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Oh Look a Smexi Girl (...Srsly...)


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Why wont you go to hospital?


I... hate... hospitals.....they smell of death and disease.... i refuse to go there...... and i hate doctors and needles.... and nurses always touching you.... NO ONE TOUCHES ME!!!!!! i hate it...(cept when mako does it) *shudders*

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K' date=' have fun dying. ;P


And if mako is a nurse? Would you go then?







I had susppected swine flu :mrgreen: It's not that bad' date=' I didn't go to hospital for it, and I was told it's just a tablet no needles.




O.o still I'd be babied like a bay.. and i'd lose it completely.. -urgh- i hate gettin attention it's so annoying....

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who said anything abou attention' date=' I just want people to know I was part of the pandemic :mrgreen:



yeah and u guys don't kno my family...

I have one of the LARGEST families in all of GEORGIA!!!! FOR GAWDS SAKE!!!

I'd get babied and end up hurtin pples feelings... (srry if i'm sounding like a jerk now.. i don't mean to but i really don't feel welll... again srry)

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No don't worry' date=' I hate it when people baby me when I'm ill I don't do ANYTHING, I'm not allowed to.



i kno.. urgh so anoying i just wanna say leave me alone!!! but i don't i just usually make my mom mad and she leaves me alone for a while.. but heck when i'm sick i still have to do stuff.. my dad makes me.. cuz he gets drunk and thinks i'm just fine... -.- I'll prolly go to H*** for saying this but i can't wait until he dies my life would be so much easier and i won't have to see my mom suffering from him anymore...

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umm....mai spiratuel enurgey wyll heel ya via intornetz' date=' KK?


lolz mkays..


To bad' date=' do you have any idea what's wrong, just wondering, i'm into medicine, mostly diseases.



it is a possibiblity that i amy be love sick or nervious...school fixin to start in 3 weeks and I haven't seen mako since MAy.. so.... that may be it...idk.. it's about time for my once a year cold... XD but i usuly get it in winter...

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school starts in 10 days here. TT.TT


Why havent you seen mako for so long?

our parents


Lucky' date=' my best friend is the smartest kid in our year, seems you're a strait a student you don't know what it's like to have a smarter best friend, what's it like being a strait a student?



it's annoying cuz everyone always asks u for help so i fixed that.. i act stupid. XD and no1 knos my grades... muhahahahahahaha i'm a genius..

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