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The End (started, accepting via pm)

Blackstone Dresden

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"hmph" Said Dra while triying to find something to eat... at some miles there was a city... there smelled like some pets was still alive, "I want some blood... not just meat..." He said transforming again to hume


OoC: Can my original chart join us in th city? (he is hided there from the markeds)

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OOC:Sure but the Marked can't know he exists


IC: Drake and Tara walked away from the crowd and started conversing in German. About five to ten minutes later, Tara, in fox form, ran after Dra


Meanwhile, Drake called aside the Others with animal forms useful in a fight (basically anything big/with fangs)

OOC:Sure but the Marked can't know he exists


IC: Drake and Tara walked away from the crowd and started conversing in German. About five to ten minutes later, Tara, in fox form, ran after Dra


Meanwhile, Drake called aside the Others with animal forms useful in a fight (basically anything big/with fangs)

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Dra looked in the city, smeled a bit and seen a cute looking puppy, "Hie ya¡" said while getting near the wolf, he didnt seen one on its life or he would be carefull... "Do not even dare to touch me" Said Alexander while getting away from the kid, "So you are too a Other..." said Dra while looking at the guy... he hear something at its back and looked.

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Brandon ran to a store with both of his pistols in his hands. He aimed the pistol at the wall and looked around. No one was in the room. He sighed and walked in. "Let's see what's in here for today." he rummaged through the many items in the store and only found flash and smoke grenades in the cashier's counter. "This will do."

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Dra was kinda ashamed, "hehe, look what i found, but... of the markeds... look like they where here but nothing left... exept..." pointing at the wolf, " Hi..." Alexander said while changing again to hume. "so... what are you doing", "No time to show, we need to report, i wish drake found something to eat..." Said Dra while going with Tara

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Dra looked at the sky "Something that look like a cristal and that puppie guy", Alexander shouted "IM NOT A PUPPIE¡", Dra looked at it again, "You where a dog, so you R a puppie", Alexander looked angry, "HAVENT YOU EVER SEEND A WOLF¡" He was in fully rage

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OOC: Dragoone I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that English isn't your first language lol


IC: "Shut it" Tara said forcefully "Now, what's this about a crystal in the sky?"


Marcus was in what used to be his family's house, currently the Marked's de facto headquarters, reading and rereading the piece of paper the Chicago Marked gave him

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Jun begins gaining speed on the stolen kawasaki but see's marcus and stops, he grins, puts his hand on his gun but leaves it in his pocket


Hey you! Im guessing as your a survivor, you must know something

Jun pulls out his gun

Now how about you tell me whats going on?

Jun smirks and winks, holding the gun only 6 feet away from Marcus

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Tara noticed Brandon and smiled Finally She let out a silent chuckle Phase one "Help" she called from her place in a burning building, "Somebody, please help!" The doorway was blocked by debris and the was 'pinned' to the ground by a large, heavy bookshelf "SOMEBODY!" She called, tears filling her eyes Thank God I majored in drama and theater she thought to herself, perfectly playing the role of an innocent survivor

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Gao was kinda shocked, he barely remembered Drake, "Drake? w-was like about 1 year and a half¡", Dra was confused, Gao already met Drake?


OoC: yep the [!] Is in spanish part of the exclamation like, "¡ HIE MOMMIE !" and we call both Exclamation Sigs [¡,!]

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