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Local Tournament Report

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God I havn't done one of these in forever.. So I geuss I'll explain how I did today.


So basically it was me and 13 other people for a grand total of 14.


And boy, BW'S all around. Ohhhhh joy.


My deck type - Blackest Garden


1ST ROUND MATCHUPS - Blackwings w/ No DSF.

Pregame Remark from my opponent: "Dude you're gonna lose."

Pregame Thought: Riighhhtt, this guy normally sucks most of the time.

1st Duel: My opening play, a backfield of a Force, Solemn, and 2 PWWB, with now me having a Tytannial on the field, and a black garden. Grave: 2 Lonefire (lonefire'd into another lonefire). Basically, GG. He had nothing.

2nd Duel: Opening hand, Lonefire, Lonefire, BG, Mark of the Rose, Mark of the Rose. He goes first, plays Shura with 1 backfield. He ends. I topdeck MST. I play MST, destroying his 1 backfield, Normal'd lonefire, got out Tytannial, Mark'd his Shura in fear of a Kalut, attacked with both. End. He draws, he sacks his Shura for a Sirroco, specials gale, he tries to half, but I stop him with Tytannial. I take 2000 from Sirroco. He ends. My draw, Miracle Fertilizer, special summon Tytannial, mark Sirroco. GG.


2nd ROUND MATCHUPS - Rescue Glads

Pregame Thoughts: ..funk, I'm screwed. This guy is like one of the best here >.>

1st Duel: He draws his oppening hand of 1 Rescue Cat, 3 Test Tiger (LOL), and a Murmillo. He scoops, saying he could've played it off, but he just didn't feel like it. I beleived him knowing his history of playing.

2nd Duel: I got raped. End of story.

3rd Duel: I got him down to like 1700 by stalling with Black Garden, then he Storm'd, and it just went downhill from there.


3rd ROUND MATCHUPS - Blackwings (not the same guy)

Pregame Thoughts: God I'm tired of BW's alredy.

1st Duel: I lured him into a trap of him running into my force. GG.

2nd Duel: My opening hand was 2 PWWB, a Black Garden, a Tytannial, and a Polinosis. I was hoping I could throw the Tytannials in the grave with the PWWB's, but he first turn storm's and his his hand was Two Shura, Two Gale. Two DSF in extra. GFG.

3rd Duel: EPIC. My opening hand, 2 Miracle Fertilizers, 1 Reborn, 1 Lonefire, 1 Giant Trunade. My opponents hand was full of monsters, so I lucked out on this one, so he summons Shura and ends. Obviously he has Kalut in hand. So I topdeck Mark (WOW LUCKY), Lonefir'd into Tytannial, mark'd shura, attacked. He specials gale, tries to half tytannial, I stop it (DEJA VU), I get smacked by the Shura. Cool. He has no backrow, so I topdeck a Ryko (ok whatever) Miracle Fertilizer twice, bring back lonefire's, Giant Trunade, tribute lonefires for Botanical Lions and Tytannials, do it again, all sorts of Special Summoning going on. Basically an overkill.


4th ROUND - Blackwings (AGAIN)

Pregame Thoughts: ><

1st Game: I rape him.

2nd Game: Interesting, basically he had a face up Armor Master, Gale, and Shura, he was dimishing my life as it was, so my hand was 2 Mark, a Reborn, and a Black Garden. So I double mark removing from play Dandylion and Tytannial, the only things in my grave (T_T) for the Gale and Shura, Black Rose Nuke, Reborn the Armor Master, play BG, attack for 2500. End. I sit behind Black Garden as he had no cards in his hand, at his draw phase, he said that he drew Black Whirlwind, so I drew, it was another Mark (LOL) as the guy behind me watching me play because his match was over said "Wow, dude, Cocaine is a HELL of a drug." reffering to I was drawing these Mark's like they were NOTHING. I attack for another 2500. He was at 5000 total. I think I was at like 1700. He draws into CyDrA. He specials in defense mode, giving me a token, he ends. I draw into Card Trooper. I mark the CyDra, switched it to ATK, GG.


5th ROUND MATCHUPS - SEMI FINALS - Just geuss what I faced.

Pregame Thoughts: It's over for me, this guy normally wins over me.

1st Round: I got OTK'd. Horrible opening hand for me. DSF for the GG.

2nd Round: I didn't get OTK'd, but I still got raped. Gales and all sorts of things everywhere.


MATCHES WON/LOST - 3 wins, 2 Losses.

RANKING: Third Place


PULLS: Some stupid rare, it was like Koaki'Meiru - Ice or something.

OVERALL: I geuss I did good, I'm fine with Third Place out of 14 people.


My opinion, I could've done better, but meh.

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He was at 5000 total. I think I was at like 17000.


Please tell me you meant 1700.


Anyways, sounds like you had a great day. Well, you did compared to me. I went to my locals to find out that they are no longer selling yugioh cards. To top it off, that was the last tournament that would be held there.

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He was at 5000 total. I think I was at like 17000.


Please tell me you meant 1700.


Anyways' date=' sounds like you had a great day. Well, you did compared to me. I went to my locals to find out that they are no longer selling yugioh cards. To top it off, that was the last tournament that would be held there.



Yeah that is what I meant, I'll fix it in a minute.

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Good job. I wish I could find my locals .-.


It's not that hard. Usually it's around a local comic or card shop' date=' even the mall if it's around your area.



Finding out when it happens is my problem >.<


Just ask them when they have the tournaments. Like day and time? =/

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