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[|\/|] The Jungle [|\/|] Now with 15 items!


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6 Pokemon:Infernape, Carzarid, Typhlosion, Blaziken, Flareon, Entei

Trainer: template 1 L1

Trainer Card Template:Template 2 the first one on the second row

Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Orange Island, Hoenn, Frontier Badges, Coordinator Ribbons, or Ranger Badges:All Sinnoh Badges

Do you want a pokemon behind the trainer? Which one?: carzarid


i will pay 20 if it looks good

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I would like to apply here.


Items: Advance Holo/Normal Holo/Custom Sticker/Gold Rare/Platinum-Silver Rare Edition/Recolors/Name Holo/Custom Name/Japanese OCG Card/Custom Attribute/Multi-Language Card/Sig/Avatars/Banners/Card Bullets/Renders/Many other stuff I can't think of right now.



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But I need examples of multi language cards and recolors as well. I would prefer another language besides Japanese for your example of multi language cards. Just so people don't think you do Japanese only.


I need prices and order forms for all these as well

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Alright koramore, I've added some of your items to the shop list. The reason is because I already do some of the things you listed and it would be pointless to have double. Also, you didn't give me all the order forms so I couldn't really add them to the list (The Card Bullets in particular)

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