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Anthropomorphica [PG-15]

The Warden

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Bullseye went into his room, which was the room next to Felicitia's room. As soon as he entered his room, he heard someone crying. "Grrrr... Does this girl even shut the f**k up!?" Bullseye asked himself.

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He slipped his nail inside the lock, twisting open and unlocking the door. To room 39.


He wasn't that much of an amazement - his reasonably well-built chest was exposed, due to his lack of a shirt. He wore a simple pair of navy blue jeans with a dark black belt; it was the usual. He rubbed his paws together, staring at the two women, a devilish grin on his face. He spoke, his voice not very deep,


"So, I heard that you were both humans, eh?"

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"I believe I asked you a question first, ma'am." He took his hand and brushed it against his chest, smiling. "You answer me, I'll answer you." Not bothering to ask whether or not to be let in, he stepped inside, leaning against the wall, and shut the door behind him. The lock clicked to signify it wasn't broken.

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Markus let his eyes trail to the door, which was now bulging on his hinges. He let them move back to Robina, sub-consciously thinking, Heh, she's kinda cute. Not saying that out loud, he instead said, "I think somebody is knocking on your door."

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Felicia had more control. 'Humans are mere myths, anyone can tell you that. Now, explain who you are and why you are eavesdropping on us' Felicia demanded. She looked at the intruder's face, and saw a mix, including....lust? 'Oh, I get it. He must be attracted to her, or she can seduce men. Either way, she might be able to knock this guy out' she thought.

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[ You haven't replied to my PM Kuja. D: ]


He couldn't help the bulge in his pants over her, but he ignored it and carried on the conversation. "So, explain to me why you and your friend here were just talking about being humans in the past?" Markus' eyes then trailed to the ground, and he sighed. "I have some experience in that field too."

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'We were discussing the ideas that humans might exist, and that anthros could be a human reborn into our world' Felicia replied. 'Could he be a Twilight Horizen? Or could he be another one of, us' Felicia thought, but this was interupted by Robina. She sighed. 'Damnit Robina, we're trying to be subtle about this'.

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[ I also foresee said lemon. ^^ ]


"As did I, as did I. Hence why I picked the lock." He felt the bulge getting bigger - it would only be moments before someone noticed. He couldn't help but stare at this girl, and it wasn't because of her ability that he sensed from her. "So, what are you planning to do about it?"

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