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Blackwing Sigs and Avatars

Curse Sasuke

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Okay so my shop is all about blackwings....Stuff we have





[spoiler=Real Cards]5trpf.jpg



[spoiler=Japenese Cards]119yzc4.jpg



Or an avatar which i would need a pic for


okay so here is the deal if you want a:


Sig=2 points

Real Card=2 points

Japeneese Card=3 points

Or Avatar=3 points


If you want any special blackwing pic or card custimized let me know in you order


Just simply post your order of what you want and any specifications and if i dont get to it in three days pm so i will get to it that day. :)

[spoiler=Current Workers]Hollow Ichigo



[spoiler=Finished Orders]None



[spoiler=Orders we are working on]none


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