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Trading Tips

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Keep a Price Guide around with you. Always helps. :D


Yep. Always carry your pc around.

Most card game shops have computers on which values can be looked up.

Buy your commons for maximum €0,5. Trade your rares and higher. Keep people you know you can trust and will advice you when trading nearby.

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To me, it all depends on two factors.


1. The rarity of the cards in question.

2. How badly you want the card you're trading for.


I traded my Ultimate Rare Power Tool for Dark Horus at locals yesterday. Seemed like a good deal to me.


And Price Guides are horrible. They change all the time and most of the time, they're not accurate.

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Keep a Price Guide around with you. Always helps. :D


Yep. Always carry your pc around.

Most card game shops have computers on which values can be looked up.

Buy your commons for maximum €0' date='5. Trade your rares and higher. Keep people you know you can trust and will advice you when trading nearby.


They still make Yugioh Price Guides as Books. Remember? XD

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Sure' date=' but ebay is the best price guide.



Best possible post right above me there ^^^^^


Check ebay, that'll show you what you'll get for your cards if you wanted to sell.


Also, if you need any advice, msg me. (on here, YT msgs I want to not clog up the trade messages with general chat)

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