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Interview with a Vampire - Your chance to ask a mod whatever you always wanted to ask


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So youre hopping on the bandwagon' date=' too? :o

And youre a vampire?

But dont worry, I wont ask you my poo-questions, I make an exception! :D


So, what shows your avatar?




And no, not really, I just used that for a BOOMING EMPHAZIS title.

It's Amanda Palmer, the one who sings the song in my sig.=3

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Which song would you say best describes you in general?


O_o Ehm... too many...

IDK hard to choose... But Canta per me by Yuki Kajiura is on my evergreen list for sure.=3



Can you sing?


I think so...O_o




Which languages can you speak (fluent)?


Luxembourgish' date=' German, French, English, Italian.

Hope to learn more though.



Whose is better?


Yuka's, Yukari's, or Kogasa's?



Then Inanimated Dream

Night Falls, Evening Star

Gensokyo, Past and Present - Flower Land

And then Kogasa's theme.



Hi Opal-Chan!


Why have you stayed friends with me? I would just like to know :)


Well you're nice, supportive and everything a friend on YCM should have.^^

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Whose is better?


Yuka's' date=' Yukari's, or Kogasa's?




Then Inanimated Dream

Night Falls, Evening Star

Gensokyo, Past and Present - Flower Land

And then Kogasa's theme.


You forgot Sleeping Terror.


And besides, I wasn't talking about battle themes.

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Why do you make me listen to some of the song you post in the thread?


Eh your choice' date=' I guess.O_o



A misleading Title!!!


it messes with the other vampire on this site..



xD I was looking for something different than "Ask Opalmoon a question".^^



Tell the truth - do you really play Crab Helmet's drinking game in his sig?


I did it once.^^

I kinda figured the times when some mods are online and some aren't.

Crab usually gets on in the evening (should show up soon) and I was bored that day so yeah. I didn't do it with shots though.xD

"This topic is stupid."

"This topic is stupid."

"Crab Helmet says u suck too."




What is your greatest accomplishment?


IRL: Nothing

YCM: Becoming kinda popular (I think?)' date=' bringing "some order" into some sections (I hope) and leaving my trace here.O_o



Do you respect me?





What do you hate most?


Huge egos (and when I say huge I mean LIKE THIS!!) and coldness.

The roots of many other things I hate.

And waiting lines too.T_T

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Do you like your parents?


Ehm like' date=' sure, but I wish we'd get on better.



What would you do if you met me in Real Life?


IDK whatever you want?

Have a lot of fun.^^



Isnt my new OnePiece posting profile cool?


Do you like One Piece?


Have you got warts' date=' tatoos, piercings?



Yes totally.

One Piece, kinda. Didn't see many episodes though.

No warts or piercings (don't want any) but I'll probably get a tattoo next year or sometime.

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