PrimalFear Posted July 23, 2009 Report Share Posted July 23, 2009 [align=center]First I would like to welcome you to my first ever Naruto RPG. I know their is alot of information to read over but plz take the time and read it all you may enjoy the ability of creating your own characters and everything about them. This RPG will feature the best of our creations and will involve little to absolutly no Cannons from the show. If you would like to see a plotline for this RPG then plz PM me telling me why and what you would like to see in it. As an extra added bonus in getting you to join this RP and create your clans, characters, justu, and Spirit/Seals is every 2-3 weeks I will be posting a new chapter in my FanFic with the same name and based of your Characters and their clans. [spoiler=Rules]1: No spamming2: No flamming3: No godmodding4: Do not complain about how long my Apps are or you will become banned from this RPG (Their are reasons why their long so deal with it.)5: I have final say in this RP unless a mod overrules my position on it.6: Have fun [spoiler=Character Creation]This is where you create your custom Character. Please follow the template below when making a Character. Characters from now on must be Approved before Rping. 1. Custom Character Creation TemplateBelow is the code you can copy and paste for creating your character. If you are New use this template. Older members are allowed to modify the template, just so long as all the information in this template is featured in theirs' as well. Name: (Character's Name)Age: (Character's Age)Gender: (Male or Female)Kekkei Genkai: (Explanation along with link to approved clan)=====================Village of Allegiance: (Pick Only One)Rank: (New characters start at Genin)Specialty: (Pick Only One)Chakra Element: (Pick Only One)Personality: (How does your character act?)Looks: (How does your charater look?)History: (The history of your character.) Basic Information Breakdown Names // Nicknames What we are looking here is just a simple Surname, Birth Name combination. Your Surname can be from either your clan, or just a name passed down to you from your father or mother. You can find some good names in the links below. This will be stated here. Just because you put that your character is "Such and Such" Sage. Does not mean you are allowed access to Sage chakra. Sage Chakra is currently locked, for its abilities are still unknown. Please refrain from giving your character any names that include curse words, or any kind of slang for body parts. This site is PG-13, and we like to try and keep it that way. Example Character Name : Uzumaki, Naruto~Nickname : Konoha's #1 Hyperactive Loudmouth Ninja Gender // Age Gender and Age are pretty straight forward. For gender please only put Male or Female. We will not accept; Beast Hybrid, Transsexual, Demon, or Angelic. We run a PG-13 site, that means no Gay, lesbian, or Bestiality type characters. Before you try and argue over seeing those types around, it will be stated here. Those character were made, and then RP'ed out to that situation. Any character trying to start off like that will be denied without a second guess. This is rule, so do not flame the Creation Mods with your disapprovals. As for age, a ninja, even a genin can be any age. In the manga there have been a few over 30 looking ninja even in the Chuunin exam. But before you make some 50+ year old shinobi, please remember to keep in their age when rping. They are not going to be jumping off walls and soaring around the fields like jack rabbits, without any kind of side effects to their bodies Kekkei Genkai This section should be simple enough and it is the single largest part of getting you new character approved. This section applies to those with a clan Kekkei Genkai. If you have one you must type the a short summary of your bloodline ability as well as provide a link to your approved clan. Until that clan is approved there, your character will not be approved. Since this can essentially be a copy and paste from the clan template this section requires a 200 word minimum. Don’t think you can get away with having one and not writing it down because believe it or not – we do pay attention and any violations with using things you weren’t approved for will result in a lock and warning leading to an eventual deletion of your profile. It goes without saying for newer people to the site that having a character without a bloodline is a lot easier to get approved and begin RPing right away. It should be noted that many characters in the series don’t have bloodlines and exist perfectly fine in the world. (Place your Clan Name Here)Village Information Break Down Village of Alliance // Living Your alliance can only fall under one of the following villages. Please refrain from posting your own made up village. Village Currently Open for Joining Konohagakure no Sato (The Hidden Leaf Village) - Requirements [Excellent]Kirigakure no Sato (The Hidden Mist Village) - Requirements [Excellent]Kasaigakure no Sato (The Hidden Ash Village) - Requirements [Average]Kumogakure no Sato (The Hidden Cloud Village) - Requirements [Poor]Iwagakure no Sato (The Hidden Rock Village) - Requirements [Poor]Otogakure no Sato (The Hidden Sound Village) - Requirements [Poor]Sunagakure no Sato (The Hidden Sand Village) - Requirements [Good]Yukigakure no Sato (The Hidden Snow Village) - Requirements [Good] [spoiler= Village Requirements]Konohagakure no Sato Requirements Konoha has always had a flood of characters. So much so that it has been closed multiple times to allow characters in other villages. As such I will have sole discretion on when and who I will allow to enter. If you are denied the position of a Leaf due too, to many people joining it and you do not wish to join a different village I will PM you when and if I reopen the village. From now on all Konoha characters must fill these line requirements. Looks - 6 LinesPersonality - 6 LinesHistory - 20 LinesRP Post - If it's not worthy of a good RPer you will be denied If you cannot fill these requirements, then your character will be declined. Kirigakure no Sato Requirements Kiri has no current Requirements for joining. Kasaigakure no Sato Requirements Kasai has no current Requirements for joining. Sunagakure no Sato Requirements Suna has no current requirements for joining. Otogakure no Sato Long has it been since the days of the old Otogakure Regime. They held to their ideal of secrecy, but today's Oto has moved beyond that notion. Now what stands before the world is a city beyond comparison, it's construction held in the shadows. Once the village was but just a large maze of tunnels. Now it is a grand Dome, with buildings that tower mountains. Requirements 1. Your character must have been approved the first time, without having to be told to edit it by me and Mirage. This will only be bent depending on the mistake made. 2. We Expect at least 1 more line for personality and looks, and 5 more for history. So that's 120 words for Personality and Looks, and 450 words for history. Here's the explanation for that, We are one of the Two big evils around here, and since the other big evil here you have to be a high rank to join, it's alot harder to join then ares. That already makes them free pretty much from bad rper's and GMers. This joining RP will be a test of your skills, so come in with your best, and don't hold back. But remember the rules to the site, and your power level as a genin. 3. No boring histories. This means, we don't want "I was this completely Emo kid that everyone loved in school because I said they did, and then I killed my parents because they popped the zit on my butt the wrong way. So I figured that makes me evil now and i joined Oto. Then I some how managed to kill One thousands Chuunins in the great battle that lasted milliseconds, because I'm so Emo cool. I only came out with a small cut across my face, and a gash on my right arm. I then took on the kage of some random hidden village, and injured him enough so that i could escape him and his entire ninja force, without any interruptions. Then I stopped a great meteor from falling on the village, but then sent it towards Konoha destroying it completely. I hate Konoha, they have ninja in it that are nice, so they suck. They're too nice, I'm so much cooler then them...Yeah." Now if I see any of that, in a poor excuse of a boring a** history, you won't be allowed in Oto, plain an simple. I'm sure Mirage agrees as well, if not, I'll take some of that out. Oddly enough I wrote more there then some do in their actual history, go figure. 4. Joining Oto from another village : Transfer. This Happens one of two ways, which both work pretty much the same way. Genin, unless we actually find you supremely gifted and worth our time, We're not trudging to another village to risk our lives so that you can just decide to stay in your village. If you leaving, make sure that it's happening. I only make exceptions to damn Good Rpers, cause at least it'll be fun. Confused Chuunin// Jounin guys/gals. If your going to leave contact via PM. Simple huh and alot easier. All of you however must make sure you RP your way out of your "Current" Village, ther's no poofing into another village without an opposition. If no one replies to your topic in atleast two days, then yeah sure you made it out of your village without a problem. {I think others will find that fair enough.} Then you will have to RP your way into Otogakure. Yukigakure no Sato Requirements Yuki has no current requirements for joining. Iwagakure no Sato Requirements Iwa has no current requirements for joining. Kumogakure no Sato Requirements Kumo has no current requirements for joining. Rank//Chakra Information Breakdown Ninja Rank Ninja rank is just that, you rank as a ninja. This shows your character's skill in battle opposed to others. While the majority of people you meet will be genin, there are quite a few higher rank characters out there, so be on guard. All new Character starts as Genin, D-Ranked Missing-Nin, or Genin Ranked Wanderer. Please don't not try and post any other custom rank names or anything. As well any person trying to get a higher rank without a link to their exam will be denied without question. Specialty Your character must specialize in something. This is where you can tell us. But there is a set list you can pick from. The list is located below. You can choose one, and only one specialty when starting as a genin. When choosing a Specialty keeps in mind this is what your character is most likely to use in battle. It makes no sense for you to choose weaponry, and load up on genjutsu for your jutsu. Do not post any of the following in this section, for they do not belong here :Your Character's Jutsu's. Nin, Gen, Tai, Ken, Fuuin, none of them.Your Character's Clan Techniques, Kekkei Genkai, Specialized Jutsus, or Trained Techniques.Your Character’s Weapon, No Swords, Axes, Spears, hatchets, and no weapons here at all.Your Character’s Demon//Curse Seal Abilities. Any of the following found in your profile will be ordered to be removed.List of Specialties NinjutsuTaijutsuGenjutsuKenjutsuFuuinjutsuWeaponryChakra AttunedElementalistMedical ArtsPuppeteerDoujutsu What you picking here isn't the only thing you can use in battle, but rather what you’re more skilled in then others. But just keep in mind, even the best ninja around here don't know everything. One specialty applies to everyone though it can change over time as your character evolves. Chakra Element Here you place what your character's main element is. Genin can have one and only one beginning element. Do not post more then one element and say you’re putting it for future reference. We want only the one you want now. When choosing an advance element, it must be in your clan's description to be allowed such an element, as well you only get the advance element, and not the basic elements needed to attain it. That is until you advance in rank and can choose more elements. List of ElementsFire [Katon]Water [suiton]Lightning [Raiton]Earth [Doton]Wind [Fuuton] Background Information Breakdown Looks Looks should be a pretty simple section. What we need is a description of what your character wears, his body description, and small things like hair color. We do not accept pictures in replacement for what your character looks like. So please don't say "Refer to Picture" or anything of the sort. As well just like clans if you state having any kind of Curse Seal, or Clan Seal on your body, you will have to get them approved first. Personality Personality is a bit harder then looks. This is for you don't have something visual to reference to. What we want to see here is things like, what does your character hate, what is their attitude in battle, and who they react to others. It's always good to add little things like personality quirks, that can make rping with them fun, or to give your character a little uniqueness to them. History Your story is up to you. Though here are some guidelines. First, you cannot be related to a Canon Character. Canon Characters are character from the series. Any trying to be related to a Canon will be denied. Like stated in Gender, no Gay Lesbian or any other sexual preferences should be in the history. Since most of you are Genin, there shouldn’t be any killing of Chuunin or Jounin in your history. It has been said before that it take almost three genin to take down a chuunin, and who knows how many for a Jounin. For example watch when Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke take on Kakashi. They got their butts handed to them. So if you kill anyone in your history, there better be a long description on how you did, out side of Chuunin+ ninja of course. [spoiler=Jutsu Creation]Jutsu CreationAll Jutsu must be approved before use in combat by a designated jutsu moderator. Justu will be approved based upon completeness of the template, logic of the jutsu, adherence to the rules, and how it relates to fair play in the game environment. 1. Ranks, Elements, Abilities Each shinobi rank is granted a limitation on types of jutsu as well as number. -Plesae keep in mind that all elemental jutsu are C-rank minimum.-E-ranked Academy Jutsu need not be added or approved, it is assumed all shinobi know these abilities. The following is the outline by rank: Genin-1 Element-D and C-rank jutsu learned with ease-1 B-ranked jutsu is allowed as a "trump card"-Maximum number of jutsu is approximately 25. Can vary on a case by case basis. Chuunin-2 Elements-D, C, and B-ranked jutsu learned with ease.-3 A-ranked jutsu allowed-1 incomplete S-ranked jutsu allowed. But what does "incomplete" mean? Here are some standards: The jutsu does not work as intended. Its range, effectiveness, and functionality should be underdeveloped compared to what you would like it to be. The jutsu causes a total loss of chakra. Much like how a Genin can use a B-rank and lose their chakra, Chuunin can use an incomplete S-rank as a trump card or final attack.The jutsu causes physical side-effects to the user. In essence, not only are you out of chakra, you're pretty messed up as a result.-Approximate maximum of jutsu is 35, can vary on a case by case basis. Jounin-3 basic elements or 2 basic elements and 1 advanced element. (See Law of Chakra and Advanced Elements for more information)- D, C, B, and A rank jutsu learned with ease- Maximum of 4 Combat S-ranked jutsu. Some S-ranked jutsu used for story purposes or are used in a non-battle situation may not count towards the maximum count of 4. This will be decided by a moderator on a case by case basis.-Maximum amount of jutsu is determined by moderator. Joui-Jounin or Sennin-All of the same rules for Jounin apply-Maximum amount of Combat S-ranks is raised to 5 or 6, depending on the nature of the jutsu.-Overall number of jutsu is increased. 2. Jutsu Template [b][u]Name[/u]:[/b] [b][u]Rank[/u]:[/b] [b][u]Range[/u]:[/b]Supplementary, Close(0-5meters), Medium(5-10meters), Far (10meters+) [b][u]Jutsu Type[/u]:[/b] [b][u]Elemental Affinity[/u]:[/b][b][u]Clan[/u]:[/b][b][u]Description[/u]:[/b] [/Code][u][b]3. Summoning Template[/b][/u] From now on you must use this format when creating a summoning.However, in addition to this, you must place the summoning jutsu into your list, then place your summoning also. Name: Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Spiritualism TechniqueRank: C rankRange: SupplementaryJutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity: NoneClan: none Description: A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal species, which allows them to summon different size and skill levels of creature. The ability to summon more advanced animals largely depends upon the amount of chakra the ninja can muster to perform the jutsu. To summon the creature the ninja will wipe blood on the hand, perform the necessary handseals and then touch their hand to the ground or another object. Though it appears that as long as significant pressure is placed against the blood in some form, the summon will be complete. There can be variations to the summoning steps, some ninja like Temari will wipe blood on her fan, then by swinging the fan the animal is summoned. Other ninja like Orochimaru wipe the blood across a snake tattoo on their arm first, then touch the ground. Name: [Name of Summoning]Rank: [E-S]Physical Description: [What does your Summoning look like? Three Lines]Type of Summon: [How is it summoned? Human sacrafice, blood donation?..the most used will be blood, by far]Species:[What Species of Animal]Story: [How you met your Summoning. four lines.]Elemental Affinity: [Does your summon have an element?]Clan: [is it Clan related?] Jutsu List: [E-Rank Summonings get 0 Jutsu, D gets 2, C gets 3, B gets 4 and so on] List Jutsu, and mark them as such, abilities. Summons can also only have jutsu as high as their rank or lower. For example, a C-ranked summons can have up to C-ranked techniques, but cannot have a B-ranked technique. [spoiler=Custom Clan Template]History//Legend of the Clan: This section will include a background story on how your specific clan was conceived. The easiest way to write this section is a few simple sentences about where the clan came from and how. Including a village or country they were born in is always helpful as well as any additional material about who, what, why, when, where and how. This section should be detailed enough so that anyone who looks at your clan would be able to tell something very specific about it. I implore each member who is writing a clan to try their best on this section. As such, this section has a 200 word requirement. Kekkei Genkai//Bloodline of the Clan: This is, by far, the most important section of your entire profile and should be where you spend the most time. In this section you will describe your clans abilities and the mechanics behind the abilities. Make the Kekkei//Genkai interesting, broad, and inclusive. You're not the only one that might want to use your clan in the future so do the best job you are capable of. As far as approval goes, this section will be under the most scrutiny. If you're having trouble a nice formulaic model to follow is as such: My clan can do "_______" because of "_________". And, really, that is it. There is no such thing as an ability without some basis behind it. If you're having trouble finding something that would make your clan plausible, attempt using an advanced element. An advanced element is a valid basis for most if not all abilities. Otherwise, because this section should be the most thorough of any section it has a 200 word requirement. Clan Information: - Clan Training :: I would suggest, primarily, attaching a link to your clans specific set of jutsu here. Otherwise, in this section, include how your specific clan members develop their abilities and certain aspects of how rank functions in learning their abilities. This is a "how" question of how your character learned their abilities as no shinobi is innately born with the information. This section must be a minimum of twenty-five words. - Population :: Population is, more than anything else, a way for you to outline the general traits of a clan. General features like eye color, hair color, usual clothing, personality traits, etc should be included here. You should also include what makes this clan different from other people. Habits and general thinking patterns can be included here as well. This section has a fifty word requirement. Population also includes a simple ranking system from A to E. Your clan must fall into one of these classes. On NC there is no such thing as a "dead clan" so don't even try. Classes: Class E = 20 - 50 members. Class D = 50 - 100 members. Class C = 100 - 500 members. Class B = 500 - 1000 members. Class A = 1000+ members. - Nature//Values :: This section includes a general classification for your clan and their general alliances. If you're having trouble you can simple choose good [idealistic, moral, ethical, supportive of their village and village authority, willing to serve others], neutral [pacifists, non-aggressive, survivalist, centrist], or evil [disillusioned, warped, opposed to authority of most kinds, self-serving]. Also include what your clans most values and what do they consider right/wrong or good/evil. This section should be twenty-five words or more. Additional Information [Optional]: Lucky for you, everything else is optional! However, I have outlined a few sections of suggested material that you may or may not include. - Clan Founder :: Self explanatory. - Relationship :: Discuss your characters role in relation with their clan. - Clan Political Structure :: Discuss how the clan is run//who runs it. - Important Members :: Discuss the important members of your clan. Past or present is fine. [Code]Copy and paste the following into your custom clan topic.[size=18][b][u]History//Legend of the Clan[/b][/u]:[/size]Write here.[size=18][b][u]Kekkei Genkai//Bloodline of the Clan[/b][/u]:[/size]Write here.[size=18][b][u]Clan Information[/b][/u]:[/size]- [b]Clan Training[/b] :: Write here.- [b]Population[/b] :: Write here.- [b]Nature//Values[/b] :: Write here.[size=18][b][u]Additional Information [Optional][/b][/u]:[/size]- [b]Clan Founder[/b] :: Write here.- [b]Relationship[/b] :: Write here.- [b]Clan Political Structure[/b] :: Write here.- [b]Important Members[/b] :: Write here. [/Code] [spoiler=Custom Spirit(Inside)/Curse Seal] Sealing Methods TemplateCharacter Name:Name of Sealing Method:Rank: E-S (Genin: E-C, Chuunin: E-B, Jounin: E-A, Kage/Sennin: E-S)Preparations: how do you do it? (the stronger it is, the more complicated it is)Positive Effects on Target:Negative Effects on User:Seal Info: no word minimum, but give any further description of the technique here… (this section is not required) [Code][b][u]Character Name[/u]:[/b][b][u]Name of Sealing Method[/u]:[/b][b][u]Rank[/u]:[/b][b][u]Preparations[/u]:[/b][b][u]Positive Effects on Target[/u]:[/b][b][u]Negative Effects on User[/u]:[/b][b][u]Seal Info[/u]:[/b] (optional)[/Code] Clan/Jutsu/Summoning Seal TemplateCharacter Name:Type Of Seal: (Clan, Jutsu, or Summoning)Link to ProfileName of Sealed Technique:Location of the Seal: Where is this seal, and what does it look like?Creation: How was the seal created?Rank of the Seal: must match technique that was sealedPreparations: How is the seal activated?Effects on Target: at least 25 words…What happens when the seal is released or activated?Negative Effects of Seal: What does your player give up either while the seal is active, or from the seal being released? Chakra consumption is minimum for E-D rank, C-S rank require more effects on top…Seal Info: no word minimum, give any further information here… (this section is not required) [Code][b][u]Character Name[/u]:[/b][b][u]Type Of Seal[/u]:[/b][url=xxx]xxx[/url][b][u]Name of Sealed Technique[/u]:[/b][b][u]Location of the Seal[/u]:[/b][b][u]Creation[/u]:[/b][b][u]Rank of the Seal[/u]:[/b][b][u]Preparations[/u]:[/b][b][u]Effects on Target[/u]:[/b][b][u]Negative Effects of Seal[/u]:[/b][b][u]Seal Info[/u]:[/b] (Optional)[/Code] Transformation Seal TemplateCharacter Name:Name of Seal:Rank: E-S (Genin: E-C, Chuunin: E-B, Jounin: E-A, Kage/Sennin: E-S)Location of the Seal: Where is this seal, and what does it look like?Preparations: how do you do it? (the stronger it is, the more complicated it is)Transformation Process:- Describe each step of the process of transforming (Rank= # of steps required, E=1, D=2, C=3, B=4, A=5, S=6)Positive Effects on Target:Negative Effects on User:Seal Info: no word minimum, but give any further description of the technique here… (this section is not required) [Code][b][u]Character Name[/u]:[/b][b][u]Name of Seal[/u]:[/b][b][u]Rank[/u]:[/b][b][u]Location of the Seal[/u]:[/b][b][u]Preparations[/u]:[/b][b][u]Transformation Process[/u]:[/b][b][u]Positive Effects on Target[/u]:[/b][b][u]Negative Effects on User[/u]:[/b][b][u]Seal Info[/u]:[/b] (Optional)[/Code] Demon/Spiritual Seal TemplateName of Character:Name of Demon or Spirit:Location of the Seal: Where is this seal, and what does it look like?Demon/Spirit Gender: *Male or Female, no hermaphroditesDemon/Spirit’s Age: (self explanatory)Looks: (100 word minimum… YOU MUST ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FOR APPROVAL: what does this demon look like?… how does this demon/spirit appear in real life?… can it be seen by anybody but your character?…)Personality: (50 word minimum)Skills/Specialties: (50 word minimum)History/Background Story: (100 word minimum… When, Why and How this seal was made must be answered in this section for approval) [Code][b][u]Name of Character[/u]:[/b][b][u]Name of Demon or Spirit[/u]:[/b][b][u]Location of the Seal[/u]:[/b][b][u]Demon/Spirit Gender[/u]:[/b][b][u]Demon/Spirit’s Age[/u]:[/b][b][u]Looks[/u]:[/b][b][u]Personality[/u]:[/b][b][u]Skills/Specialties[/u]:[/b][b][u]History/Background Story[/u]:[/b][/Code] [spoiler=Seal Weaknesses]Having trouble with a finding a weakness to your Curse seals/Demons? Well fret nomore! Below, I have listed a few acceptable weaknesses for a seal, in weakest to strongest. However, if your seal is strong, please dont try and post Prayer as its weakness. Be realistic 1. Prayer: In order to activate the seal, the user must pray to a god. This is considered to be a downside because it takes an extended amount of time before being unleashed. 2. Physical Body strain: Everytime this seal is used, the body of the user is put under great strain. When the seal is used up, the user will be extremely tired for a certain amoun of time. 3. Mental strain: Everytime this seal is used, the mind of the user is corrupted by the use of the seal. This is irreversable, once the effects are applied they cannot be changed. To ensure you are doing this right, you must post here a link to the threads where you unleashed it, and must list a state of personality for each number of threads, to the amount of threads it takes for you to become fully evil. 4. Chakra Loss: Everytime this seal is used, the user gains an emense amount of chakra. However, when it retracts, the seal takes away the same amount as was given. This allows for a system of checks and balances. 5. Loss of senses: Upon the seal retracting, the user will have blurred vision, strange touch, scratching hearing, stopped up smell, and strange tastes. If used prolongly, they will loose these sense's completly. 6. A coma: Each time this seal is used, the user will be under great strain once it recoils. So much, in fact, that they will faint directly on the spot, leaving them unconcous for a day. Upon awaking, they will have extreme fatique. 7. Chakra system destruction: Every time this seal is used, a certain amount of the chakra system is decayed. This is because of the extreme amount of chakra unleashed from the seal into the chakra system. [spoiler=Organizations]If you want to creat a Oraganization withen the RPG then here is the applicaation for it. [Code] [b]Organization Name[/b] [b]Organization Purpose[/b] [b]Organization Headquarters[/b] [b]Organization Leader[/b] [b]Other Organization Members[/b][/Code] [spoiler=Accepted Characters][spoiler=Hayate Masaru]Name: Hayate MasaruAge: 16Gender: Male Kekkei Genkai: (NA) Unkown at the moment=====================Village of Allegiance: Konohagakure no SatoRank: GeninSpecialty: NinjutsuChakra Element: WindPersonality: NALooks: NAHistory: NA [spoiler=Accepted Jutsu] [spoiler=Accepted Clan][spoiler=Masaru Clan]History//Legend of the Clan: The Masaru clan was a clan that’s as old as time it’s self. They were among the first humans to exist on Earth, they were created by the Goddess Shiva as one of 5 clans. The Genshukugan represents the third eye that governs the universe with an Gravitational force. Otherwise known as gravity. The clan began as a nomadic tribe that moved form place to place. Never fully adjusting to the environment that they lived in. However, one day, when the tribe was riding together on a boat, a terrible thunderstorm brewed in, causing them to wash ashore the Fire Country. As years went by, the clan never fully settled onto a village. They wandered around aimlessly, from Konoha to Otogakure, just trying to find work to do. However, when the first great shinobi war broke out, the clan found themselves in a very difficult situation. No matter what village they settled in, they would be involved in the fighting. The clan leader decided on Kasai, and the majority elected with him. However, there were a minor few that wanted to live in other villages they thought were more peaceful, so they decided to separate in order to prevent a needless conflict. During the war, the majority that went into Kasai enlisted as a military force to protect the village in terms of danger. Using their Kekkei Genkai of their third eye, they successfully defended the village and were recognized by many villagers of the time. This also made them into a major political figure within the village because of their efforts. Kekkei Genkai//Bloodline of the Clan: The clan’s Kekkei Genkai is the Genshukugan. Also known as the third eye. The “Third” Eye is known for its Gravitational abilities, thus the name, Genshuku meaning Gravity in Japanese. The eye is said to have an invisible power that governs the universe. This power is known as Gravity. The Genshukugan appears in the center of the forehead. This eye has the power to manipulate Gravity. The stronger the person wielding this power, the stronger the Gravity jutsu that can be used against the opponent. However, this Kekkei Genkai has a side effect. Such prolonged concentration can be dangerous and taxing to the body. When used for to long, it could cause the user to faint. If a weaker user attempts to use a move that’s too strong for their level, it will instantly drain all of their chakra and they will become immobilized. If a user attempts to use a high level jutsu when their chakra is nearly depleted, the jutsu will be performed. However, the result will be death.[spoiler=Genshukugan Lvl's]1st Level of Genshukugan(Genin):The clan member has 10 times the gravitational power of a normal Ninja. (Meaning that a normal ninja could jump possibly 5 feet where a ninja with the Genshukugan could jump 10 feet. This also goes for everything a normal ninja could do.) It also gives the user the ability to use 2 C rank Gravity jutsu and 2 D Rank jutsu along with 1 B rank jutsu (Replacing their 1 normal non Kekkai Genkai B Rank jutsu). 2nd Level of Genshukugan(Chunin):The clan member has 20 times the gravitational power of a normal Ninja. (Meaning that a normal ninja could jump possibly 5 feet where a ninja with the Genshukugan could jump 20 feet. This also goes for everything a normal ninja could do.) It also gives the user the ability to use 2 C rank Gravity jutsu and 2 D Rank jutsu along with 2 B rank jutsu, 2 A (Replacing 2 of their normal non Kekkai Genkai A Rank jutsu). 3rd Level of Genshukugan(Jounin - Joui-Jounin or Sennin)The clan member has 40 times the gravitational power of a normal Ninja. (Meaning that a normal ninja could jump possibly 5 feet where a ninja with the Genshukugan could jump 30 feet. This also goes for everything a normal ninja could do.) It also gives the user the ability to use 2 C rank Gravity jutsu and 2 D Rank jutsu along with 2 B rank jutsu, 2 A Rank and 2 S Rank Gravity Jutsu (Replacing 2 of their normal non Kekkai Genkai S Rank jutsu). Clan Information: - Clan Training :: The Kekkei Genkai is always taught to a clan member before they enter the Academy. However, at this time they don’t have the chakra reserves in order to manipulate any type of Gravity. Over time, with training with their parents, they start to develop more techniques. But they can only learn them when they are in the correct rank. (i.e. Chunnin) - Population :: The clan’s numbers have increased over the years. Not by a significant amount mind you, but at a subtle amount, much like the population of a country, only by reproduction. Though, the majority of the clan resides in Kasai, while many other members are spread across the country. This makes Kasai the unofficial home of the Masaru clan. Class B: 500-1000 - Nature//Values :: The Masaru clan are not distinguishable by their clothing, since they believe in freedom of choice. However, there is a traditional weapon that all members must wield. The weapon they must wield is a Sword branded with the Third Eye. [spoiler=Accepted Custom Spirit and curse Seal] [spoiler=Accepted Organizations] [/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted July 23, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 23, 2009 bump, anyone wanna join Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HollyMcKnight Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 i would if i new more bout naruto Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riku Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 i would if i new more bout naruto Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoDemonX Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 I'd join on Friday and did you copy off the forum: Coloholics Anonymous RPs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riku Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 may i do a Deidara char? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 i would if i new more bout narutook i would if i new more bout narutook I'd join on Friday and did you copy off the forum: Coloholics Anonymous RPs ok and no I didn't I got it from another forum!may i do a Deidara char? No we are not doing any Cannons it will all be made up sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HollyMcKnight Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 ok dude ill fill 1 out the best i can Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Thanks stella any questions PM me and I'll help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 I you don't mind I'm going to have a group of guys called Moon Tree, All NPC's controled by me (unless someone wants to join[Ask via PM]) But I'll only control a few of Moon Tree(not the whole 1000, about 5 or so) Name Sakaki (of the Seven Counsel)Age 25-ishGender MaleKekkei Genkai N/A(Still working on one)=====================Village of Allegiance LeafRank Academy Teach (Also Captain of Moon Tree's Second Division)Specialty Weapon/Hand CombatChakra Element WaterPersonality Sakaki is a somewhat delusional person, with dreams of remaking the world in the idealistic image of Moon Tree. Usually he is calm and hard to annoy, or 'press his buttons' but it is rare for someone to do those things. Through acts of kindness, Sakaki was able to win over the loyalty of many people, including Matsu, Hiiragi, Sophora, Atoli, and a large number of other Moon Tree members. Sakaki is also a heavy obey-er on the Rule: "Don't Attack People Unless They Attack You". He has helped Matsu understand why this is a Rule, and why it is so Important in Moon Tree.Looks[spoiler=Sakaki] History Sakaki was born into Royalty, ensuring him a place in Moon Tree. When he turned 18 he officially joined Moon Tree, and quickly rose the Ranks going from just a Member to Captain of the Second Devision in just 2 Years. Like most of Moon Trees new members he didn't understand it's Standards, and the way it worked. Once he learned of Moon Trees Rules, he was annoyed and didn't like them. Over time Sakaki changed and started to respect the rules, Little-by-Little (the hardest rule for him to get was the: "Don't Attack People Unless They Attack You"). But by the time he was a Captain, he was a hard obey-er of the Rules. Sakaki is so far the greatest member of Moon Tree, as he became a Captain, and was in the Seven Counsel within 2 Years after he joined (A Task on one else has accomplished), quickly gained members for Moon Tree and, helped it rise back up in The World. He and Matsu are usually teamed up, despite the fact Sakaki is a Loyal follower of the Rules, and Matsu is still adjusting to them, despite their differances, they have a Friendly Relationship. Sakaki seems to have split the Guild, The ones who are loyal to him and the others Loyal to Zelkova, Moon Tree's Official Leader. Most of the people in Moon Tree seem to think that Sakaki is the Guild Leader, and Zelkova is a Ploy. [spoiler=Info on Moon Tree]Moon Tree is a Guild of Pacifists, promoting harmony and peace in The World. It is composed of around 1,000 members who are devoted to restoring The World from its corrupt state to the prominent The World of the past. Moon Tree is divided into seven divisions, each one commanded by a Captain. Together, they are known as the Seven Counsel. First Division - Zelkova Second Division - Sakaki Third Division - Kaede Fourth Division - Nala Fifth Division - Hiiragi Sixth Division - Sophora Seventh Division - Matsu Fun Facts:-Most members and all leaders of Moon Tree are named after trees. -All Moon Tree captains have similar diamond-shaped designs on their outfits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 I you don't mind I'm going to have a group of guys called Moon Tree' date=' All NPC's controled by me (unless someone wants to join[Ask via PM']) But I'll only control a few of Moon Tree(not the whole 1000, about 5 or so) Name SakakiAge 25-ishGender MaleKekkei Genkai N/A(Still working on one)=====================Village of Allegiance LeafRank Accademy Teach? (Also Captain of Moon Tree's Second Division)Specialty Weapon/Hand CombatChakra Element WaterPersonality Sakaki is a somewhat delusional person, with dreams of remaking the world in the idealistic image of Moon Tree. Through acts of kindness, Sakaki was able to win over the loyalty of many people, including Matsu, Hiiragi, Sophora, Atoli, and a large number of other Moon Tree members.Looks[spoiler=Sakaki] History Sakaki was born into Royalty, ensuring him a place in Moon Tree. When he turned 18 he officialy joined Moon Tree, and quickly rose the Ranks. He quickly gained members for Moon Tree and helped it rise back up in The World. Sakaki seems to have split the Guild, The ones who are loyal to him, and the others Loyal to Zelkova, Moon Tree's Official Leader. [spoiler=Info on Moon Tree]Moon Tree is a group of pacifists, promoting harmony and peace in The World. It is composed of around 1,000 members who are devoted to restoring The World from its corrupt state to the prominent The World of the past. Moon Tree is divided into seven divisions, each one commanded by a captain. Together, they are known as the Seven Counsel. First Division - Zelkova Second Division - Sakaki Third Division - Kaede Fourth Division - Nala Fifth Division - Hiiragi Sixth Division - Sophora Seventh Division - Matsu OK first Moon Tree should be listed under a Clan, then you can go ahead and continue with it as you would normally. I want you to read the requirements for joining the leaf village though as I can see you will need to update slightly on the requirements a little. Until then Your position will be reserved in the leaf. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 *Classic WTF Eye Twitch*... Screw that then >.> Just put me in Mist *Sigh* Your losing it... I mean who would actually bother with 20 lines of history! I could only do 12 then get bored writing it and say "Screw it!"!EDIT: I'll just make the History 12 Lines, and thats basicly all there is to Sakaki's personality... I'll try and add to it thoughI Edited what I could before my attantion span failed me and I got bored of that many lines -.- Not many people will have an Attention Span large enough to do ALL that... I could barely do that and I was[as schools out and it's summer] the best in my class Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 *Classic WTF Eye Twitch*... Screw that then >.> Just put me in Mist *Sigh* Your losing it... I mean who would actually bother with 20 lines of history! I could only do 12 then get bored writing it and say "Screw it!"!EDIT: I'll just make the History 12 Lines' date=' and thats basicly all there is to Sakaki's personality... I'll try and add to it though[hr']I Edited what I could before my attantion span failed me and I got bored of that many lines -.- Not many people will have an Attention Span large enough to do ALL that... I could barely do that and I was[as schools out and it's summer] the best in my class Well first half the point of the requirements was to deter people from the leaf, the other half is since its so popular I want it to atleast half some decent Rp'ers the more you can write in your app the better I know you can RP. I might change it to 15 but I know its not that hard to post a bigger history definitly since your character is 25ish thats almost 25 years of stuff you could be posting about lol I know it seems a lot but in reality having a higher # of lines in the requirement will only allow us to better rp with your character. The more we know the easier it becomes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Requiem Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Wow I am halfway done with my app >.> and it is pissing me off?!?! I will have it up later when I am not about to hang myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Wow I am halfway done with my app >.> and it is pissing me off?!?! I will have it up later when I am not about to hang myself. lol now now Mirage take it easy, anyway ok, can't wait to see your character I can't wait to get some more members, Its going to be awesome once we start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Requiem Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 You know what I will translate it into some keep version of Japanese and you took this from another forum? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Most of what you said(to me anyway) was you basicly rembling... But if I was to do a 20-15 line Bio, I'd just say "Screw the Rules; I have Money!" but, he's still young, there nothing exiting to type about his past, during his Time in Moon Tree Is basicly summarized... And even Mirage things it's too much! To be in the Leaf, you have to be like Friking Davok! And Seriously: I'M GETTING A BIT ****ING PISSED OFF! (Not you, just something that heppned RL, this is just adding to it) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Requiem Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 I just don't like to fill out 20 different things that require more then 3 paragraphs each. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoDemonX Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 The last time I did the same app it took me all day and never went to bed untill 4am Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Most of what you said(to me anyway) was you basicly rembling... But if I was to do a 20-15 line Bio' date=' I'd just say "Screw the Rules; I have Money!" but, he's still young, there nothing exiting to type about his past, during his Time in Moon Tree Is basicly summarized... And even Mirage things it's too much! To be in the Leaf, you have to be like Friking Davok! And Seriously: I'M GETTING A BIT ****ING PISSED OFF! (Not you, just something that heppned RL, this is just adding to it)[/quote'] ok what ever on the first part, as for mirage he hates Leaf village and probably is not gonna join it, not to mention he was the one who told me that too many people where gonna flood Leaf village. Now as for you getting pissed sorry I can't help your situation but all I can say personaly its my way or the highway no offence to you, nor am I trying to piss you off more. Mirage no, I took a bunch off random application's and info and mashed them together from another forum that is all about naruto. On that forum its way more advanced and has alot more features in it then this knock off version. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 So you practacly stole this from another Forum!? And about the Flooding, have a Limited amount of spaces... And I've basicly but all I can for Sakaki, and he basicly Fits into the Leaf... Also, I'm not used to writing 20 Lines for A chacater who's still young(ish) And thats the best I got... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoDemonX Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 So what is this forum Hayate I like to know so I can join it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Well, best I can come up with... I'm trying to Make Sakaki somewhat Mysterious... And without spoiling somethings, I can't put anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Fine untouched, If you wanted him mysterious could have PMed me saying it, your accepted. Anymore joiners. But I do wish for you to make your organization a Clan, Although I think I may add a Organization App just for that purpose if you didn't want them as a clan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Yea... If Moon Tree was a Clan, I wouldn't have used it >.> Also... A Guild is basically an Organisation, so let me know when you put an Organizataion App up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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