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I was being bored,so rate this Fiend-type card to kill my boredom.Please?


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I was being bored here for a while,

So I thought to post this card on my thread

that I made 2 minutes ago!


Rate it well,so you might just exterminate my boredom.

Otherwise, poor me!






This card cannot be Special Summoned,except by its own effect.When either of players Sets a monster during the turn this card is face-up on your side of the field, destroy that Set monster immediatly without its effect applying.When this card is destroyed,yet it has destroyed 3 or more monsters by this card effect,you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard to your side of the field with its effect negated and applied double ATK of a monster that was destroyed last by this card.This card cannot be selected as an attack target.

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No,You see this monster must be Tribute Summoned to come up on the field so there is a enough balance power,I think.See?And plus this card's attack is disabled(basiclly) to balance powers.I think it is moderate overpowered

But anyways,you're right about balance of its ATK/DEF between its last sentence of an effect.(before its change, you weren't able to selected it as an attack target)

Card updated(Now it cannot be destroyed with your opponent's card effect).

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