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Bionicle Ravax Nui


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Name: Helliax (Heel-li-ax)

Species: Av-Matoran (Is really a Shadow Matoran, soon to be a Shadow Toa.)

Faction: Order of Mata-Nui (For now...)

Gender: Male


- Matoran



- Toa



Bio: He's a Shadow Matoran. He's the only one that has good intentions, but no one believes him. He tries to not to be near to any populated areas of Ravax Nui. Making and inventing things it's his favorite hobby, specially weapons and masks.



- Matoran

Powerless Mask

2 Claw Blades


- Toa

Mask of Darkness

2 Wing Blades

2 Scythe Blades

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OoC: Now my character is a Toa, he has a Kanohi Hau (Mask of shielding). His body is the same build as the 2004 Toa Sets.


Ic: "I feel... strange?" Jayakou said. Turning to the Kane-Ra that had burst in, he lifted his hand as his mask glowed. A shield of energy burst up around him, sending the Kane-Ra zooming into the air after it hit the shield. As the light of the shield faded, Jayakou's Noble Kiril had become a Great Kanohi Hau.

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OoC: This isn't really an app, but more of an info sheet on my character (now that he's changed)

Name: Jayakou

Species: Toa

Faction: Order of Mata-nui, Gaurdians of Ravax Nui.

Gender: Male

Appearance: The same build as 2004 Toa. He's entirely grey and his mask is a Great Kanohi Hau.

Weapon: Fire Staff (formely Welding Torch) and Meta Sword (formely Dagger)LULWUT.png


Also, Gaurdians of Ravax Nui, it's an organisation started by the Order of Mata-nui. Ravax Nui is said to play an important part in the Matoran Universe's history, so it requires a defence force of Toa (6 members).


If you say that the idea of GoRN isn't accepted, I'll get rid of the stuff about it.

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"Well, it looks like it..." Jayakou said.

"But there's no time to waste! We have to stop the Kane-Ra destroying everything before it's to late!"

Raising his hand into the air, his Matoran dagger could be seen clutched in the fingers. Using his new metal powers, Jayakou started to add on to the dagger until it was a large, gleaming sword. Turning, he ran out the temple, towards the sounds of frightened Matoran and growling Rahi.

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