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Nate12345 needs to stop trolling



I've alwasy wanted to test Fish Decks since Ocean's Keeper was out :)

I wish it was ANY card and not just face-downs (most likely going to be S/T and most likely going to be chainable).

Although its a nice thing that its a 2400 ATK monster that can be searched by Ocean's Keeper, which is IMO, easy to Summon/search.

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I love how there's actually an argument in this topic about using a word in it's regular English meaning and it's Yugioh meaning....oh YCM, will you ever cease to amaze us.


Anyway, this card really doesn't work that well because unlike DARKs...what Waters do you really want in the grave besides Treeborn? This thing also can lead you to kill your hand for it's effect and it's pretty easy to run over truth be told. Not worth running, it looks nice in theory but in practice...it's pointless.

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^ you have been arguing about a pointless thing. You and everyone else got the point (I'm guessing/hoping you got it) of what was tried to be said, only retarded people didn't get it and just looked at it as an excuse to argue<_<

Lets keep it simple trolling? spamming? here's the idea:

Shut up!!! <---- hope that was clear ;)


OT: This card's pic... I never get tired of looking at it.. but effect is not too great really..u_u (that's a shame).

This card should have been released like it did in japan, as a common.

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How come its Trolling when Im right' date=' and spamming when Im wrong? Or is that Vice versa? YCM-kun confuses me.



I guess she thinks you're trolling because you haven't made sense at all and wouldn't listen to what I really meant when your minimal comprehension skills completely missed what I said.

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The point Atlas was making was stupid, irrelevant, and a waste of key strokes. Defending a person who thinks... "Im going to say continuous, knowing/not knowing if the game has a use for this term, and so what/ even if they do, hopefully they will be kind and pretend to know what im talking about." Is silly.


NO! IM A JERK! Use the term as it was intended, or chose another phrase. Would it have been hard to simply edit with, "You can reuse the effect?" No.


So I guess since I refused to ignore your nuisances of a point, they you guys are as guilty as me trolling under the guidelines of...


You and everyone else got the point (I'm guessing/hoping you got it) of what was tried to be said


My point was, "use another phrase, or the correct term." Arguing that ='s trolling correct? o.O


And Corporal Atlas Its hard to make sense to a person who apparently doesn't understand the English language after its been typed out twice already. YCM-kun taught me that a long, long time ago. I understand fully what you said, however you magically missed my entire point of "IRRELEVANT" this entire time. And to that, Happy trolling, because I can believe in my whole of heart that you will again miss my point in this post.

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The point Atlas was making was stupid' date=' irrelevant, and a waste of key strokes.


No, that kind of fits your post entirely. It was obvious that he wasn't using continuous in the terms of yugioh but in its original meaning. You were just pointlessly saying "its not continuous even though thats not what you meant".


Defending a person who thinks... "Im going to say continuous, knowing/not knowing if the game has a use for this term, and so what/ even if they do, hopefully they will be kind and pretend to know what im talking about." Is silly.

No, assaulting a person for using a term correctly but not in the terms of a card game even though they can both be used is silly.





Use the term as it was intended, or chose another phrase.



Would it have been hard to simply edit with, "You can reuse the effect?" No.

Has the OP even responded to this thread yet? No.


So I guess since I refused to ignore your nuisances of a point, they you guys are as guilty as me trolling under the guidelines of...


You and everyone else got the point (I'm guessing/hoping you got it) of what was tried to be said

I didn't say that, sleepy or whoever she is said that.


My point was, "use another phrase, or the correct term." Arguing that ='s trolling correct? o.O

When everyone knows what he means, you're just either trolling or being foolish.


And Corporal Atlas Its hard to make sense to a person who apparently doesn't understand the English language after its been typed out twice already.

That is true but not relevant at all. :lol:




Shut up.


taught me that a long, long time ago. I understand fully what you said, however you magically missed my entire point of "IRRELEVANT" this entire time. And to that, Happy trolling, because I can believe in my whole of heart that you will again miss my point in this post.

No, you missed my point.


tl;dr no you

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Please spare me ycm-kun' date=' im not fluent in your silly language.



Sorry, logic is my natural language. I forgot you're only fluent in bullshit.


And with that amazing burn, you're no longer an enjoyable form of amusement. Good day peon, I'll look forward to your lackluster response to which I will most likely chuckle. 8)

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