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The New North Academy (Always Accepting)


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OOC: Would you have preferred Mirror Force? <.< This is my Deck. They unlimited Lightning Vortex. Mystical is normally always given on my first turn, and Heavy Storm... Well that was luck. Blame my hand generator.


Henzier: I play 1 monster in face-down Defense Position and end my turn.

Field: Face-down Defense Position.

Hand: 0

LP: 4000

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-He smirked 1 more time as he drew his card, flipping his monster.-

Henzier: Say hello to....

[spoiler= Nalzkyiera Liyuki]




Henzier: Her effect will place Civyieroza Izveroin at the bottom of my Deck. This is where my just drawn...

[spoiler= Yzferior Afrinuin]




Henzier: Now, since he was Summoned, 2 Yzferior Counters are placed on my Civyieroza Izveroin at the bottom of my Deck. And as soon as that thing hits 8, it will go to my Graveyard, then Summon itself to the Field! Now, since he must attack, go Yzferior Afrinuin, attack his monster!

Field: Yzferior Afrinuin, Nalzkyiera Liyuki

OOC: What is it?

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Match 4: Cornelia VS Rey


OOC: Teachers don't join.


Can't wait... BTW, I would like to add "Scared Molluscs" to my deck.

Ooc:You should add a few more stuff to the app, like 'Spirit Card' or 'Crush'. Maybe then your RP will me the populest(I made it up) RP based on Acedemies with Card Games.

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