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The New North Academy (Always Accepting)


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Rey: Now I'll summon Red-Eyes B. Chick (H5) and then send him to the graveyard to summon Red-Eyes B. Dragon (H4) from my hand and then send HIM to the graveyard to summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon from my Hand (h3)! Then I'll activate Monster Reborn and summon Red-Eyes B. Chick from my Graveyard. But then I'll remove him from play to summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from my Hand (H2)! Then I'll activate my Dragon's effect to summon my Red-Eyes B. Dragon from my Graveyard and then activate Ancient Rules to summon another Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my Hand! It's already Over!


Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, attack his Dark Magician Girl (You -400)

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, attack his Dark Magician! (You -800)

And now, both Red-Eyes B. Dragons, attack his LP directly!


OoC: Wanna use the cheap Kuriboh Trick? This is proof that Yugi's deck is bad.


My LP: 4000

My Field: Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (ATK 2800), Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon (ATK 2400), 2x Red-Eyes B. Dragon (ATK 2400)

My Hand: 0

[spoiler=Cards Used]








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Ic: Although it was usually Alucard who taught, today there was an Announcement from Mr. Rauto.


Mr. Rauto: Attention. In a short while, we will face-off against Duel Academy. In order to determine the best of us all, we will hold our own tournament. Here are the Tournament Papers.


Match 1: Shao VS Yuni

Match 2: Blake VS Henzier

Match 3: Spoa VS Robert

Match 4: Cornelia VS Rey


OOC: Teachers don't join.

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Name: Henzier Grifaer


Age: 17


Gender: Male


Position: Second Top Duelist


Rank: 50


Deck type: Onward


[spoiler= Appearance]





Bio: His whole life he had been called "Shrimp" or "Pipsqueak" or even, "Halfling", because of his size. He was very short, always the shortest 1 in every game, and because of that, picked near last. Not a lot of people looked up to him, and most of the time, he was an unexpected Duelist, which is the only thing that earned him respect. He was always quiet, and never smiled, but in a competition, he could always be seen, needing to talk to competition. He was instantly put in Obelisk Blue, mostly because his Deck was unexpected from the start. He played small cards, but in the end, he completely dominated his opponent. He loves Insects, but mostly spiders, which he has a pet Tarantula in his backpack. He came to North Academy knowing there would be competition, but ignored that fact, and came in, dominating all competition, and earning his rightful position, as the Secondary Top Duelist of North Academy.

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Shao: I summon Gravekeeper's Assailant in ATK position (H5) and then I set 4 cards (H1) and then I then open my first face-down, Necrovalley! And then activate Royal Tribute! And then I open my second face-down, Pot of Greed! Then I activate Ancient Rules to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my Hand. Then I open my third face-down, Cathedral of Nobles! And then I open my last, Time Seal!


OoC: You have absolutely no Hand cards so you can't do anything. Wanna see your reaction.


Shao's LP: 4000

Shao's Field: Blue-Eyes White Dragon (ATK 3000), Gravekeeper's Assailant (ATK 1500)

Shao's Hand: 0


Henzier's LP: 4000

Henzier's Field:

Henzier's Hand: 0


OoC: Chaos was not a student

There are ??? there. That's stupid. Then how do you know what he is?!

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OOC: You should have stated that.


Hand: 4 (Only got 1 monster. This Deck isn't what you'd think it was.

Henzier: I use my Heavy Storm. Then, I follow it up with Lightning Vortex, and discard 1 Mystical Space Typhoon. Then, I will place 1 card face-down. End my turn.

Graveyard (Spells/Traps) : Heavy Storm, Lightning Vortex, Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard (Monsters) : Yzferior Afrinuin

[spoiler= Yzferior Afrinuin]




LP: 4000

Hand: 0

Field: 1 Face-Down

OOC: I did an OVP'd move since you did. Also you don't have a field now. <.<

(Was edited.)

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