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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Created Card Game - Set 2 (Submission Phase, community decides winners)


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Can we post a direct link to the first two sets in the first post? I'd like it if as many people as possible considered what monster types are the ones lacking the most support in our game. I know a lot of people might not bother going through your signature.

Fish and Sea Serpents, for example, seem to need a lot of monsters before they get S/T support.

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It might not be necessary we as Co-Leaders can select certain cards in the set and add them in even if they don't get voted in by the community. As long as we all agree with what cards go in. I think SET2 will have close to 200 or more cards as opposed to the 150 minimum. That only the number that people can submit not the number the will go in the SET.

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finalization.....complete. now reviewing all archived subjects.


[spoiler=101-110) Can be any Spell Card that you want.]



Name: Flames of Darkness

Card Type: Equip Spell

Set: Megaman Zero Hunter-series 001

Effect: This card is Equipped to one of your opponent’s monsters. That monster gains dark attribute and can’t be released and your opponent has to pay 500 life points during each of their standby phases.





Name: Awakening Will

Card Type: Equip Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 003

Effect: A monster equipped with this card gains light attributes and can be used to advance summon a level 7 or 8 monster.





Name: Ragnarok

Card Type: Continuous Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 021

Effect: During your opponent's turn, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on your opponent's field. When this card is destroyed, you can pay 500 Life Points add 1 "Fall of Ragnarok" Spell card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.





Name: Fall of Ragnarok

Card Type: Continuous Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 022

Effect: During your opponent's turn, you can pay 500 Life Points to destroy 1 monster on your opponent's field. When "Fall of Ragnarok" is destroyed, you can pay 1000 Life Points to add 1 "Ragnarok Resurrection" Spell card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.





Name: Ragnarok Ressurection

Card Type: Field Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 023

Effect: This card cannot be sent to the Graveyard by the effects of Spell or Trap cards. When "Ragnarok Resurrection" is on the field, you can add 1 card from your Graveyard to your hand during your Draw Phase. When this card is sent to the Graveyard or removed from play, add all cards that are removed from play back to each player's respective Decks. Shuffle your Deck.





Name: Confrontation with the Past

Card Type: Continuous Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 007

Effect: By paying 500 Life Points, you can Special Summon 1 monster from either player's Graveyard. When a monster Special Summoned by this card's effect is destroyed, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 monster from either player's Graveyard. You cannot Special Summon a monster with the same name.





Name: Conversion of Light

Card Type: Ritual Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series

Effect: During your Main Phase, you can send any number of ritual and fusion monsters on your side of the field to the Graveyard to Special Summon the same number of synchro monsters from your Deck or hand ignoring its Summoning Conditions.





Name: Conversion of Darkness

Card Type: Ritual Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick-Series 000

Effect: During your Main Phase, you can send any number of synchro monsters on your field to the Graveyard to Special Summon the same number of fusion/ritual monsters from your Deck or hand ignoring its Summoning Conditions.



beginning review of subjects termed as part of the Omega Crisis and Reign of the Cybeasts.


[spoiler=121-150) 2 theme with up to 10-15 cards][spoiler=Theme 1: The Omega Crisis][spoiler=Part 1: The Rise of Zero]



Name: Desert Warrior Zero

Attribute: Light

Level: 4

Card Rarity: Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 1800 DEF 1500

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 000

Effect: If a monster with Zero in its name is targeted by an opponent’s monster, you can tribute Desert Warrior Zero to lower the attack of your opponents monster equal to Desert Warrior Zero's total attack. After resolving this effect, all cards that were equipped to Desert Warrior Zero are equipped to the monster that was targeted by your opponent’s monster instead. When this card destroys an opponent’s monster, you can release it and special summon Dark Lord Zero from your deck or hand during your end phase.





Name: Dark Lord Zero

Attribute: Dark

Level: 6

Card Rarity: Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 2500 DEF:2100

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 002

Effect: When this card destroys an opponent’s monster in battle, you can release it and summon Emissary of Light Zero from your deck hand or graveyard during your end phase. During your turn, you can pay 500 life points to lower Dark Lord Zero's attack by half and attack your opponent directly. When Dark Lord Zero is targeted by one of your opponent’s monsters, you can increase Dark Lord Zero's attack by 100 x the number of cards on your side of the field.





Name: Emissary of Light Zero

Attribute: Light

Level: 7

Card Rarity: Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 2600 DEF: 2400

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 004

Effect: When this card destroys a monster in battle, you can send it to the graveyard and summon Shadow King Zero from your deck or hand during your end phase. When Emissary of Light Zero destroys a monster, you can increase your life points by half the destroyed monsters attack or defense. If Emissary of Light Zero is the first monster you attacked with, attack twice more with it and end the battle phase.





Name: Shadow King Zero

Attribute: Dark

Level: 8

Card Rarity: Super Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 2800 DEF:2500

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 006

Effect: If Shadow King Zero is destroyed as a result of battle, you may special summon Sprinting Cerberus Gregar or Rising Phoenix Falzar from your deck or hand. If Shadow King Zero is the only monster on your side of the field at the start of the battle phase, you must attack all of your opponents monsters with this card. If this card is targeted by one of your opponents monsters, you can remove from play a card with zero in its name from your hand or grave to destroy your opponents monster.



[spoiler=Part 2: The Battlefield of Omega]



Name: Omega the Destroyer

Attribute: Dark

Level: 4

Card Rarity: Common

Type: Warrior

ATK: 1400 DEF: 2200

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick-Series EN001

Lore: Like Zero, Omega's history has been shrouded deep in mystery. Nobody knows the history of this "ultimate defense" that was created by the mad scientist Dr. Weil.





Name: Omega the Annihilator

Attribute: Dark

Level: 4

Card Rarity: Rare

Type: Warrior

ATK: 2100 DEF: 1400

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick-Series EN002

Lore: After confronting the Guardians and Zero, Omega is ordered to flee by Weil. Vowing to avenge his defeat, Omega leaves the field of battle........for now...............





Name: Cursed Dark Elf:

Attribute: Dark

Level: 4

Card Rarity: Common

Type: Fairy / Tuner

ATK: 2300 DEF: 1700

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick-Series EN003

Effect: When Cursed Dark Elf attacks, it is forced into defense position until your 2nd standby phase.





Name: Chaos Lord Omega

Attribute: Dark

Level: 7

Card Rarity: Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick Series - EN004

Effect: Cursed Dark Elf + one or more non-tuner monsters.

When Chaos Lord Omega is Synchro Summoned, you can add 1 "Will of the Creator" from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn, you can roll a six-sided die. If the result is 1, 3, or 5, destroy 1 of your cards. If it is a 2, 4, or 6, destroy 1 of your opponents cards.





Name: Will of the Creator

Spell Type: Ritual

Card Rarity: Super Rare

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick Series - EN005

Effect: Remove Chaos Lord Omega or monsters whose total level equals 9 or more from play and pay 1000 life points to summon Dark King Omega Zero.





Name: Dark King Omega Zero

Attribute: Dark

Level: 9

Card Rarity: Super Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 2800 DEF: 2400

Set: MegaMan Zero: Maverick Series - EN006

Effect: You can only summon Dark King Omega Zero with the ritual spell card Will of the Creator. When Dark King Omega Zero is summoned, you can add any 2 cards from your deck to your hand. When Dark King Omega Zero is attacked, you can pay life points in multiples of 100 to increase its ATK or DEF for the remainder of the turn.





[spoiler=Reign of the Cybeasts][spoiler=part 1: The Appearance of the shadows]



Name: Sprinting Cerberus Gregar

Attribute: Earth

Level: 10

Card Rarity: Super Rare

Type: Warrior-Beast / Effect

ATK: 3200 DEF: 2600

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series: 007

Effect: Unless this card was special summoned by the effect of Shadow King Zero, you must release 3 monsters to summon it. Each time Sprinting Cerberus Gregar attacks or is attacked, place a counter on it (max 3). When 3 counters have been placed on Sprinting Cerberus Gregar, you can release it to special summon Beast King Gregar from you deck hand or graveyard. If this card is destroyed in battle by your opponent’s monster, ½ the attack of this card and the card that destroyed it is inflicted to your opponent’s life points.





Name: Rising Phoenix Falzar

Attribute: Wind

Level: 10

ATK: 3200 DEF: 2600

Card Rarity: Super Rare

Type: Warrior-Beast / Effect

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 008

Effect: Unless this card was summoned by Shadow King Zero's effect, you must Release 3 monsters to summon it. Each time Rising Phoenix Falzar card damage to your opponent’s life points, place a counter on it (max 3). When 3 counters have been placed on Rising Phoenix Falzar, you can release it to special summon Sky Master Falzar from your deck hand or graveyard. If this card is destroyed in battle, you can inflict damage to your opponent equal to ½ this cards total attack.





Name: Beast King Gregar

Attribute: Earth

Level: 11

Card Rarity: Ultra Rare

Type: Warrior-Beast / Effect

ATK: 3600 DEF: 2800

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 009

Effect: Unless this card was summoned using Sprinting Cerberus Gregars effect, you must release 3 monsters to summon it. Once during your main phase you can discard a card from your hand to destroy a card your opponent controls. When an opponent targets a monster that you control you can pay 500 life points to nullify the attack.





Name: Sky Master Falzar

Attribute: Wind

Level: 11

Card Rarity: Ultra Rare

Type: Warrior-Beast / Effect

ATK: 3800 DEF: 2800

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 010

Effect: Unless this card was summoned using the effect of Rising Phoenix Falzar, you must release 3 monsters to summon it. All monsters you control gain 1000 attack and defense. During your draw phase you may draw a card from your graveyard in addition to your normal draw phase. When your opponent targets a monster you control, you can have your opponents monster target this card instead.





Name: Unification of the Beast

Spell Type: Ritual Spell

Card Rarity: Ultra Rare

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 011

Effect: This card is used to summon Shadow Emperor Zerato. You must also remove from play a minimum of 3 monsters from the graveyard with Zero in their name and whose combined level equals 12 or more.





Name: Shadow Emperor Zerato

Attribute: Dark

Level: 12

Card Rarity: Ultimate Rare

Type: Beast-Warrior \ Effect

ATK: 4500 DEF: 3500

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 012

Effect: This card cannot be normal or effect summoned. Shadow Emperor Zerato can only be special summoned by using the ritual spell Unification of the Beast. During your opponents battle phase you can select 2 monsters your opponent controls. Those monsters can’t attack or change their battle position and Shadow Emperor Zerato can’t attack until your 2nd standby phase. During your opponents battle phase you can remove this card from play and double the attack and defense of 2 of your monsters until your 2nd end phase.




[spoiler=part 2: The Fall of Darkness]



Name: Hell Hound Gregar

Attribute: Dark

Level: 10

Card Rarity: Ultra Rare

Type: Beast-Warrior / Effect

ATK: 3500 DEF: 3000

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick Series - EN007

Effect: You must tribute 3 monsters to normal summon Hell Hound Gregar. Once during your turn, you can destroy a monster, spell or trap card on the field, or add one counter to Hell Hound Gregar. If Hell Hound Gregar is targeted by an opponents monster, you can remove 3 counters to double its ATK. During your 3rd end phase after summoning Hell Hound Gregar, send it to the graveyard to summon Beast Master Gregar.





Name: Fallen Falcon Falzar

Attribute: Dark

Level: 10

Card Rarity: Super Rare

Type: Beast-Warrior / Effect

ATK: 3600 DEF: 2200

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick Series - EN008

Effect: You must tribute 3 monsters to summon Fallen Falcon Falzar. When this monster is targeted by an opponents monster, if it is destroyed, destroy the attacking monster. If Fallen Falcon Falzar is not destroyed, Increase its attack by 1000 and attack your opponents monster. During the 3rd end phase after summoning Fallen Falcon Falzar, send it to the graveyard to summon Dark Master Falzar.





Name: Beast Master Gregar

Attribute: Dark

Level: 11

Card Rarity: Ultra Rare

Type: Beast-Warrior / Effect

ATK: 3700 DEF: 3200

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick Series - EN009

Effect: You may choose one of the following effects on your turn.

1: If a face up attack monster on your opponents side of the field has an ATK higher then Beast Master Gregar's destroy it.

2: If a monster on your opponents side of the field is equipped with a spell/trap card(s), destroy it and lower the equipped monsters ATK points an additional 500 for each card destroyed in this way.





Name: Falzar the Dark One

Attribute: Dark

Level: 11

Card Rarity: Ultra Rare

Type: Beast-Warrior

ATK: 3900 DEF: 3400

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick Series - EN010

Effect: You can choose one effect during your main phase 1.

1: Destroy spell and trap cards on your opponents side of the field equal to the amount of cards discarded from your hand this turn.

2: Discard a card from your hand to destroy an 8 star or lower monster.





Name: Fall of Darkness

Spell Type: Ritual

Card Rarity: Ultra Rare

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick Series - EN011

Effect: This Card is used to summon Emperor of Darkness Zerato. You must also Remove from play a minimum of 3 monsters from the graveyard that have Omega in their name and a combined level of 12 or more.





Name: Emperor of Darkness Zerato

Attribute: Dark

Level: 12

Card Rarity: Secret Rare

Type: Beast-Warrior

ATK: 5500 DEF: 2000

Set: MegaMan Zero Maverick Series - EN012

Effect: This card cannot be normal, special, or effect summoned. Emperor of Darkness Zerato can only be summoned by the ritual spell card Fall of Darkness.

During your draw phase You can draw an extra card during your draw phase. During your opponents standby phase, you can send a random card from their hand to the graveyard. When Emperor of Darkness Zerato is targeted by an opponents monster, you can either double its ATK or destroy the attacking monster, and you must skip your next battle phase.




review of all archived files completed. awaiting results of archival review...........

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[align=center][spoiler=04-06) Any card to support LIGHT Monster(s)]

Golden World - Vortex


All LIGHT monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF points. When a card is destroyed by battle with a LIGHT monster, place the card on top of this card. The destroyed card is treated as if it were removed from play. For each card on top of this card, add 500 ATK and DEF points to all LIGHT monsters on the field. When this card has 5 cards on top of it, destroy this card. All cards on top of this card are removed from play.|


Golden World - Dynasty


During your Standby Phase, select one LIGHT monster on the field. You can Tribute one other LIGHT monster of your field to subtract Life Points from your opponent equal to the selected monster's ATK.


Golden World - Afterlife


During your Battle Phase, if a LIGHT monster is selected as an attack target, you can remove from play one card in your Graveyard to Negate the attack.[/align]



[align=center][spoiler=07-09) Any card to support FIRE Monster(s)]

Burning Hot Beast




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 4 FIRE monsters in your hand or Graveyard. When this card is Summoned, destroy all WATER monsters on the field. Summon Burning Hot Tokens (Fiend-type/ FIRE 1-STAR/ 700 ATK/ 300 DEF) equaling the number of WATER monsters destroyed by this card's effect. For every Burning Hot Token on the field, decrease all non-FIRE monsters on the field by 500 ATK and DEF. After 5 turns, destroy this card. When destroyed, Special Summon 1 WATER monster on your field.[/align]




That's all I have, for now...

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ah. well okay then. i guess i can wait until then. but to be honest, i think that it should be in card format as well for those of us who actually understand that better then the text format that you used. by the way, did you see the way that i did my text format? and if so, what did you think of it? personally, i feel that it is easier to understand then yours, no offense.

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[spoiler=Theme Cards]

[spoiler=2nd Theme]

Removal cards (Envision Archetype)

[spoiler=YCM Format]








[spoiler=Written Format]

Entities of Envision


This card cannot be selected as an attack target if you control another face-up "Envision" monster. If a card in your hand would be destroyed by the effect of your opponent's card you can tribute this card to negate that cards effect and remove both it and this card from play.

ATK:1000 DEF:1000


Envision Magician


Once per turn, you can pay Life Points in multiples of 500 per Level to remove an opponents monster from play with an equal Level to the amount payed. This card cannot declare an attack during the turn it uses this effect.

ATK: 1700 DEF:1100


Envision Flare Dragon


This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This cards original ATK is the number of monsters removed from play x300. Once per turn, you can add 2 monsters currently removed from play to their owner's Graveyard to return 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field to its owner's hand.

ATK:? DEF:1500


Horrid Envision Creature


If a monster you control would be destroyed by battle, you can remove this card in your hand from play to negate the attack.

ATK:700 DEF:500


Envision Reloader


Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 "Envision" monster in your hand, to Special Summon 1 "Envision" monster that is 1 Level higher than the card removed that is currently removed from play during your next Standby Phase you cannot Normal Summon or Set during that turn.

ATK:1900 DEF:2250


Envision Scroll

Trap Card

You can Special Summon 1 "Envision Trio" from your hand or Deck when you activate this card. While this card is on the field, any card sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.


Envision Trio


If this card is the only face-up "Envision" monster you control, you can remove this card from play to remove up to 2 cards your opponent controls from play.

ATK:1200 DEF:450


Champion Envision Beast


During your opponents Standby Phase, if this card is removed from play and you control no face-up monsters, you can Special Summon this card.

ATK:1900 DEF:1000


Herald of Envision


When this card battles an opponent's monster, after damage calculation you can remove from play that monster and this card.

ATK:1400 DEF:1300


Magical Staff of Envision

Equip Spell Card

This card can only be equipped to an "Envision" monster. The equipped monster gains 400 ATK and DEF. The equipped monster cannot declare an attack and it gains this effect:

- Once per turn, remove from play up to 2 cards in either player's Graveyard.


Envision's Revival Jar

Trap Card

Pay 2000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 "Envision" monster that is currently removed from play.


Envision Chamber

Continuous Spell Card

Increase your Life Points by 500 each time a card(s) are removed from play.






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I'm joining. Cards will be up in a week or so.


Edit: New cards up. The Ghost Heroes are less overpowered than last time.


Also, I would make the end date longer. Last time this took more than a month.



19-20) Any card to support Demon-Type Monster(s)

Evil Warrior of the Underworld DARK

Level 4


This card may attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If it does, halve the damage your opponent takes. If you control a non-Demon monster, destroy this card.


45-46) Any card to support Warrior-Type Monster(s)

Warrior of the Thunder

Level 4


While there is another Warrior-type monster on your side of the field, this card may attack twice during the same Battle Phase. During the End Phase, if you control no other Warrior-type monsters on the field, this card is destroyed.


59-60) Any card to support Undead-Type Monster(s)

Ruler of the Dead

Level 8


You must Tribute 3 monsters to Tribute Summon this card. Once per turn, you can discard one card to Special Summon one Level 4 or lower Undead-type monster from your Graveyard. All Undead-type monsters on your side of the field gain 500 ATK and 500 DEF, including this card.




[spoiler=Ghost Heroes]


All these cards are all in an archetype called Ghost Heroes. All of their names stand for a color of the rainbow, and for their pics, they should be that color. I will indicate it next to their name. The color, however, isn't important, as their names don't really sound like a color. If you can't get them pics with the colors, so be it.


Ghost Hero Blando DARK

Level 4 Blue


Once during the duel, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position from the Graveyard. If you do, this card’s ATK is reduced to 0, and when this card is destroyed, remove it from play. This card cannot be used for a Synchro or Fusion Summon or Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. If you control another "Ghost Hero" monster on the field, this card may attack your opponent's Life Points directly.



Ghost Hero Ranto DARK

Level 4 Red


Once during the duel, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position from the Graveyard. If you do, this card’s ATK is reduced to 0, and when this card is destroyed, remove it from play. This card cannot be used for a Synchro or Fusion Summon or Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. If you control another "Ghost Hero" monster on the field, this card gains 300 ATK.



Ghost Hero Gargo DARK

Level 3 Green


Once during the duel, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position from the Graveyard. If you do, this card’s ATK is reduced to 0, and when this card is destroyed, remove it from play. This card cannot be used for a Synchro or Fusion Summon or Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When this card is used for a Synchro Summon, remove the monsters used as Synchro Material from play. If you control another "Ghost Hero" monster on the field, you may Special Summon this card from your hand.



Ghost Hero Onanio DARK

Level 4 Orange


Once during the duel, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position from the Graveyard. If you do, this card’s ATK is reduced to 0, and when this card is destroyed, remove it from play. This card cannot be used for a Synchro or Fusion Summon or Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. While you control another "Ghost Hero" monster on the field, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's DEF.



Ghost Hero Planio DARK

Level 3 Purple


Once during the duel, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position from the Graveyard. If you do, this card’s DEF is reduced to 0, and when this card is destroyed, remove it from play. This card cannot be used for a Synchro or Fusion Summon or Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When this card is Normal Summoned, switch this card to Defense Position.



Ghost Hero Yaxio DARK

Level 6 Yellow


Once during the duel, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position from the Graveyard. If you do, this card’s ATK is reduced to 0, and when this card is destroyed, remove it from play. This card cannot be used for a Synchro or Fusion Summon or Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. If you control another "Ghost Hero" monster on the field, your opponent must attack this card.



Ghost Hero Ixonio DARK

Level 7 Indigo


1 "Ghost Hero" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

Once during the duel, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position from the Graveyard. If you do, this card’s ATK is reduced to 0, and when this card is destroyed, remove it from play. This card cannot be used for a Synchro or Fusion Summon or Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When a "Ghost Hero" monster is Special Summoned from your graveyard, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.



Ghost Hero Raizo

Level 8


1 "Ghost Hero" monster + 1 "Ghost Hero" monster + 1 "Ghost Hero" monster


This card can only be Fusion Summoned using the above Fusion Material monsters. Once during the duel, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position from the Graveyard. If you do, this card’s ATK is reduced to 0, and when this card is destroyed, remove it from play. This card cannot be used for a Synchro or Fusion Summon or Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn it was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed, during the End Phase, Special Summon one "Ghost Hero monster from your Graveyard and reduce it's ATK to 0.



Ghost Reflection

Quick-play spell

Activate only when a "Ghost Hero" monster you control is selected as the target of a card, including attack target. You may change the target to another "Ghost Hero" monster you control.


Disappearance of the Ghost


You may only activate this card when your opponent's monster attacks a face-up "Ghost Hero" monster you control that was Special Summoned from the Graveyard. Negate the attack.


Ghost Bandit


Activate only while you control a face-up "Ghost Hero" monster. Destroy one Spell or Trap card on the Field.


Ghost Kidnapping


Remove from play one "Ghost Hero" monster you control to remove from play one card on you opponent's side of the field.


Ghost Sword

Equip Spell

Discard 1 card. Equip only to a "Ghost Hero" monster that has been Special Summoned from the Graveyard by its effect. Return that card's ATK to its original ATK.


Ghosts Don't Stay Dead!


Pay Life Points until you have 100 left. Special Summon as many "Ghost Hero" monsters as you can that are removed from play in face-up Defense Position. Reduce their ATK and DEF to 0, and they cannot be used in a Synchro or Fusion Summon this turn, and cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon during this turn.



Field Spell

Once per turn, when a "Ghost Hero" monster you control's effect is activated that reduces its ATK to 0, you can pay 1000 Life Points to negate that effect.


Those are the Ghost Heroes. Hope you enjoyed!


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