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Jace Beleren

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When this card is successfully Tribute Summoned place Spell Counters (max. 8 ) on this card equal to the total Level of the Tributed monsters. This card gains ATK equal to the number of Spell Counters on it x300. Your opponent takes damage equal to the number of Spell Counters on this card x100 during each of their Standby Phases. During your End Phase you must remove 1 Spell Counter from this card and remove 1 card in your opponents Graveyard from play. Destroy this card if it has no Spell Counters on it.



NOTE - where it says "(max. 8 )" the "8" and the ")" should be closer but it makes a smiley face <_<

like this 8)

On the actual card it is correctly spaced.

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he are the results from Sleepy




Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card (max. 3). By removing 3 Spell Counters from this card, remove from play 1 card from your opponent's Deck. If this card is used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon, you can Special Summon up to 2 Spellcaster-Type monsters from your hand. If this card is destroyed with 2 Spell Counters on it, you can place 1 Spell Counter on a card you can place a Spell Counter on.

I don't know what he means by "1 card from your opponent's Deck". It must say one of these:

-1 card from the top/bottom of your opponent's Deck.

-select 1 card from your opponent's Deck and remove it from play.

either one to make it clearer, I'll go with the second one because it sounds more creative and doesn't look useless but doesn't look overpowered either.




I think it would be very useful, and it could be abused with a high ammount of the right Spells to remove all key cards from your opponent's Deck beforehand. The thing that keeps it balanced to my eyes, is that this effect doesn't really affect card advantage so..

The Special Summoning from hand part is not going to happen too often anyways but sounds like too much of an extra. The last effect is ok.




It also looks good on creativity, I'll give him that.




It fits well and its not a bad pic at all, can't find any defects to talk about.









This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand when a "Dark Magician" on the field is removed from play. This card is also treated as a Thunder-Type. This card gains 300 ATK for each face-up Spell and Trap Card on the field. Each time this card gains 300 ATK, place 1 Balled Lightning Counter on this card (max. 5) Once per turn you can remove 2 Balled Lightning Counters to negate the effect of a Spell and destroy the card. If you have 5 Balled Lightning Counters on this card, destroy it and discard your hand. When this monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, remove it from play and Special Summon 1 removed from play "Dark Magician".

This one actually gave me alot to fix. It almost fails speaking on OCG.




Its not really worth the Summoning. It needs good old Dark Magician to do something as specific as being removed from play and this card being in your hand in order to Summon it. Its weaker in ATK and even with the increase it will have about the same as Dark Magician at most. I don't really find any use for it being a Thunder-Type other than going with the pic. As well as I don't find a use for "max 5" if its clearly never going to fill them anyways. The spell negating effect will decrease this card's counters even more and they don't recover.. ever. Also, Dark Paladin does the job better IMO. Finally, the reward for the hard duty of having 5 Counters is destroying itself, getting rid of your hand, and all of the sake of recovering Dark Magician. I think there are easier ways to recover Dark Magician than this and honestly think this is underpowered.




Creating one's own Type of Counters is an unimpressive form of creativity and the effect itself wouldn't sound too successful if you ask me.




Pic was holoed but that doesn't really help it look better. It has that white line on the left corner of the pic. And last but not least, it looks slightly squished.









This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 4 Spell Counters from cards you control. This card's original ATK and DEF are equal to the number of Spell Counters on the field x400 (max. 4000) This effect is not applied until this card's Summon is resolved. Once per turn, you can remove Spell Counters from a card you control to place Spell Counters equal to the number removed on another card.

Not much to complain about, I don't think that sentence is needed, it does make a difference in some cases but I don't see how it makes any difference here.




Speaking on balance, the Summoning cost is reasonable, the last effect great, and the ATK gaining effect is good but 4000 ATK looks like a hole lot to me concidering it does other awesome stuff already.




The effect is very nice, nothing else to say.




It looks somewhat squished, but almost nothing, not something to complain about really.



Total:97/100 Woow and I must point out he is not 3 stars yet. You said to accept him but I think he's not in the contestants list ^-^"




[spoiler=Batteryman AAA:]


If you Tribute Summon this card by Tributing a Spellcaster-Type monster, add 1 "Endymion, the Master Magician" from your Deck to your hand and place Spell Counters on a card you can place Spell Counters on, equal to the Level of the Tributed monster.

It doesn't look too bad, just minor things




To the point, it needs to be Tribute Summoned to use and its not game breaking. I like it.




I think placing Spell Counters like that sounds fun. It passes.




doesn't quite look like Endymion even though it does look like a Spellcaster. eeeehh.....close enough (its pretty hard to find fitting images I guess..)







[spoiler=Halo Ring:]


Pay 500 Life Points for each monster you control to place 1 Skull Counter on each. Each time a monster with a Skull Counter on it is destroyed by battle, Special Summon the destroyed monster during the End Phase. All monsters loose 200 ATK for each Skull Counter on them. This card gains 100 ATK for each monster that has a Skull Counter on it. Once per turn, discard 1 card to place 1 Spell Counter on this card. This card gains 100 ATK for each Spell Counter on it (max 500). Remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to activate 1 of the following effects:

- Pay 1000 Life Points and place 2 Spell Counters on this card. - Destroy all Skull Counters on the field. You gain 700 Life Points for each Skull Counter that was destroyed. - Remove from play 4 cards from the top of your opponent's Deck.

It had alot to repair, wording, Capitals, mixture of old with new OCG. oh well.




Concidering this card protects all monsters you control from being destroyed by battle. It sounds slightly overpowered. Good thing its a Level 7 but that's not enough.




Card its a little confusing because it has Skull Counters AND Spell Counters. I'm sure this could have been avoided. In a way it is pretty original because no card in the game has 2 Types of Counters on its effect, but it really isn't something good to have those....




Pic is blurry, and its a character from Sait Seiya. lol







[spoiler=:: -OmeGa DeviL- :::]


When this card is Normal Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it. Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card (max. 5). You can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card during your opponent's Standby Phase, if you do, this card cannot be destroyed by battle this turn. Once per turn, you can remove 2 Spell Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 Level 8 monster from your Deck. If this card is removed from the field, return all monsters Special Summoned by this card's effect to the bottom of your Deck. You can remove 5 Spell Counters on the field to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard.

Almost no OCG errors. Might as well.




-It's not meant for a Spell Counter based Deck since those Decks don't have Level 8 targets anywhere, but it would work wonderfully on its own. 3 is enough to protect itself for 1 turn and Special Summon the big monster AND it needs to be Normal Summon if it wants the extra Counters. Doesn't have much ATK on its own and requires Tributes for such Normal Summon. Although I would have it pay 3 Spell Counters instead of 2 for a Level 8, but that's just me.




Its an interesting way we could revive Blue-Eyes Deck with.

Spell Counter cost balances the effect, I like it. I don't really know what else to say about it.




Name, Pic, and effect work well with each other. Although I would have liked to see the Magician in the pic with more details, that's as close as we can get to what the pic was about :D









When this card is Tribute Summoned, place Spell Counters on it equal to the combined Level of the Tributed monsters (max. 8 ). This card gains 300 ATK for each Spell Counter on it. During each of your opponent's Standby Phases, inflict 100 damage to your opponent for each Spell Counter on this card. During your End Phase you must remove 1 Spell Counter from this card and remove 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard from play. Destroy this card if it has no Spell Counters on it.

-(max. 8 ) part I took note of the message in the thread, but there also was the fact that it was written in the wrong part of the sentence. Other than that, the other mistakes where pretty common stuff. +stuff written in the long way and unnessesary writting.




Let's see.

-You Tribute (most likely) 2 Level 4 monsters to Summon this card with 3400 ATK.

-Your opponent will loose 800 Life Points each turn thanks to this card.

-It looses 1 Spell Counter each turn, meaning -300 ATK and -100 to the damage to your opponent each turn. It removes 1 card from your opponent's Graveyard by doing it, but that part sounds like if it was a cost to maintain it on the field, the wording is wrong but I'm not sure how to fix it.

-It dies if it has no Spell Counters, meaning you won't even Summon it in any other way but Tributing.

Has its good moments and all, but sounds like a slow beatstick that consumes itself over time.




Looks like something you would see in the anime. Its in fact a Spell Counter version of Berserk Dragon.




It fits, like all pics in this contest so far ^-^






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