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LV Dragon Cards (new cards)


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I Would Run a Deck Around These, Just Toss in 1 of each of these, 3 luster Dragons, 3 Masked Dragons, a Twin Headed Behemoth, and a Hound/Hunter Dragon, and You have a good set of monsters... and maybe use some Dragon Powerup Spells and traps such as...

Dragons Roar, Dragons Bead, Stamping Destruction, and there are some good others... MST Heavy Storm, Sakuretsu, Mirror Force, Torrential or Ring of Destruction ( Only in traditionals) and right there you have a pretty good deck setup that could make a huge impresion, I see some great potentil in alot of new Members every Day I am on.

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Some grammar and OCG issues, but it isn't a major flaw that detracts from the likability of the cards. Also, Ha'Death should be a plain effect monster, not a Fusion monster, since it's not being fused by Polymerization or using a remove-from-play effect like XYZ Dragon Cannon.


As for the cards themselves, I LOVE THEM-A bit overpowered(one card from your hand wipes their Monster Zone/Spell & Trap Card Zone/Hand/Five Cards Off the Top?), but they have awesome artwork. 9/10. The only thing is that after all the effort out of getting out the Four Elemental Dragons AND THEN sending them to the Graveyard ALONG with Castle Dragoon...it just gains ATK? I'd give it the effect "This card's Summoning cannot be chained in to or negated in any way." and "This card cannot be the target of the effects of Spell, Trap or Monster Cards." There are ways around it(Gemini Imps comes to mind-I run two in my Fiend Deck; it might actually start seeing play), and his Summoning CAN be chained to in the card's current state(the one displayed on this thread).


Sure, it's fun as hell to send them all the LV8s the the Graveyard to summon some big epic monster, but if his only effect is to send every other card on the field and in both player's hand to the Graveyard, I'd just attack with everything once I've cleared his hand, field and Spell/Trap card Zone with Atomon, Talon and Treka. Also, before I would attack, I'd add to the pain by discarding the top five cards of their deck with Vexus.


Very creative. You put a lot of work into em. Good job.

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Wow. Very impressive! The only thing wrong is that there seems very little need to sumon the bigger dragon - you can disard cards from your hand (which you'd lose anyway with the big guy's effect) to copy it's effect without losing four very powerful, very dangerous monsters. But other than that, consider me suitably impressed! Bravo!



(Also you could use Vexus' effect before summoning Ha-Deth - kill tons of stuff in their deck before kicking everything else into the graveyard. Ouch!)

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