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Anthropomorphica [PG-15]

The Warden

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Name:Bebe Star







Personality:shes fun and at times obnoxious, she is also very random most of the time so you never know what to expect of her.

Power:Radar - Can detect any living thing within a 2 mile radius.

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Bebe, her ability WILL cause severe headaches considering that Anthropomorphica is a land And the capital city. Now, I will accept you both once you have decided upon your powers. And fen, HOW far can he leap? Can he jump around the world 3 times around?

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Username: Blue Eyes Pop.

Name: Buzz.

Gender: Male.

Age: 21

Species: Polistes Dominula (it's a kind of Wasp)

Appearance: His yellow and black tough skin is more like armour then anything else. A normal wasps round black eyes act more like visors, anime styled humans eyes can slightly be seen underneath. His stinger is slightly curved at the end. The back two of his four legs act as human legs, the front two as arms. He's extremely larger then an average human world wasp, roughly the size of an Anthropomorphic wolf of the same age.

Personality: Annoying, yet kind. He loves to play practical jokes on other people. He has extremely strong will power.

Power: Manipulation of Sharpness; The ability to make anything sharp.

E.g: He can cause stones and teeth to sharpen at the end and become dagger-like weapons.

The objects sharpen by cutting away at the place being sharpened. The maximum of sharpness is sharp enough to damage steel slightly. The downside of the power is for each time the objects cut something, they become less sharp. The weaker the object, the quicker it will become blunt and useless again.

E.g: Stone will be able to cut up to around 30 objects before becoming fully useless, but paper or sticks only cut up to around 5 - 15 objects.

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Username: Blacx

Name: Speed

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Species: (Guess) Cheetah

Appearance: An up right cheetah that only weres blue trunks for the sake of humility, he has thumbs and carrys a rifle on his back(when he finds it)

Personality: Friendly at times, cold at others

Power: Invisiability for three minutes

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Username: Finale Shot

Name: Vayne Worthy

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species: Werewolf

Appearance: fw3qzb.jpg

Personality: He is usually calm but when there's a kind of unreal situation he might overreact become the opposite of his normal self. Once he asassesses the situation, it's explained to him, or it's taken care of he would go back to his normal state.

Power: Killer Rabies- A temporary power where he can lose complete control over his body. It's automatically activated in a moment of great stress and hightened emotion. This leads to increased speed, power, and endurance. Depends on the situation. It then becomes nearly impossible to distinguish friend from foe. When killer rabies is over he becomes unconcious. The length is affected by the power increase.

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OOC: Good enough, I suppose we can start now. Also, I will be doing journal like entries so you cna keep track of what is going on. We start on the third day of living in the city.




Tuesday, July 21st 2009. The third day of being in Anthropomorphica.


Though I have been getting used to the oddities of this town and the less.....wholesome activities, I have constantly began to wonder IF there are humans in this world that have suffered my fate. If there are, I hope to meet them, though it will be hard, I will try to be friendly with those who seem to show odd powers or human behaviour. But you cannot get a ahead whilst sitting on your behind, Felicia out.


Felicia dropped her pencil and got up from the table she was sitting at. She took the journal and pen to the draw by her bed and placed it in the top draw. With a quick stretch and several cracking bones she left the room and went to the elevator. It rose to the ground floor and she exited it, being sure to smile as the turtle who was the doorman. She proceeded down the street and was closing onto a street corner.

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Felicia realised that she had no back story. 'Come one girl, fabricate something' he r inner voice screeched. 'Really? I've only gotten here recently for a fashion designer job interview' she replied. 'Smooth' the inner voice said. 'So, do you want to get coffee or something? Because I know of a nice little corner shop cafe that I hear is great. Death frequents there often actually' Felicia explained.

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Felicia smiled. 'No, Death just claims the souls of people, that's his job. He can't kill just because he wants too. But on his off days I heard he is writing a stellar weight lose book that will take the world by storm' Felicia explained. She then motioned for Robina to follow her as she walked off.

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Felicia chuckled. 'It wouldn't make any difference in this world. You can stick a bike pump to your breasts and give yourself a breast enlargment if you're feeling sassy. Besides, guys like something to hang onto, especially in this town' she smirked.

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