans vanished as soon as the Marked and Others showed up and the Marked don't even know of the Others yet

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Brandon stopped by the stoop of the house as he looked at it. "so I guess this is the house." he stated as he looked at the house in a bit of amazement. When he went to other houses, they were almost destroyed. But this one doesn't ven have a scratch on it.

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