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Dark Magician

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Countless support, some even not to bad ones actually. Bad it sadness me that the cards cannot say, "Dark Magician monster" >_>


Discuss the win of Dark Magician and his fellow support cards[/align]

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It needs a slight extra push of support but that doesn't mean its bad, it just needs skill and thought to play it and to build the Deck.

Its my absolute favorite Deck in the game.

I could actually annoy most Decks I played against (warriors/ Monarchs/ ETC)... until the actual meta games came out and ruined my fun "; -;

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Ahh yes the good old days...I remeber someone at locals used this and dark magic curtain(whatever it was called) to troll this guy out and whenever you would go to kill him he would flip up an eradicator virus...ah good times...


Now a days...he is the ultimate wizard in terms of fail and the fact that he will never get anymore usefull support...

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Fantastic support. Period.




^ This.


The card itself could be atleast level 8.


you realise this was before any of that stuff had been made right? I mean this was in the very first pack.


I know, but it's so sad that out of the 3 most famous vanillas. BEWD,REBD and this only one can be used with Trade-In.

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Fantastic support. Period.




^ This.


The card itself could be atleast level 8.


you realise this was before any of that stuff had been made right? I mean this was in the very first pack.


And that was back when we could use 3x Pot of Greed

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