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Tryouts for Playboy/Playgirl HERE!!!

Leon Lonewolf

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seems only the ppl who got perma-banned and made another account for revenge are the kind the burst my bubbles



(What is your greatest accomplishment?)

I guess becoming a Lvl 5 member and making a some-what successful YCM set


lol and nitrogine particals xP

when is my birthday?

I'm not ur neighbor' date=' but since you brought it up, I'm guessing today


haha I wish you were my neighbour ;)

but as your not


December 14th, remember it.

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next question


Boxers or Tiddy Whities?


is that a trick question? Boxers

haha I wish you were my neighbour :wink:

but as your not


December 14th' date=' remember it.[/quote']I will

Why did you rape me last night? D:
Someone put dope in the air purifier -.- I got high :(
The more the merrier:)
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