Cowsmacker Posted July 20, 2009 Report Share Posted July 20, 2009 this is a game of survival. at the start thier isnt realy any fighting. only 1 enemy in the game but they just keep increasing in numbers as the game goes on. if you would like to join please say so. i will anounce when a game day is over and when a game night starts etc. as well as choose who dies from certain situations. thier are 36 game days in this game and each day threats go larger. now grab your shotguns its zombie blastin time. think dawn of the dead, dead rising or left 4 dead and you will get how this game is going down. need to know how to survive a zombie well click below this to find out just that in the ultimate zombie survival guide on youtube. oh and it has pg-13 material do to blood and 1 sexist joke. other then that its not real bad. [spoiler=ultimate zombie survival guide]if you need to know some things about zombies in a comical 50s way here’s the video to do it. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Storyline]its time for the Carmen festival held once every 3 years. This time it has it all. Games, prizes, parties, fireworks, and a strain of bacteria causing the 10,000 people at the festival to become zombie like creatures. Its now time for the few people that haven’t been infected to try to survive, and escape.[/spoiler] [spoiler=rules] there are a few rules you should no before starting. No Godmoding No starting out with stuff such as ak-47s or shotguns, all players must start out equal. You can die You can kill others{but remember you may be the 1 swimming with the fishes afterwards The player with the most points wins{will be explained in points section} You can use your tokens to help others{will be explained in token section} you can only leave the game when I say a evacuation chance is available. If you die you lose all your points unless you where killed by another player. There is no reviving, but your welcome to restart with 0 points and starting gear and try again. Other then that, have fun. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Starting out]read this so you know how you start out. At first you start out with nothing more then 300 bucks and no where to stay do to the fact that you are festival tourists. You can carry a max 30 pounds at first. Holding more then 30 will start to slow you down until you can’t carry anymore. Also you must pick a downside perk then a upside perk. [/spoiler] [spoiler=PERKS]at the beginning of the game you first pick 1 downside token that is a downside to your person, then you choose a upside that adds bonus tokens in 1 category. Be warned a downside perk and a upside perk cannot collide with each other. Example you cannot have the lucky perk if you have the unlucky perk. DOWNSIDE PERKS{pick before upside tokens} Unlucky-you cannot use lucky tokens. Imprecise-you cannot use precision tokens. Dumb-you cannot use mistake forgiveness tokens. Bad aim-you cannot use uber shots. Slow-you cannot use run away tokens. Not resourceful-you cannot use resourceful tokens. Slow reflexes-you cannot use quick reflex tokens. UPSIDE PERKS{pick after choosing a downside perk} Lucky-gives you 3 extra lucky tokens. Precise-gives you 3 extra precision tokens. Smart-you get 3 extra mistake forgiveness tokens. Gun skills-gives you 3 extra uber shots. Fast-gives you 3 extra run away tokens. Resourceful-gives you 3 extra resourceful tokens. Fast reflexes-gives you 3 extra quick reflex tokens.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Tokens]tokens are things used to assist you in survival. Here’s what tokens there are. Oh by the way you start out with 3 of each token and 3 uber shots. Lucky tokens-these tokens can be used on your scavenging to find better stuff. Best to save when the time of need is at hand. Example you go on a trip to look for gear, you use a lucky token and the gear you find will be better. Precision tokens-these are used to get out of situations by using hearing, and sight. Example, a zombie is sneaking up on you, but you here it groan just a little so it fails at sneaking up on you. Mistake forgiveness tokens-these are used to correct mistakes. Because this games typing is taken realistically. Example, you type I throw a grenade. But you didn’t type you take cover or anything so the grenade explodes and you suffer a 30% speed reduction because the shrapnel hit your legs, use these tokens to correct the mistake all negative and positive results from the error disappear, other things are still taken into account so it wont always take away all the bad. Uber shot-these are used to make remarkable shots. That deal critical damage at critical moments. Example a zombie is 200 yds away. You have few ammo and this assault riffle will take multiple hits at that range to hit him, but you don’t want him to bring more zombies, you need a well aimed single shot, use a uber shot and that 1 bullet will hit dead center, be warned uber shots only work for 1 bullet so its best used with riffles or other huge damage single/semi auto weapons. Run away tokens-this is self explanatory these will let you escape some situations. Example you see 10 zombies coming and run. But it wont work if zombies block off all escape routes, so know when it’s best to use these. Resourceful tokens-these are used in moments of dire need, and can create constructible weapons even. Example, you see 4 zombies coming, using your fists is suicide, you need a weapon with a sharp blade and long reach, so you use the rope you have, a blunt metal pole and attach a sharp rock to it and construct a crap spear that will save you, it is also used to make creative ways of getting out of trouble. Quick reflex token-these are used to make fast agile moves to avoid taking damage. Example, a zombie grabs your foot threw the floor and is about to pull you down, you can use a quick reflex token to as soon as it touches your skin make a quick jump pack and blow off his hand with shotgun fire. Hint: a good player will learn to utilize these things to the full ability, and if need be use 2 or more in 1 move to make powerful defensive moves or offensive last stands.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons]here is the list of weapons, their damage, weight, ammo, and size. Name --------------- damage ----------- weight Grenade----------- 350 -------- 1 lb Knife-------------- 2 -------- 1 lb Combat Knife ---------- 3 ------- 1 lb Sword -------------- 7 ---------- 7 lb Chair ------------ 2 ---------- 9 lb Crowbar ------------ 3 --------- 1 lb Frying pan ----------- 1 ----------- 1 lb Chunk of rock -------- 2 ------------- 1 lb Baseball bat --------- 3 ------------ 3 lb m-16 ---------------- 35 ------------ 6 lb ak-47 ------------- 45 ------------ 6 lb ak-74 -------------- 50 ---------- 6 lb Colt 45 -------------- 15 ----------- 2 lb Desert eagle ---------- 25 ------------- 3 lb Winchester rifle ------- 65 ----------- 8 lb 12 gauge shotgun -----55 ------------ 7 lb Night stick --------- 1 ----------- 1 lb 9mm pistol ---------- 10 --------- 2 lb Anti tank sniper riffle ---- 500 ----- 30 lb Thiers only 1 anti tank sniper riffle in game, and only 4 shots for it, not really good for the game but you get a achievement if you keep it.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Items]during your game you may find useful supplies that will aid in your conquest. This is the list of all of them. NAME Effect Med kit--- helps cure bad statuses. Small backpack---- + 20 lb max weight. Medium backpack ---- + 40 lb max weight Military Backpack ---- + 100 lb max weight Large s.w.a.t shield---- can block Bandages---- . stops bleeding and fleshwound. Water bottle --- stop dehydration Antibiotics--- stop infection Small belt--- 4 small items weigh nothing Medium belt---- 6 small items weigh nothing Large belt ---- 9 small items weigh nothing Super belt---- 12 small items weigh nothing Caned food---- stops hunger Money----- used for various reasons. How to use backpacks.{can only have 1 at a time} Once equipped you must list all that’s in your backpack. If backpack is lost, unless taken, so are all the items. How to use belts {can only have 1 at a time} once equipped you must list the small items you put on them so we know they don’t take up weight. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Player status]as you play the game, hunger fatigue and thirst can affect your person., Changing his status. Here are all the different statuses. 100%=nothing is affecting you. Tired=your person is feeling tired, causing him to be less effective. Adrenal rush=your person is having a adrenal rush making him much more effective, but it will make him tired after wearing off. Scared=your person is fearful, causing him to see things, over react, and impair his judgment on situations. Hungry=your person is needing food. Dehydrated=your person is needing water. Over weight=your person is carrying 1-29 pounds over max, making him 60% slower. Super over weight= your person is 30 or more pounds over max. making him 200% slower. Flesh wound=your person has a flesh wound, cover up with stuff to avoid getting infected. Bleeding=your person is suffering blood loss, stop the source or his condition will lower. Minor wound=your person has a minor wound, can be treated with first aid. Medium wound your person has a decent wound, making him 25% slower. Bad wound=your person is badly wounded making him 250% slower. Seriously wounded=your person has a very bad wound, making him 300% slower and he will die in 3 days unless first aid is given. Fatal wound=your person cannot move and will die in 1 day{2 if medkit is used.} Infected=your person has been infected with the bacteria and in 4 days will become a pre zombie. Use antibiotics to cure. Pre zombie=your person is 100% slower, has sharper teeth and is looking very dead. In 1 day we will become a zombie Hint: becoming a zombie=death.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Points]you can win the game, but to come in atop the others you must prove yourself by earning points. Here’s all the way to earn points. Save someone using 1 of your tokens=1 point Each day you survive= 1 point. Check achievement to see how to earn big points. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Achievements]by doing outstanding things you can earn achievements to get major points. here they all are. Escape=beat the last day= 2 points Evacuate=evacuate= 1 point Big gun time=be the 1st to get the anti tank sniper riffle= 1 point Helper=save 5 people= 1 point Savoir=save 13 people= 1 point Saint= save 25 people= 1 point. Durable=go 3 days without healing= 1 point Steel skin=go 8 days without healing= 1 point Survivalist=go 15 days without healing=1 point God of survival= go 22 days without healing= 1 point Castaway mode= go 30 days without healing= 1 point Immortal= never heal at all= 1 point Nurse=heal 5 people= 1 point Doctor= heal 10 people= 1 point Medic= heal 18 people= 1 point Healer= heal 25 people= 1 point Gun nut=carry 10 guns at once= 1 point Ammo nut=carry over 3k bullets=1 point 007= beat game only using a pistol= 3 points Patriot mode= beat game only using melee weapons= 5 points Grenadier=carry 8 grenades at once= 1 point Group=have 3 real players in your team= 1 point Team= have 7 real players in your team= 1 point Clan- have 15 real players in your team= 1 point. Veteran=play from day 1 to final day= 2 points.[/spoiler] [spoiler=NPCS]as you lay will you will encounter non player people. They can be helpful or very bad. Here they are. Pick pockets=when first gazed on there counted as citizens. But they are very sneaky. And will steal your money/gear without warning. Can be countered with a reflex or precision token. Or a run away token to chase them down. Citizens=these are just regular people. Police officers=these are men armed with 9mm pistols and sometimes riffles. They don’t die in 1 hit from everything and have hp. Hp=10 Solders=solders of the U.S army. They wield strong weapons and gear. Hp 25. Zombie=the basic enemy you must survive. All zombies are slow, can’t jump but have sharper nails then most people with sharper teeth. Hp=5 Trader=these people are only interested in surviving and will trade gear to get what they want.[/spoiler] [spoiler=hero npcs.]These are npcs that theirs only 1 of. And they are very useful if you do their missions because they will join you. Here they are. Doctor Nea-a skilled doctor, she was the only doctor that didn’t either get infected or evacuate. Her only weapon is a knife but her skills with the med kit are great. Do her quest and she joins your group. Specialty=has infinite medical kits a knife, and her medical kits heal much beter, only downside is her low hp and the fact that it takes her 1 turn to heal you. Hp=30 “INFO”- a 18 year old gangster like person who has lived on the streets most his life. He his information never comes free and is a known scandal. But if you do his mission his special baseball bat called MR home runner is a good thing for your team. Specialty=knows many good spots to find gear, and can get others npcs to join your group. And his unique baseball bat. Downsides are only normal hp. Hp=70 MR home runner= weight= 2 damage= 5 Wily moeson- a 23 year old criminal who had the death sentence coming but it was delayed because of the infection. He wields a wicked knife called lung cutter and is also a scandal as well as a murderer. Do his mission and he will join you. Specialty=. Has lung cutter, he is great at sneak attacks, and will sharpen knives adding + 1 dmg to them. Downsides are only decent hp and the fact that he may backstab you{pun intended} Hp=65 Lung cutter= weight 1 damage 6 Fred-he was a soldier that got ditched in the evacuations. Now he roams the streets with his m-16 moping up hordes. He can lay a hurting on swarms of zombies. Do his mission and he is a very above average helper. Specialty= has a good gun and has good hp, and 2 grenades. Downsides are he has no team bonuses. Hp=120 Police chief Johnson-he is a known figure in the game, he is the head man of the police. And wields both a semi auto shotgun called a saiga shotgun{unique shotgun} and a unique pistol called old buster. Do his mission and he will join you. Specialty=has high hp, 2 good weapons, and allows policemen to join you easier. Doesn’t really have a downside. Hp=200 Siaga shotgun= weight 8 damage 78 Old buster= weight 3 damage 40 Bert Gummer-ever wonder what happened to Bert after tremors 3, neither do I, but he apparently moved to Carmen to settle down, has a basement full of weapons and ammo. As well as supplies. By far best hero npc in the game. Do his mission and he will join you. Specialty=has a lot of guns/ammo and supplies. As well as a special surprise to anyone who goes in his basement. Downsides=he’s Bert how can he have any. [/spoiler] [spoiler=people playing]here’s a list of who all is playing. I will play also but I can also die. So if I make a dumb *** decision I will have to start all over like the rest of everyone. Cowsmacker [/spoiler] oh and this thread is still under construction, fixing i few things that wernt supose to happen when i posted this. but nothing that stops people from saying they wana join. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JunkSynchron911 Posted July 20, 2009 Report Share Posted July 20, 2009 Ahem.*Taps foot* Remember me and Zombie Outbreak. This is a blatant attempt to copy it. Epic fail, give up before I contact the mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cowsmacker Posted July 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2009 just because its a zombie game doesnt mean it is ment to copy yours, i know about you and zombie outbreak, and it realy was just a giant mantion with a resident evil style playout{still fun tho not to say it isnt fun}.alos this has more gamish elements, yours had kinda more rpish elements. mines more on the left 4 dead side exept without the elite undead. such as it being infected and not true 100% zombies. adding the whole point system so its competive yet needs teamwork as well as diffrent chances of evacuation,missions, helpers etc. it being a game i had to add dieing or it would be no point in it, and i spent 4 hours coming up with all this crap, 2 hours typing it out, forgot to log in when i typed in out for 30 minutes on the forum causing me to have to restart the last step and finaly i am still editing it and such and such. but ya i nearly did forget about you and your zombie outbreak game for a while. would you like me to deleat all the information and just save it for another day when your game dies so i dont get acused of copying you. or do you get the diffrences i am showing in my game from yours besides the whole being zombie related. realy doesnt matter since i can just copy paste and save in a document folder untill another day when it wont be seen as tyring to copy you. either that or untill i think of a non zombie related game. what ever one comes first. doesnt realy matter to me, just dont want you to feel like i am copying you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JunkSynchron911 Posted July 20, 2009 Report Share Posted July 20, 2009 Alright...Jeez... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cowsmacker Posted July 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 20, 2009 eh thing i hate about comps is you cant truly express the emotion on your face. wasnt ment as a strike, more or less as a emotionless regular talk, mainly because i am going on zero sleep, but if you could point out some major simalarities so i may fix them. so ya dont take anything in the explanation post as a insult/anger thing towards ya. p.s noticed you liked call of duty, you have good taste in first person shooter games. p.s.s as you can tell i am having horid spelling, mainly do to fact i am trying to pull a all nighter. and the 4 tremor movies arnt fully keeping me awake. but if i fall to low i will resort to tranformers movie or just dumping cold water on myself. p.s.s.s i like apple sauce p.s.s.s.s THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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