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Interview with a Vampire - Your chance to ask a mod whatever you always wanted to ask


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Why? >:3


IDK you're Fenrir the black fur wolf with blidness.D:<


Are you classy oer rough (Not a dirty joke)?




Do you kill innocent people? And if yes' date=' would you kill me?



yes and no :3


Is this a stupid question?


Do I suck?


nope :3



U LIKe yugioh


u like spam?=D








What would you do with the Omnitrix?


I half expect ya to say "WTH is that?"


Can I eat that?=D


I've always wondered...


What exactly is the process of banning someone?


820 said it already.;)


Is there a user you n'aime pas du tout? (PM if too personal)


non :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did ya miss me?


Yeah =D


Do you wish OMGAK to be back?


I don't really care.


Are you a mod?

Can I be a mod?

What coloure das a smurf turn when you choke it?



Uh not up tome to decide.



You live in Luxembourg' date=' right?

So, do you drink lots of wine?



Eh I prefer other alcohol over wine.^^ Nah.

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