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revivial radiance (cards added-25 cards now)


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hi everybody!!!!! im new to YCM and am making my first post. firstly let me say i would enjoy any coments you might have and that i greatly accept constructive criticism. please let me know if you believe my cards are overpowered (or underpowered for that matter)

secondly i would like to say i have always been a fan of revival jam and lavagolem(ill probably make a lava golem set later on sometime....)

and so i decided to base my first set on revival jam. although hes not in this set himself, his long lost cousins are all here. so sit back and relax and enjoy the power of "revivial radiance" the newest set on the block :wink:











































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Well, one of the major things-improve on your grammar a bit and word the cards better.


I love Revival Jam-it's just his cost was huge. I was gonna make a deck around him, but it took too many cards to work and the deck would be more tedious than fun, even in a casual duel. I'd like to see a Revival Jam set-I like your idea! Although Revival Flame...I'm not too big on him...or Revival Twister =P The Revival Watchdog is a nice way around the costs, though. I think you should lower Revival Genesis's level-his effect isn't amazing, so he shouldn't be 12 stars.

I like your ideas, but everything's WAAAAAAAAAAAY too overpowered. Revival's Revival is basically a Quick-Play Monster Reborn for anything with "Revival" in its name(and that's a bit broken).The two-tribute "Revival" cards that have insane effects......make them harder to summon and instead of doubling your life points, maybe just gain 1500 Life Points or something along those lines...and Revival Flame HALVES their Life Points?! For TWO tributes? They can't attack for THREE turns? Destiny Hero Dogma halves Life Points, but he's a bizeatch to get out.


Work on the set and maybe focus more on cards involving the original Revival Jam. Keep at it and balance em out-it's about time Revival Jam got to see some play!

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Genesis should be 10. When I said he shouldn't be level 12, I didn't mean make him level 5 XD!


Revival Flame is fairly balanced-he has lower stats than Destiny Hero Dogma(Destiny Hero Dogma's 3400/2400) and the same cost. However, he should say "one of which must include "Revival" in its name". True, it's basically another "Destiny Hero Dogma, but he revives!


Good job. But you REALLY need to work on your grammar and OCG. Maybe I'll correct it when I have nothing better to do =P


And OCG is Official Card Grammar, which is kind of a certain way all Yu-Gi-Oh cards are worded.


8/10. I look forward to more-it's very good for your first set.

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First I would like to thank you for making a set based around revival jam, I love that card.


I have to agree with razieus, the original cards were HEAVILY broken but the improvements are better.


Some of the card art needs slight improvement, but its not extremely important. (Revival Ice is beautiful)

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heres a small set to follow up on the previous one. it only has 5 cards but tell me what you think. special thanks to razeius for giving me the tip to visit photobucket. im planning on making more exo-ultamatium cards later but still thats a mabe. weel see how the reviews for this are. oh by the way i know that exo-ultamatium is spelled wrong(its spelled with an e not an a on my card)













hope you liked them!!!!!

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