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Locals Report

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A majority of the players were playing BW's, so it was really annoying. This is how I did with my Rescue Glads.


Round 1:vs crappy defense deck


1. Beat him with a Secutor which got me my Herk.

2. Beat him with my Gyzarus after blowing up his Swords and crappy stall monster


Round 2:vs Blackwings(good player)


1.Beat him using Cold Waves. Since his hand had 1 monster and the rest Spells and Traps, he scooped.

2.This time around I destroyed his field with Gyzarus and Heavy Storm, winning me another game.


Round 3:vs LS(the best player in the shop)


1. I got creamed by him when he wiped my field clean and summoned his Judge, Celestia, and Wulf. No contest.

2. Made an amazing play(got 2 Gyzarus out in 1 turn), but lost because he lucksacked with JD and Celestia. Damn.


Round 4:vs BW's(all right player)


1. I got creamed because he lucksacked with Kalut while I had no cards to defend my monster after I attacked.

2.Lost because he consistently wiped my field thanks to lucksacked cards. Joy.


Round 5:vs BW's(another player. Wow)


1.Creamed him because he didn't get what he needed and couldn't defend against Gyzarus.

2.Creamed him again because I wiped his backrow clean and destroyed him.


Top 8:vs Blackwings(Genzo's this time)


1.He got me pretty badly thanks to DAD and no backrow on my part. I just scooped.

2.I got him after he used up a lot of his good cards to fend me off. Didn't even need Gyzarus this time.

3.He creamed me since he sided Skill Drain against me. I wasn't too happy, but not too mad either.


Overall:3:3(Meh. I usually get to the top 4 at least)


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