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40kendgame: Your custom trainer splice has a weird outlining that won't look good at all on the trainer card and what do you mean by luxray's trainer sprite?


1. Sorry, I made the Splice in paint. My laptop has GIMP, but it's been down for months.

2. John McCloud is an anthropomorphic Luxray. As such, although this cannot be confirmed until the Pokemon Company decides to implement this idea, he counts as one of his own pokemon.

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40kendgame: Your custom trainer splice has a weird outlining that won't look good at all on the trainer card and what do you mean by luxray's trainer sprite?


1. Sorry' date=' I made the Splice in paint. My laptop has GIMP, but it's been down for months.

2. John McCloud is an anthropomorphic Luxray. As such, although this cannot be confirmed until the Pokemon Company decides to implement this idea, he counts as one of his own pokemon.



Do you still want me to use your custom splice even though it will look weird? If not, choose a trainer sprite from my list. Do you want me to use a DPPT Luxray sprite? Please specify. I have no idea what you are talking about in #2

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i added 5 more slots to it

[spoiler=trainer card]v67mmt.jpg


the pokemon i want added are: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Deoxys, and Heatran and surrounding the trainer instead of behind and outside of the boxes can you put : Manaphy, Togepi, Jirachi, Celebi, Latias, Latios, Rotom, Unown(any of them), and Phione. can you put them surrounding him i think there is enough room they are small and its a big space i want it to look like he is a collector and that those pokemon have a relationship like ash and pikachu do.

I will pay another 20 points for these additions.

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40kendgame: Your custom trainer splice has a weird outlining that won't look good at all on the trainer card and what do you mean by luxray's trainer sprite?


1. Sorry' date=' I made the Splice in paint. My laptop has GIMP, but it's been down for months.

2. John McCloud is an anthropomorphic Luxray. As such, although this cannot be confirmed until the Pokemon Company decides to implement this idea, he counts as one of his own pokemon.



Do you still want me to use your custom splice even though it will look weird? If not, choose a trainer sprite from my list. Do you want me to use a DPPT Luxray sprite? Please specify. I have no idea what you are talking about in #2


1. I do want to use the custom sprite.

2. I'm sorry if I am confusing you. Basically I would like a head + Upper Body shot from the trainer sprite for the Luxray Sprite.

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[align=center]Accepting workers?


[spoiler=Snitch's Items][spoiler=Sigs and Tags][spoiler=Form]Size:

Render (Must be MQ-HQ):

Text (if wanted):

General colours (if wanted):

Type of background (Grunge, vector, can leave blank):


Anything else:






[spoiler=Coding For This Spoiler]

[spoiler=Snitch's Items][spoiler=Sigs and Tags][spoiler=Form]Size:
Render (Must be MQ-HQ):
Text (if wanted):
General colours (if wanted):
Type of background (Grunge, vector, can leave blank):
Anything else:[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Coding For This Spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]



I can also do card holos, name holos, star holos and advanced holos. I'll get a holo example up if you want me to do them as well.[/align]

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is it almost done its been about 10 hours


There is one issue... the trainer card you provided me a few posts ago is larger than the 1st one. Thus making it pretty impossible for me to add those smaller pokemon you want around the trainer. Can you just add boxes to the 1st trainer card you gave me on the previous page?

Here 40k: I tried to remove as much as the weird white as I could. 5 points please...


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